Chapter 604 - Liza

Rean and Roan were not the only ones, though. Calina, Qia, Agis, and even Kentucky were also undergoing similar experiences. Calina was seeing her parents on Sunkan Planet. Qia was working in the Formation Masters Guild. As for Agis, he was back at his clan, where he had received the acceptance of the clan head. Even though he was this young, he had already surpassed their clan head. Last but not least, Kentucky was having... a very steamy dream...

Back at Rean's side, the moment he heard that cry, everything around him started to change. It seemed like an illusion that began to distort.

"Wait! Mom, I haven't said anything yet!"

Rean stretched his hands, trying to grab his previous world's mother, but it simply passed through her. Without him noticing, tears flowed out of his eyes.

Unfortunately, the illusion distorted even more until it was simply impossible to see make out anything. Following that, the world changed into a giant space of white as far as Rean's eyes could see.

In the end, Rean could only sigh. Sure enough, nothing was real.

*Sniff, sniff...*

Suddenly, he heard the same crying sound once again as he looked behind himself. A little crying was sitting on the floor with hands wrapped around her knees and head between her legs, crying from time to time. Rean couldn't recognize her, though. At the very least, he was sure that this girl was not the same person he initiated his Bloodline Trial with.

Rean looked around, making sure that this wasn't a trap or anything like that. However, he couldn't feel any malice. Eventually, he took a deep breath and approached the girl.

"Hey, who are you?"

The little girl raised her head, looking at Rean with sorrow.

"I'm sorry... I didn't want to do it. I really didn't."

Rean had a puzzled expression on his face before realizing what the little girl was talking about.

"Are you talking about the illusion just now?"

The little girl nodded.

"I'm sorry..."

Rean sighed once again as he sat by the girl's side. Following that, he patted her head.

"Why are you apologizing? If anything, I should be thanking you instead."

The girl looked back at Rean.

"Thank me? Why?"

Rean laughed as he continued.

"Isn't that obvious? I thought I would never be able to see my mother again. You should know why right?"

The little girl nodded as she replied.

"I didn't know what a Universe, planets, and all of that was. However, I found it out from your memories. You came from another half of this Universe. You can't go back anymore... No, even if you can, too much time has passed already. Your mother has most likely passed away already."

Saying those words made the girl cry even more, though.

Rean didn't mind, though.

"It's fine. I always thought that I didn't have many feelings for my parents in my past life because of the problem in my soul. However, only today did I find out that it wasn't completely true. The moment I saw her, I felt like a hole in my heart had been finally filled up. Well, I wish I had the chance to talk with her a little more than that, though. Hahaha!"

The girl dropped her head again.

"I'm sorry..."

Rean shook his head in response.

"It's fine. Something tells me you didn't do that on purpose."

Eventually, Rean decided to enter the main topic at hand.

"Tell me, who are you? Where am I at the moment? Am I still in the Rank Five Bloodline Trial, or is this another place altogether?"

The girl nodded before explaining.

"You are still in the Rank Five Bloodline Trial. However, there is no need for you to go through any test. I'll give you the Bloodline Mark. It should be more than enough for you to be able to manifest your Soul Power. Sorry for putting you through this. Just pretend I didn't exist."

The little girl then raised her hand as a faint blue light began to gather around it. However...


Rean suddenly grabbed the girl's hand, immediately stopping the process.

"Alright, you can stop that."

The little girl looked at Rean with surprise in her eyes.

"But... You came here for the Rank Five Bloodline Mark."

Rean snorted, though.

"Hmph! So what if I don't get a Bloodline Mark? I'll find another way later. However, I won't be able to forgive myself if I simply let you stay in this place. You were planning to send me back and continue here, right? Like hell would I accept something like that!"

The little girl was taken aback.

"But, weren't you already going to sacrifice the person in front of you for the Bloodline Mark?"

Rean didn't deny that at all.

"Yes. However, that was because I couldn't save that person anymore. If my theory is right, the soul had already fused with the diagrams, making it impossible for him to come back. He wouldn't be able to even think anymore. It's not wrong to say that he was more like an empty sac than a person."

Rean then looked at the girl with an angry expression.

