Chapter 203

When the bright light occupies the eyes, and after a while, my eyes open.Suddenly the sea disappeared all over the place, and we moved from Arkina to this place, and we stood right in the middle of the swamp where mangroves were everywhere."Uh"I knew at best that I would return to Tratan, and I embarrassed and looked around.Whether it was the same as not knowing eat to say, Callisto also glanced around with a grimace. It was then."Your highness-!"About thirty knights, armed from afar, came up, cutting the vines with difficulty. Fortunately, an acquaintance stood in the lead."You are here, Your Highness. It’s been a long time, Princess."When the prince’s aide arrived at us, he exhaled a rough breath and bowed lowly. Before answering, the Crown Prince asked fiercely."Where is this place?"Updated from light//no/ve/lpub[.]com"It’s a bog in the Bopulia forest near the border.""Who asked you that? Why did you summon us here, Cedric Potter?" "Yes? Didn’t you tell me to do the summoning magic?""You should have sent to the Duchy near the street. How do you fight in the war if you’re so short-the- head?""Ha, butThe wizards that remain in the Imperial Palace are those under the control of His Majesty.""You should have moved her somewhere safe, like in a town or something. What’s this?" Callisto kicked the mud ground cursing imperial family with vulgar words.I hated it and went away from him as far as I could. "Oh no, that’s"Cedric, who had just done what he said, was embarrassed.It seemed to be like seeing myself in the early days in the Duchy. ’It was the worst thing I’ve ever been.’As I glanced at his golden hair and thought so inside, Cedric ansered with a tearful face.Visit l/ightno/velpub[.]c//om for the best novel reading experience"Do you think the wizards who know how to summon long distances are under your control, Your Highness?""If we’ve been raided as soon as we got here, and the Princess would get hurt it all, will you take responsibility? Huh?"Suddenly, the Crown Prince answered with the same question. ’What, why are you bringing me in all of a sudden?’I looked back at him with astonishment. Cedric eyes wide open.But not only that, but the Crown Prince threw the next bomb."Oh, since we’re all here, I’ll say hello. Be a guard for Crown Prince’s future consort. Give your life to protect her."I literally opened my mouth."What? Your Highnesssuddenly got married?""This isn’t a dream, is it?"Updated from ligh/tnovel/pub[.]com"There is a lady who would accept our prince"The knights who were behind Cedric lined up in instant. But then, one by one, they began to bow."Hello, Your Highness, Princess!""It’s an honor to meet you, Your Royal Highness, Crown Princess! Hooray!" My view shook frantically at the crazy situation.Unlike me, the Crown Prince looked gladly at his men and turned his head to me."Princess, these guys are the ones who have been on the battlefield with me for years. You’ll see them more often from now on, so at least get used to their facesPrincess! Where are you going?"I couldn’t hear more of him, and I turned and walked around.However, in a flash, the Crown Prince jumped and blocked the front, forcing me to stop again. "Why is your face so red?"He suddenly reached out his hand to my face. I snapped the hand off and said.Updated from lightn/ov/elpub[.]/com"If you keep saying weird things again, let’s pretend we didn’t come along. I’m afraid I’m going on my own.""What do you mean weird? For your safety’s sake, I only gave a lesson to those who would be your subordinate in the future""Your mouth, shut up!"I rushed to him and blocked his mouth with my hand.Callisto’s eyes, which had been slowing lowered down for a while, opened beautifully like half a month. "Oh, was it a secret relationship? I’m sorry.""When I!""Don’t be angry. I’ll be careful about security from now on. Huh?" "What!"Callisto slowly looked at me and lowered my hand which was covering his mouth. I was stunned and kept bursting out with anger.’When did I say I’m dating you?!’Visit /l/ightnovelpub[.]com for a better experienceOn the contrary, I just said that we can’t be together when everything is over. "I’m sorry for bringing you here."However, as he watched me angry and touched my hand carefully, I couldn’t even ask when he did it. My heart was pounding.Then I realized that they had a strange gaze on us."Hmm, hmm! Anyway, how do I get back to the capital now?"I hurriedly pulled out the hand held by him and got away of him."Dear Princess, were you threatened by His Highness when you were alone?" In the meantime, Cedric approached me and cut off my words and asked. "Huh? What""If so, please give me a double cough. I somehow""Cedric Porter, stop talking nonsense and stay away from my fiancée."Maybe he understood him like he was a ghost, but the Crown Prince muttered a dreary mumble and lifted his chin.Whether it was true that monsters were not far away, the transparent barrier were swaying whenever the fire hits it.But when they finally got through, the birds didn’t fire any more, but they turned and flew high. "What"Suddenly, in the open sky, everyone looked up with an unknown expression. Piedong-.The rain suddenly began to pour down from the flock of birds that rose as high as a cloud of ink. sswaaaaa-.A great number of raindrops. No, at the same time, the arrows that resemble the raindrops were coming down at us."It’s Delman!" Someone shouted. Translator: AikoHiao Raw provider: Rose439

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