Chapter 555

Hoho... It seems he’s quite riled up. Well, a gamer has to be competitive and confident in his skills. What he’s doing is not really a bad thing, I guess,’ Yong Tae-Pung thought, smiling and shaking his head.

He liked Siegfried's fighting spirit at the moment. Some could say that he was being bold or confident, but others could think that he was being reckless or even crazy.

Well, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that he was crazy right now. His bread and butter main skills were as good as sealed against his opponent, and he was actually going to fight that same opponent without any weapons? This meant that he could only exert about thirty to forty percent of his usual combat power, which could easily backfire against him.

Despite knowing that, Siegfried had moved forward with his decision to do so and had decided to fight a Level 300 NPC with his bare hands. This was something even a crazy person would not do unless they were truly confident in their own skills.

In other words, Yong Tae-Pung held Siegfried’s self-confidence in high regard.

He will realize a few things after getting beaten to a pulp, and it would serve as an excellent fertilizer for his future growth. I guess I’ll just step in right before things go from bad to worse,’ Yong Tae-Pung decided to watch from the sidelines for now and only step in after Siegfried was defeated or when the latter was in grave danger. He knew from experience that such reckless behavior was necessary for growth, so he let Siegfried do whatever he wanted this time.

Thud, thud, thud...

Siegfried couldn't care less what others thought about him as he walked toward Feinz.

Crack! Crack!

He stopped at a distance of around three or four meters away from the Immutable King and cracked his neck left and right. Then, he smirked and asked Feinz, “Hey, shall we start?”

Haha! How long do you think you’ll last against me? Ten seconds? Twenty seconds?” Feinz laughed and asked. Then, he smirked and said, “Why don’t you just draw your weapon? You’re going to end up using it later any—”

It was then.


Feinz hurriedly jumped back after Siegfried had rushed at him, but he was a step too late. Siegfried was way faster than him, and his steps were far more efficient compared to him.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Siegfried moved like a pro boxer and chased after Feinz with two steps, and he threw a left-right one-two jab combo the moment he was in range. The one-two jab combo broke through Feinz’s guard, and it was followed up by a left hook that—


—connected straight to Feinz’s chin.

Argh!” Feinz gasped.


However, Siegfried didn't give Feinz any room to breathe, as he immediately followed up with an uppercut.


Feinz flew several meters away, crashing into a wall.

A deafening silence fell upon the hall.

Everyone had their mouths agape and were speechless at what they had just witnessed. None of them had ever imagined that Siegfried had such skills. Was he really fighting without his debuff fields and weapon right now? How could he display such movements without using any of his character’s skills?

They could not believe this was happening even though they had just witnessed it with their own eyes.

Siegfried walked up to the Immutable King and said, “My fists are enough to mess up a weakling like you. I don’t need my weapon for that.”


“Alright, here comes round two!” Siegfried said before quickly closing the distance with Feinz. ***

Haha... Hahaha...” Yong Tae-Pung laughed in disbelief at the ridiculous sight happening in front of him.

The duel between Siegfried and the Immutable King turned out to be the complete opposite of what Yong Tae-Pung had expected. He expected Siegfried to receive a one-sided pummeling from the Immutable King, but it was the other way around.

Siegfried was beating the living daylights out of Feinz. No, it wasn't just a simple beating. Siegfried was completely dominating the Immutable King.

Bam! Bam! Smack!

Feinz would become a sandbag from being a king whenever Siegfried threw his punches and kicks.

Ah! Argh! Aaaack!”

And the Immutable Sandbag would scream in agony whenever he was struck by Siegfried's kicks and fists.

However, that was not the end of it. Siegfried would use all sorts of grappling techniques to separate Feinz’s bones from the joints in his body.

“T-That’s a bit...”

“I think he’s going overboard.”

“That guy’s definitely our enemy, but... I feel sorry for him...”

The Rankers were starting to feel sorry for the Immutable King while shaking their heads at Siegfried’s viciousness.

What Siegfried was doing to Feinz right now could no longer be described as dominating a duel, as it was already borderline cruel torture at this point. He had been beating up and slamming Feinz to the ground at every opportunity that came his way, and the Rankers would flinch whenever the grotesque noise of cracking bones or snapping in half echoed throughout the hall.

“He’s truly a monster... Hoho...” Yong Tae-Pung said, chuckling wryly while shaking his head. He couldn't have imagined, even in his wildest dreams, that Siegfried could display such a level of combat prowess without relying on his debuff skills or weapon.

Meanwhile, this outcome was not really surprising to Siegfried himself. He was already overflowing with confidence from the start, and he firmly believed that he could beat Feinz to a pulp with only his fists.

I’ll just beat the crap out of him.’

He had already come up with a plan the moment he read Feinz’s information through the Rune of Insight.

Immune to debuffs? No problem!

He could just use his other skills, like the Grand Duel, or his powerful offensive skills that were still available to him, such as Quick Draw and Torrential Flower Rain. However, he planned to use something different this time, and it was none other than the techniques he had learned from Leonid, the Grappling King.

Siegfried could fight barehanded without any problems after learning all sorts of techniques, plus the two secret techniques of the Grappling King. In other words, Siegfried could easily beat the Four Heavenly King Feinz even without his debuffs or weapons.

Bam! Bam!

Smack, smack!

Puk! Puk!


Siegfried did not stop beating up the Immutable Sandbag.

Ack! P-Please! Stop!” Feinz screamed and pleaded. He was so shocked that he couldn't control his own mouth, ‘I-Impossible! How come I was defeated so easily—Ack!’

The information provided by the church stated that Siegfried was a melee combatant, who heavily relied on his debuff fields and weapons, but he was definitely getting beaten to a pulp by a fighter who specialized in close-combat quarters and grappling.