"However! You are obviously different! You can think, you can feel, you can say sorry, you can even realize my desire and give me the Bloodline Mark. You're not just an empty vessel. You're a very cute and gentle little girl. If I go out, then you shall come with me. Otherwise, I'm not leaving!"

Rean said those words with a serious tone. He didn't know what was happening, but he was sure that this girl had no malicious intentions.

The girl's eyes teared up even more before she threw herself into his embrace and wailed even louder.

Rean sighed, seeing that.

'Just what is happening here? What have the Zasfins made this girl pass through?'

However, he quickly shook his head and put those thoughts behind. Following that, he began to laugh once again.

"Hahaha! Alright, alright! Look at you. You're already quite big, so you shouldn't cry that much. By the way, I'm Rean Larks. What's your name?"

The girl softly nodded as she replied.

"I'm... Liza."

Rean nodded with a satisfied expression.

"What a beautiful name. Alright, Liza. Can you explain what's happening here? How come you have the power to give me a Bloodline Mark?"

Liza dropped her head once again before answering.

"That's because I'm the core of the Soul Formation that provides everyone their Bloodline Marks."

Rean was taken aback.

"Wait! The Core of a Soul Formation? No, that's not right. I'm a Light Element user born with Light Element affinity. Even in this illusionary world, I can at least tell that you're definitely a human."

The girl nodded.

"I'm a human. Only humans can control the Bloodline Soul Formations. My body and soul are sealed in the core of the formation to be used as the core."

Rean began to become more confused. Wasn't Soul Power the Zasfin Race's trait? Why would humans be used as the core of a Soul Formation? As far as he knew, humans were supposed to have very weak Soul Powers.

"Do you know why only humans can do it?"

Liza shook her head.

"That's what the big Zasfin Uncles told me. They didn't tell me why even after asking."

Rean nodded, not trying to force the issue.

"Then, can you tell me what those humans are? They were all locked on the walls of the Bloodline Trial."

Liza then explained.

"They are the sacrifices. Their souls will be compressed and transformed into a Bloodline Soul Mark once a compatible host is found."

It was then that a hint of cold light passed through Rean's eyes.

"It's you who compresses their souls and transforms them into Soul Marks, right?"

The girl felt the change in Rean's emotions and felt a bit of fear.

"I... I'm sorry... I didn't want to do it."

Rean noticed that he let his emotions surface for a moment and felt like beating himself up. He wasn't angry at Liza, not at all. He only felt like destroying whoever made Liza pass through this. After all, they forced her to kill who knows how many humans up to this point. His anger had nothing to do with her.

"Hahaha! Why do you look so scared? Do you think I'm angry with you?"

Liza nodded her head, to which Rean hastily replied.

"Bullshit! Your big brother here would never feel angry at you. At least, not because of something like this. I'm angry at the Zasfins that put you there, not you."

"Big brother?"

Rean patted her head again before asking.

"What? Are you disappointed? If you don't want to, I don't mind taking it back."

Liza immediately shook her head. She didn't hate it at all.

"I like it!"

Rean smiled in response.

"Good! Now then, Liza. Tell me where the formation is. I'm going there to take you out."

Rean knew that doing that wouldn't solve the problem. Even if he succeeded, she would simply be swapped by someone else. Still, he couldn't simply leave her there.

However, Liza shook her head. Following that, she showed a smile before faint blue light began to gather around her hands again.

"It's fine, big brother. You shouldn't come. It's too dangerous. Besides, I don't want to leave my sisters behind."

Rean was taken aback and immediately grabbed her hand again.

"Stop right there! Who the hell would accept this kind of conclusion? I told you I'm not leaving you behind! Also, there's no need for any freaking Bloodline Soul Mark. I don't want you to kill any more humans for the sake of others. Don't worry, I'll find a way!"

Liza then hugged Rean once again. However, the faint blue light only intensified.

"Our time is up, Big Brother. Also, I'm not there with you. I'm somewhere else, really far away. Don't worry, I... I'm already used to it."

Rean almost exploded in rage. Used to it? With that trembling body and with tears in her eyes? There's no way in hell would he believe that!

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