Chapter 202

With the mirror wand in my hand, the Crown Prince and I escaped the dreary temple, or tomb of the ancient Leila."Yala Bula Artino!"We moved out of the dreary desert by reciting some crazy spells, and moved near the coast of the island’s edge."How do we get out of here?"Looking at the endless sea, I was overwhelmed.I was so focused on coming that I wasn’t prepared to get out of the whole time."Well, I wouldn’t mind living here with you."Unlike me who was worried, the Crown Prince spoke nonsense with a blank look. The smile disappeared from his playful face.- So... Can we stay here instead of going back? What he said in Leila’s grave came to my mind.My heart became heavy. I know what he wants and I know what he’s saying. "...Please, stop that nonsense."For more, visit lightnovelpub[.]c/omInstead of losing my expression, I struggled with a sulky look. The Crown Prince tilted his head at my words."Why is it bullshit?""Look around. How can we live here when there’s nothing here?""Don’t worry. I won’t let you starve to death. I’m pretty good at hunting. Do you like fish?" "No!"I shouted at him, fed up with his words.I heard the sound of him laughing and the wind blowing rang out.At that moment, I was greatly relieved. I looked back at him, hiding my mixed feelings. "...You can go first, Your Highness.""Hmm?""You know how to be summoned to the palace in case of emergency. Why don’t you go there first and come pick me up."For more, visit li/gh/tn//ovelpub[.]comIt would only work on someone with the blood of the Imperial family, so I could not go with him. Recalling the Crown Prince who had disappeared alone before work, I made a first move.The Crown Prince, who had a puzzled look on his face, answered with a ’what do you mean?’. "I can’t go.""Why?""I told you there’s a powerful magic barrier here and I’ve never succeeded in infiltrating. Summoning spells can only be done by breaking through the barrier.""Ah."When I remembered that fact, I made a stupid noise for a moment.My eyes began to shake violently at his words. "Then, are we really trapped here?""Well, that’s what happened. Your good friend here can throw you a fish party." (NOTE: THIS HANDSOME MAN ALWAYS MAHE ME LOOH DUMBFOUNDED)As if he was really going to live here, the Crown Prince sat down on the sandy beach. "You knew then...!"For more, visit lightnovelpub[.]comDid he follow me without saying a word even though he knew that?It was around this time that I was stuttering in amazement at his eccentricity. "Don’t just stand there, sit down. My neck hurts."The Crown Prince grabbed onto my dress and pulled me down.As I was about to cry out about this extreme situation when he was sitting so carefree, but instead closed my mouth and sat down next to him.Only because there was nothing urgent to say.Whenever it happens, it’ll all be over if Yvonne is defeated.’Since the Crown Prince is gone, someone’s going to come to pick him up.’In the meantime, it was none of my business whether or not the Duke was alright. When the nervousness disappeared, peace came.Shoo, shoo.- As I stared blankly beyond the shoreline listening to the sound of the waves, I suddenly opened my mouth.Updated from light/novelpub/[.]com"Your highness."Callisto, who was also looking blankly beyond the sea, turned towards me at my words. "By any chance, do you know if the golden dragon’s fangs are in the Imperial Palace?" "The fangs of the golden dragon?"The Crown Prince furrowed his eyebrows at the random question. I was wondering whether I should ask or not.However, it seemed wiser to directly ask the person who was from the palace, who was next to me, than to search for it in person.Nodding his head, Callisto opened his mouth again. "Why? It’s the emperor’s treasure." "Emperor’s...treasure?""Yes. You must have it with Jade Seal to prove that you are the emperor of the empire." Callisto answered coolly."Ah, is that so?""You know the story of the founding of the Empire. Oh, maybe you don’t know because you’re not actually from around here."Whether he was teasing me or not, he continued in a vague tone.Updated from lightnovelpub[.]com"In the beginning of the Empire, there is a national legend that Golden Dragon, who took care of humans from evil, was buried under the Imperial Palace."After all, it is called the "Golden Dragon Tomb". I had guessed so far, I nodded silently."The dragon gave his descendants his fangs before he went to sleep eternally. He became the first emperor, and that’s what’s been going on until now.""I see.""The fangs are hidden in the Imperial Palace which is always carried by the emperor because they contain magical forces. It’s a top secret only the imperial family knows."My eyes were wide open at the last part of his words. "Can you just tell me something like...that?""Why not? When you asked me that, didn’t you intend to take fangs and change the Empire?" The Crown Prince asked back with a face full of laughter."It’s not like that."I answered with a frown. for a better experienceGuys, this will be my last time translating I work full time and I’ll be taking on new responsibilities for a while. So I won’t be having much free time. I’m so honored that the lovely @Eiffellyanaw allowed me to help her translate this wonderful novel. I had so much fun and loved interacting with everyone here. I wish happiness and health to every single one of you. Much love, akireatomTranslator: akireatom Raw provider: Rose439

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