Death… And Me

Chapter 2624 More Experts

Chapter 2624 More Experts

The twins had to admit the Semi-Celestials of the Realm of Gods made the right choice. What surprised them was the fact someone would truly choose to stay. "Was it another reason for them to give you those ten continents?" Roan asked after thinking about it a little.

"That's correct," Huban nodded. "I, of course, would rather get my Essence Race whole northeast side back, but we are just too few to manage that all. Besides, Semi-Celestials can't act in the normal world due to the agreement. So if they decided to attack with their Divinity Realm and below forces to force my Essence Race away, they could do it. In the end, I'm only one."

Huban wasn't that much bothered, though. "Well, it is not a big deal. I selected the continents that best suited my race. Above all, six of these continents are the ones where it is the easiest for my Essence Race to be born."

Rean understood. "Your race is born from the Essence and Energy of Heaven and Earth and needs a very specific set of rules and coincidences for that to happen. As far as I know, it can't be manipulated. Now that you got the right continents, you can keep an eye on them and rescue these weak Essence Race members and increase your numbers, right?"

"That's basically it," Huban nodded. "Besides, it is not all that bad. That moving Hidden Realm will be anything but safe. Chaos Laws can't be underestimated, even for Semi-Celestials. They obviously cause the laws themselves to change within themselves, which is the same as the power of Semi-Celestials. What if the Semi-Celestials all die in there? Wouldn't I be the only one in the Realm of Gods? At that point, it would be the same as taking the entire Realm of Gods for myself. Hahaha!"

Well, even though Huban said such a thing, he definitely didn't want the Semi-Celestials of the Realm of Gods to die. It was already decided that the Vruves would only bring Bracius to this Hidden Realm. Then what about their other Semi-Celestials?

Toval and Bracius are the only Semi-Celestials known to the three Realms. Yet, everyone is pretty certain they have more hidden in their separated Dimensional Realm. If the Semi-Celestials of this Universe die in that exploration, the Vruves would have a free pass to take the Three Realms. Huban alone would be far from enough to stop them.

Rean then looked at Roan. "What now? Will you try to contact Kafan so that he can come and bring us?"

Roan shook his head. "I don't think the Semi-Celestials will let him wander around on his own. Besides, he needs all the time he can get to recover his comprehension of laws. Don't forget what he said. He needed to change the laws to open a passage to this side, so he is probably inside a time-accelerating formation or being helped by Space-Time and Divinity Realm experts with Time Power."

"You are correct," Huban confirmed Roan's words. "I already received news that the Gragatou arranged a few experts to help him with that. But don't your worry. I said I can't help you, but it is not like someone else can't." Huban spread his Divine Sense and contacted one of his Essence Race members.

A moment later, another one appeared. The twins quickly identified the newcomer. "Oh, it's been a while, senior Landeau."

Landeau was one of the three Peak Divinity Realm experts of the Essence Race. "You again? Master, I think you spend too much time with these humans."

"Hahaha!" Huban laughed. Landeau had never liked other races for obvious reasons, so he knew Landeau would complain. "Landeua, you are going to the Hidden Realm. I need you to bring the twins with you and pass them to Kafan there."

Landeau narrowed his eyes. "Why should I?"

"Just do it," Huban answered. "It won't be hard. Just bring them inside your Pocket Dimensional Realm. I know you don't like other races, but it is not like you can be enemies with them forever. Besides, you should have at least seen that the twins helped us quite a lot."

"We already repaid the favor for the communication system by giving them the Fragments. If anything, I think we paid too much for that," Landeau still didn't like it.

Rean nodded. "Even I agree with you there, senior Landeau. The Fragment is definitely worth a lot more than the communication system, especially now that the system has been spread all over the three realms."

"Hmph!" Landeau was especially angry about that. The idea of having one of the communication system cores in his race was at least appealing. It would give them a huge bargain opportunity with the rest of the Realm of Gods. Yet now, it wasn't worth anything. Everyone could have one. "See? There is truly no reason for us to help these two."

Huban didn't agree. "Actually, there is. Roan is Kafan's disciple, and bringing him to Kafan will make Kafan owe me a favor. Even you know how much a Semi-Celestial favor, especially one of Kafan's caliber, is worth. Also, Kafan was the one to devise the method to find the Hidden Realm. Perhaps he has more information regarding it, which I believe he would at least share with you after bringing the twins. If you want, you can even use this favor to ask for his protection since you won't have any Semi-Celestial backing you with me staying here."

"This..." Landeau had to admit those were substantial gains, definitely better than refusing to do something as simple as bringing the twins within his Pocket-Dimensional Realm. "Fine. Since there is something to gain, I shall accept Master's orders."

Roan quite liked this Essence Race member. He acted in a very similar way to himself, always looking for what was there to be gained. Still, he had a doubt. "So it isn't only the Semi-Celestials who are going there?" He asked.

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