“Madman, who is it?”

Linghu Shan seemed to recall something, and his expression turned gravely serious.

Falcon responded solemnly, “Qiubai Mountain - Dugu Wuwang!”

“It’s actually that old madman!” Linghu Shan gasped sharply and then turned to Fang Xi, saying, “It might be best not to visit Qiubai Mountain…”

“Oh? What makes this Dugu Wuwang so exceptional?” Fang Xi’s interest piqued, prompting him to inquire further.

“Dugu Wuwang…” Linghu Shan sighed deeply. “He gained fame six decades ago, possessing an unparalleled talent that transcended both ancient and modern times. It’s said he achieved zongshi status at just twenty years of age, undefeated across the land! Back then, his name was - Dugu Sheng!”

“Not only that, but as an extraordinary genius, he developed supreme martial techniques himself and was one of the founders of our Zongshi Association… If not for his obsession with martial arts and exploring paths beyond Martial Saint level… perhaps he would have been the first-ever Chairman.”

Even Falcon appeared somber at the mention of Dugu Sheng.

“If he was twenty years old sixty years ago, that would make him around eighty now. Is the association asking us to verify if this person is still alive?” Fang Xi queried.

“It likely includes that consideration…” Zhou Tong seemed hesitant but, seeing only fellow Zongshi Association members around, decided to be forthright. “Generally speaking, even martial artists reaching their eighties can still summon their peak blood qi… However, this senior Dugu stands apart. After achieving mastery in martial arts, he tried various methods to break through beyond the zongshi realm but failed… Hence, he changed his name to Dugu Wuwang, meaning ‘Hopeless Solitary’! He is the founder of our association’s Demonic Possession technique!”

“As you know, while some zongshi advocate studying Demons, they merely simulate it with blood qi… Only true lunatics would attempt to harness magical energy!”

“Indeed!” Fang Xi recalled Linghu Yang, the prodigious martial artist from Yuanhe Mountain who had pursued a similar path and ended up resembling more closely a cursed being.

“But Dugu Wuwang is different! He believed that only by studying true Demons could one find hope for breakthrough… His Seed Demon Technique was primitive and brutal; instead of extracting magical energy from demonic servants or subordinates, he… consumed or even grafted parts of the Demon’s core essence!”

As Zhou Tong spoke, his expression betrayed a hint of fear.

Falcon involuntarily shuddered, “Most individuals experimenting with direct contact to a Demon’s essence met their demise… Yet this zongshi confined himself at Qiubai Mountain, occasionally managing to retain sanity…”

“However, over the past month, as his end approached, his lucidity seemed increasingly diminished. No updates have come from the zongshi guarding Qiubai Mountain, suggesting some unforeseen event may have occurred! Consequently, the Zongshi Association issued a mission for other zongshi to investigate… To be honest, already some have perished…”

“I see…”

Having heard the full story, Fang Xi became more intrigued by this Zongshi Dugu Wuwang.

To dare consuming or grafting a Demon’s core essence? Truly relentless!

Perhaps this individual genuinely glimpsed a path towards breakthrough?

Qiubai Mountain.

Located at the border between Ding and Lan Provinces, this mountain was infested with mythical beasts, making it perilous for any unprepared individuals to venture within.



Fang Xi, Zhou Tong, and Falcon traversed through the rugged terrain as effortlessly as walking on flat ground. As accomplished zongshi, they had reached the pinnacle of human physical capabilities, utilizing their strength with remarkable precision and efficiency.

With just a gentle tap on a branch, each leap propelled them several meters forward.

After navigating deep into the forest for an indeterminate time, Fang Xi looked up and spotted a stark black peak rising abruptly like a sword blade piercing the sky.

Around this mountain, numerous crow-like mythical beasts circled ominously!

These crows were larger than eagles, all sporting blood-red eyes.


A red-eyed crow swooped down, revealing its slender beak lined with menacing white teeth!

“Despite being mythical beasts, they’re quite foolish!” Before Fang Xi could react, Zhou Tong swiftly stepped forward.

He practiced martial arts called ‘Copper Statue Art’ - a top-tier, hard cultivation technique. At its peak, one’s body becomes impervious to blades and resistant to both fire and water.

As he shielded his companions, Zhou Tong resembled a formidable copper wall. His skin transformed into a rich bronze hue, and no matter how fiercely the crow beasts pecked or clawed, only faint white marks appeared momentarily before vanishing instantly.

“These bird beasts aren’t bad. Observing one daily might help refine my Falcon Fist technique…”

Falcon’s hands spread wide, swooping like a giant bat.

Simultaneously, his bones crackled with countless sounds akin to birds’ cries.

“Secret Technique - Hundred Falcons Cry!”

His hands morphed into beak-like formations, unleashing thousands of simultaneous pecks that sent the skyful of crows plummeting with agonized squawks.

Countless black feathers scattered, resembling a torrential black rainstorm.

“Caw! Caw!”

As numerous crow carcasses fell, Falcon burst out laughing and seized the most majestic among them.

The mythical bird had glossy jet-black feathers and menacing talons, still attempting resistance even in Falcon’s grasp.

Suddenly, it opened its beak, launching a projectile akin to a pitch-black worm at Falcon’s throat, swift as an arrow!


In an instant, a layer of astral energy manifested around Falcon’s neck, deflecting the projectile away.

