Death… And Me

Chapter 2625 Passing Time

Chapter 2625 Passing Time

"Of course not!" Huban quickly explained. "Why would anyone lose such an opportunity?"

The Chaos Laws have the potential to become any laws, and it might indeed lead to the secret of breaking through into the Celestial Realm. However, there is another advantage. Comprehension of Laws is what Space-Time and Divinity Realm experts need to increase their cultivation, and it is usually extremely slow.

Now, with the presence of the Hidden Realm and the Chaos Laws, it might be their chance to break through into new realms. Some are stuck in some stage for countless years, pretty much without hope of advancing. Others have already gathered enough energy to break through, but the slowness of the law's comprehension is barring them from taking the next steps. Last but not least, you have Peak Divinity Realm experts like Landeau. They have already merged their laws into Major Laws and stand at the peak of cultivation in the Universe. Yet, they still can't change the laws like the Semi-Celestials. Who knows? Perhaps the Hidden Realm will be the trigger for them to break straight into the Celestial Realm. After all, Semi-Celestials are nothing more than Divinity Realm experts who failed to break through into the next realm.

One can't forget that the Hidden Realm isn't there only to help these experts to breakthrough. What about treasures? The twins were given a totem that contained a trace of Chaos Laws. Such items are priceless in the Realm of Gods, and usually only Semi-Celestials have them. But if they can bring more of such items to the Realm of Gods and in the future when new Space-Time and Divinity Realm experts appear, they will be worth a fortune.

That's what Huban explained to the twins. "You see the advantages of such a trip? Forget Divinity and Space-Time Realm experts; there will be plenty of Elemental Transformation and even Space-Bending Realm experts there too. They will all be brought within the Semi-Celestials Pocket Dimensional Realms and will be released in the Hidden Realm to look for such treasures. Well, I find it quite a suicide action to go to such a place with that cultivation, but who am I to judge their thoughts? Great Risks bring great rewards. It has always been like that."

The twins sighed as they thought about it. "Well, we are just assuming all these things. Perhaps there is no such thing as Chaos Laws in that place. Even if there is, who said there will definitely be danger if no one has ever been there? Hell, this Hidden Realm might be nothing more than a small island floating behind the fabric of space with absolutely nothing worth to it."

"That's all possible," Huban was happy they understood. "Anyway, you know what to expect from such a trip. Nonetheless, you should go. After all, you are in the Space-Time Realm, so the Chaos Laws, if they exist there, will be a great boost for you two. Even my Essence Race is sending Landeau and a few Space-Time Realm members."

Landeau then turned around. "Master, if this is everything, I'll take my leave. Rean, Roan, I'll depart ten days prior to the meeting, so you can do whatever you want during this time. Just make sure you are here when I leave since I definitely won't wait for you." He then left without waiting for an answer.

Huban saw that and found it funny. "Don't take it to heart. He might be like that, but Landeau is absolutely someone you can trust. If he says he will do something, he will do it even if it costs his life. He just has a bad temper."

"Simply put, he is a Roan of the Essence Race," Rean nodded.

Roan glanced at Rean with a murderous intent. Too bad that killing Rean would mean his death as well. "Enough of your bullshit. I'm going back to the Dimensional Realm to prepare, and you should do the same." Right after, he disappeared.

"Hahaha!" Rean saw the red color of killing intent but completely disregarded that. How many times had he seen it coming from Roan in his direction? "Alright. Senior Huban, is there a place we can stay? We better not leave to prevent any mishaps."

As soon as they said that, the same maid that brought them to see Huban entered the room. "Master Rean, please follow me."

Rean nodded and followed the maid. Still, it was the first time Rean had seen a human in the Essence Race, so on the way, he couldn't help but ask. "Are you one of the people brought to this City to repopulate it?"

The maid shook her head and seemed to fall into a deep thought before speaking. "I was already a maid in this place when the Devils were in charge."

Rean didn't expect that reaction. Most humans... well, any living being, in fact... would rejoice to know they wouldn't have their souls taken or have to serve the Devils anymore. Yet, Rean was certain there was a tinge of sadness on her expression when he mentioned the Devils. "Are you not happy that the Devils are gone? You do know what they were doing, right?"

The woman glanced at Rean with a little surprise. "Pardon me for my lack of thought. There is no need to read too much into it."

Rean was still curious. He would have to wait here for a month or so anyway. "Come on, you can talk with a fellow human, can't you? I'm quite curious about how the humans in this place lived with the Devils. Don't worry. I don't hold any meaningless prejudice."

As they walked, the woman began to talk. It wasn't any secret anyway. "Well... The Devil in charge of this city was Lord Kamei. He was a harsh devil... but he didn't really mistreat any of the humans in this city. Those who lived here could be said to be very fortunate."

Rean nodded. "The Devil race is just that, a race. It is not because one if a Devils that he is absolutely bad. I'm happy you were lucky to live in the territory of a Devil that didn't mistreat your group."

The woman was even more surprised this time. "You are the first to not think I'm an idiot."

"Hahaha!" Rean laughed in response. "I've met many Devils in the past. Sure, the majority of them were quite unbearable... but there were a few not that bad." Rean obviously remembered the Light Devils of the Underworld.

The maid was happy to hear that and began to talk a lot with Rean until they finally arrived in the guest room. During the stay in Essence City, she made sure to be the one to attend Rean's room, and she talked a lot. It was quite a good way of passing time

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