There were not that many brawlers on the continent, but Siegfried would definitely be in the top ten regardless of whether there were one hundred brawlers or one hundred million brawlers out there.


Siegfried grabbed Feinz by his neck and said, “Hmm... I think you look ugly.”

“W-What the fuck are you say—”

“I think you’ll need some work done on your face.”

“W-Work on my face...?”

“The quotation will be around... One thousand hits?”[1]


“Yup, let’s go with that. Here comes the anesthesia!” Siegfried said before planting his fist smack center into Feinz’s face.

Kuheok!” Feinz gasped.

“I’ll start the operation,” Siegfried said, pretending to be a plastic surgeon.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Bam! Bam! Bam! Smaaack!

He used Machine Gun Smash with his fists, throwing punches in the same interval, power, and speed as if he were a machine. He showed no signs of stopping as if he really planned to fill the one thousand hits quotation he had given to Feinz not too long ago.

Three minutes later, Feinz’s face was smashed beyond recognition, and Siegfried simply threw him away like a ragdoll.

Shockingly, he beat a Level 300 NPC to death with only his fists.

“Oh no~ The patient has died mid-surgery! May the deceased rest in peace,” Siegfried said, feigning a sad look. Then, he looked at the Church of Osric members and said, “I am so sorry for your loss.”

A chill traveled down the spines of the church members, causing them to freeze from the crippling fear crawling up their legs.

H-He’s crazy!’

‘That’s a psychopath...!’

‘No, he’s the devil himself!’

‘He’s a demon pretending to be a human!’

‘How can a human being be so cruel...?’

Siegfried’s cruelty struck fear into the hearts of the Church of Osric members.

However, what he said next made the church members feel like biting their tongues and committing suicide before suffering the same fate as Feinz.

“Next patient, please!”


The war ended in the victory of the coalition forces thanks to Siegfried killing Death Fog.

“We won! We won!”

“W-We really won...!”

“I have no idea what’s happening... but we won without a doubt!”

“I survived...!”

The coalition forces soldiers were stunned by the sudden turn of events. They looked around, dazed for a while, before bursting into tears after realizing that they had indeed won the war against the undead monsters.

Who cared how they won? It wasn't as important to them as the fact that the undead monsters had crumbled into dust and had disappeared into the wind. They were no longer a threat to their loved ones back home, and neither did their loved ones have to seek refuge in another kingdom.

The realization of winning the war made the soldiers cry tears of joy and shout at the top of their lungs.


“We won!”


On the other hand, Prince Kyrix was busy trying to figure out the reason behind their victory.

“Call the Immortal Kingdom and find out what’s going on! Hurry!”

“Yes! Your Majesty!”

The signalman returned five minutes later.

“Your Majesty! We have received a response from the Immortal Kingdom!”

“Really? I will personally speak with them.”

Prince Kyrix headed straight for the communications tent. He stood in front of the communications device, and the person on the other end of the call was not an undead monster of the Immortal Kingdom.

— Oh? You survived?

Siegfried was waving his hand and smiling brightly.

“Y-Your Majesty! Are you safe?!” Prince Kyrix asked hurriedly.

— Of course! I was safe from the start.”


— So what happened was...

Siegfried proceeded to explain Operation Trojan Horse to the prince.


Prince Kyrix felt like he was hit at the back of the head after hearing the story behind Siegfried getting abducted.

“T-Then you were not abducted...? It was all planned out from the start?”

— Yeah, it is exactly as I told you just now. Oh, I guess it scared you a lot. Hmm... Maybe I should’ve let you in on the plan, at least...? Hehe...

Siegfried scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

— Anyway, it’s all over now.

Haha... Hahaha...”

— Congratulations on your victory.

Siegfried gave his heartfelt congratulations to the prince.

“Your Majesty...” Prince Kyrix muttered. Then, tears started forming in the corner of his eyes, “Sniff...!”

Eh? Why are you crying?

“H-How am I supposed to repay Your Majesty...?”

— Isn’t it obvious? What other way is there aside from this?

Siegfried made a circle with his thumb and index fingers.


The prince was stunned after Siegfried suddenly brought up money during this emotional moment.

— I worked my ass off, so I trust you will reward me handsomely. You will, right? Right? Hehehe!

“T-That is...”

— You’re not going to make me sad, right?

“Of course not!”

Hoho! Then I’ll be coming over. See you in a bit.

The call ended with that.

“It seems that King Siegfried loves money...” Prince Kyrix muttered after realizing just how much of a money grubber his idol was.

However, it did not matter to him at all.


It was all because that money grubber was the savior of the three kingdoms in the coalition. Would they feel it was a waste to reward tons of gold to their savior? That would be preposterous!

Prince Kyrix planned to reward Siegfried as much as his kingdom’s finances could afford.


Meanwhile, the news of the Immortal Kingdom’s defeat was not good news for everyone.

The coalition forces’ victory was a cause for celebration for many, but there were some who found themselves between a rock and a hard place because of the former's victory.

They were none other than the Adventurers who had chosen to side with the Immortal Kingdom. The one million undead legion was nowhere to be seen after scattering into dust that disappeared into the wind, and only the Adventurers were left standing on the battlefield.

The coalition forces slowly surround the remaining Adventurers. The more than one hundred thousand troops surrounded the Adventurers, and the encirclement was closing in on them.

The majority of the Adventurers remaining were all members of the United Guild, and Palchuck, their guild master, could only bite his lips, knowing that they would soon die.

1. Plastic surgery is common in Korea and the doctors will usually give a quote after the consultation. Siegfried is pretending to be a plastic surgeon right now. ☜

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