Falcon’s expression darkened sharply. “Ungrateful creature! Taming these wild beasts is futile; what a waste of effort!”

With a sharp crack, he exerted force with his right hand, snapping the crow’s neck effortlessly.

“Old man Yan, if you’re not keeping any birds, give me this one…” Fang Xi chuckled lightly, already busy collecting the bird carcasses.

Instantly, all the mythical beast materials in Fang Xi’s hand, whether feathers or flesh, vanished without a trace.

Witnessing this, both Falcon and Zhou Tong’s pupils contracted slightly, but wisely chose not to inquire further about his secret abilities.

After all, Fang Xi was far too powerful!

Every zongshi harbors secrets, and attempting to pry into them could easily lead to a relentless, life-or-death confrontation!

Fang Xi casually observed the two great zongshi battling monsters while collecting some materials himself. As they gathered enough, the crow flock grew wiser, flying away at a distance and no longer risking certain death by approaching.

“Haha… These mere minor beasts are hardly worth mentioning!” Zhou Tong laughed heartily.

With his mastery of Copper Statue Art, even facing a Monster King wouldn’t daunt him significantly.


Suddenly, a glob of white bird droppings descended from the sky, splattering right onto his face.

“Aaargh… I’ll kill you all!” Zhou Tong’s face turned beet red as he roared, grabbing a nearby stone and hurling it forcefully towards the sky.


The stone, enveloped in astral energy, shot upwards like an arrow fired from a powerful crossbow, emitting a piercing sonic boom with deadly force.

In an instant, it struck one of the crows, causing it to plummet mid-air. Fang Xi swiftly caught the falling bird.

‘Ah… how embarrassing…’

Speechless, Zhou Tong swiftly followed the two zongshi towards Qiubai Mountain.

The mountain’s pitch-black surface was incredibly steep, devoid of any paths suitable for climbing.

In the crevices between cliffs and rock faces, faint glimpses of eerie white bones were visible. Some appeared to be remains of various animals and birds… while others seemed unmistakably human!

Unfazed, the three zongshi swiftly ascended towards the summit.

At the top of Qiubai Peak lay a flat open area with a thatched hut nestled within it. Several black crows perched on the hut, grooming their feathers.

Upon noticing the newcomers, they let out harsh, discordant cries and hastily flew away.

“Is this… Dugu Wuwang’s residence?” Fang Xi asked Zhou Tong.

“No… This is Master Yu’s dwelling, where he guarded Dugu Wuwang. The absence of anyone here confirms something has gone wrong!” Falcon’s expression darkened as he led Fang Xi around to the back of the hut.

Behind the hut, the mountain rocks turned even darker, resembling iron in coloration.

Fang Xi deliberately stomped hard, leaving only a shallow mark on the pitch-black stone.

“These stones are remarkably tough,” he observed, somewhat astonished. Even without exerting his full strength, such force should have shattered ordinary limestone easily.

“This mountain may contain rare iron deposits… making it extraordinarily hard,” Zhou Tong explained to Fang Xi. “Precisely because of this resilience, Grandmaster Dugu chose it as his self-imposed sealing place…”

Moments later, they arrived at a small hilltop before Fang Xi.

The entire mountainside indented inward, forming a cave entrance.

More startlingly, thick chains, each as wide as an adult’s thigh, were scattered around and extended deep into the cave. It seemed less like restraining a person and more akin to binding some ferocious beast!


A black crow flew overhead but abruptly emitted a panicked cry, as if caught by an invisible giant hand, and was swiftly dragged into the cave above.

An unnerving crunching sound echoed immediately…

“Remarkable skill!” Fang Xi’s eyes lit up at the sight.

Clearly, Dugu Wuwang, sealed within the cave, had mastered a technique akin to telekinetic absorption. Each day, he would draw blood meals from outside into the cave for sustenance.

To achieve such control over vast distances required absolute mastery of true astral energy, bordering on divine proficiency!

“Oh no!”

On the other side, Zhou Tong picked up half of a jade flute from the ground, his expression grim to the extreme. “This belongs to Dongmen Lin, one of our previous reconnaissance members - it’s his personal weapon. Fearfully, he must have met a similar fate!”


Just as Zhou Tong finished speaking, a beastly howl erupted from within the cave.

The gut-wrenching roar induced immense pressure on everyone present, making them feel suffocated.

Instantly, Fang Xi recalled the Demon Tree in Blackstone City, and his expression turned gravely serious.

‘This is truly a ruthless individual, capable of devouring the essence of demons whole. Linghu Yang doesn’t even compare!’

As these thoughts raced through his mind,


A figure swiftly emerged from the cave, moving like lightning!

“Hah!” Zhou Tong roared, pushing his cultivation technique to its limit. His entire body seemed to transform into bronze as he unleashed a powerful palm strike at the approaching figure.


The figure was effortlessly sent flying away.

Falcon’s pupils contracted almost to pinpoints when he realized that the one flung aside was not Dugu Wuwang but a mutilated corpse!


In the next instant, accompanied by the clanging of chains, multiple iron links, each as thick as a human thigh, whipped wildly like dragonfish, simultaneously striking towards the trio.

Fang Xi had barely taken two steps back when he heard a blood-curdling scream!

It was Falcon!

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