Death… And Me

Chapter 605 - With Roan

Chapter 605 - With Roan

Rean didn't have time to complain, though. Before he could say anything else, his consciousness was pulled out of the white world, being sent back to his body. Following that, the diagram on the man's forehead lit up before condensing a Rank Five Bloodline Mark, shooting into Rean's forehead before he could do anything.

Rean had finally gotten a Rank Five Bloodline Soul Mark.

However, his expression was anything but good. He gritted his teeth as he tightened his fists to the point blood came out.


Just as he was about to punch something, Rean heard Kentucky's voice as he looked behind him. Rean wasn't the only one with a Rank Five Bloodline Mark on his forehead. Kentucky also had one.

Kentucky quickly rubbed his head against Rean, seeing that he finally woke up.

It turned out that Kentucky was the very first one to wake up with a Bloodline Mark while everyone was still trapped.


After some time, Rean remembered what Liza said. She wasn't in this place at the moment, so he wouldn't be able to save her even if he wanted to.

Rean then connected to the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm and showed all his memories to Sister Orb.

[Sniff, sniff... How could they do something like that to her?]

'Sister Orb, can you analyze the Soul Formation in this place and pinpoint her location?'

[Sorry... Soul Formations are different from what we have in the database.]

Rean found it somewhat strange. The Soul Gem System could analyze the normal formations independently of level. It's just that the higher the complexity, the longer it took. Given time, Sister Orb would even be able to take control over the natural formations of the Lakures. In a certain way, it showed that the Soul Gem System had the ability to work with any formation that it was given to. However, how come it couldn't do anything to this type of formation?

It was then that an idea popped into Rean's mind.

'Wait! Sister Orb, could it be that during the time Soul Gem was still alive, Soul Power wasn't something that was used yet?'

Sister Orb was taken aback by Rean's words. However...

[I can't tell you that...]

Rean didn't mind, though. That was more than enough of a confirmation.

'I see... That's what I thought. Then again, I would need to know just how long it has been since Soul Gem had made the Soul Gem System. At least at this moment, I'm inclined to believe that several tens of thousands of years had passed.'

Rean then decided to wait for Roan to wake up before discussing these things with him. Following that, he looked at Kentucky before asking.

"By the way, I didn't expect that Demon Beasts could get Bloodline Marks as well. How did you do that?"

*Chick! Chick! Chick!*

Kentucky quickly ran to the big-breasted woman before rubbing his head against her.

*Chick! Chick!*

Rean scratched the back of his head as he sighed. He already understood how things played out. Back inside that Illusion World, Liza told him that she couldn't leave her sisters behind. She didn't say siblings, but sisters.

'In the end, Kentucky has always been loved by women as much as he loved them as well. If Liza's sisters were similar to Liza herself, then it was easy to imagine love at first sight when she saw Kentucky.'

That was true. Kentucky had always been great with women, let alone one that looked as young as Liza. He probably played with the girl in his dream until she was satisfied. In the end, she gave Kentucky the mark as a way of saying thanks.

Rean then patted Kentucky's head as he said.

"Thank you for giving one of them some happiness in this situation."


Kentucky couldn't understand what he was saying very well, but he knew that Rean seemed pleased with him. Naturally, it made Kentucky happy too.

Rean then looked at Roan as he waited for him to wake up. However, it was then that an idea popped into his mind again.

On Roan's side, he was indeed inside the same type of illusion world as Rean and the others. Once he heard that crying sound, Kafan and all the Death Spirits around him began to disappear. In the end, he was sent into the same white world as Rean. It's just that the girl in front of him wasn't Liza, but someone of similar age.

Roan narrowed his eyes as he looked at her, asking.

"Who are you?"

The girl trembled a bit and quickly ran away. However, there wasn't anywhere for her to hide to start with. Everything was just an enormous patch of flat white land.

Roan sighed, seeing that he scared the girl.

"Alright, stop running already. I won't do anything to you."

Well, his cold expression didn't help much.

The girl finally stopped before looking at him once again. Nevertheless, she was still trembling.

Just as Roan was about to ask her something, another voice echoed in his mind.

'Errr, errr, testing, testing! Reality to Ice Cube in the illusion, do you copy? If the sac of frigid emotionless water can hear me, please answer. Over!'

Roan's mouth twitched for a moment as he replied to Rean's Soul Connection message.

"Go to hell! Can't you take things seriously?"


The girl in front of Roan was frightened by Roan's outburst and immediately began to run again. Naturally, Roan felt even worse with that. If he could just kick Rean right about now...

Roan then began to run after the girl while using the Soul Connection to talk to Rean.

'Forget it! I tried to contact you through our Soul Connection many times, but I didn't get an answer. How come we can do it now?'

Rean laughed before answering.

'It's probably because I'm already out of the illusion that we all entered, so I can connect with your sleeping body.'

Rean then ended his jokes and used their Soul Connection to transfer all his memories of what happened with Liza to Roan.

'I see...'

Roan didn't waste time and did the same thing, showing what he was seeing in his illusion world.

'So that's one of Liza's sisters. Alright, you can't let this chance slip. You must obtain as much information from her as possible. From the looks of it, our time in the illusion world is limited.'

Roan pondered for a bit and nodded, responding.

'Very well.'

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