Half a month later.

At the Dragon Gate Pavilion.

Fang Xi emerged slightly dispirited.

He had come to attempt purchasing a Step-Breaking Pill.

His cultivation with the Everlasting Spring Art had long reached the peak of the fourth level of Qi Refinement, yet he struggled to break through.

Even the once-effective Wood Yuan Pills no longer stimulated his progress past the bottleneck.

Naturally, Fang Xi considered buying other types of Step-Breaking Pills.

Inside the Dragon Gate Pavilion, Zhong Wangu again attended to him. The Zhong Clan cultivator did not recognize Fang Xi, but after hearing his situation, felt quite helpless.

After all, medicinal pills that assist cultivators in breaking through bottlenecks are inherently scarce.

Especially when even Wood Yuan Pills proved ineffective.

In response, Zhong Wangu offered two options: First, rely on personal strength by deep meditation or combat-induced enlightenment, aiming for a self-driven breakthrough. Second, purchase the ‘Violet Wood Pill’!

This particular pill aids Middle Stage Qi Refinement cultivators in overcoming their bottleneck to reach Late Stage Qi Refinement, with reportedly high success rates.

Using it merely for a breakthrough at the fourth level seemed rather excessive and wasteful.

Moreover, consuming one pill diminishes the effectiveness significantly if taken repeatedly in the future.

Privately wealthy, Fang Xi feigned ignorance and boldly asked about the price.

Zhong Wangu informed him that these Step-Breaking Pills were extremely rare, even considered highly valuable within the Zhong family. The Dragon Gate Pavilion itself did not have any in stock.

However, during the annual auctions at the Treasure Ship Market, one or two pills would occasionally appear, but the prices…

“Often reaching two to three hundred spirit stones…”

“Even if I had that many spirit stones, my status wouldn’t allow me to spend them…not to mention, it might still be unaffordable…”

Feeling dejected, Fang Xi reluctantly left the Dragon Gate Pavilion.

It was truly disheartening when having spirit stones yet being unable to purchase what you desire.

“Oh well… Let’s see what Old Daoist Xiu Mu has to offer,” he sighed as he headed towards the teahouse.

“Fellow Daoist Fang, I’ve been waiting for you!” Upon seeing Fang Xi, the old Daoist Xiu Mu cheerfully rose to greet him. “The usual arrangement?”


Fang Xi reserved a private booth while watching Daoist Xiu Mu send out a communication talisman. After about an hour, the booth door opened, and an elderly Daoist entered. He wore a green mage robe with an ebony crown, appearing around fifty years old, his demeanor quite dignified. “Greetings, Fellow Daoists! Gui Ye salutes you both!”

“Come, let me introduce you. This is Fellow Daoist Fang Xi, renowned for exceptional mastery in spirit cultivation…”

The Old Wood Daoist stood up with a beaming smile, “This is High Master Gui Ye, the leader of Gui Ye Divine Sect!”

‘Divine Sect?’

Fang Xi glanced at High Master Gui Ye, who was only at the sixth level of Qi Refinement, feeling somewhat speechless. Nevertheless, he courteously responded, “Your reputation, High Master Gui Ye, is as thunderous as it gets!”

“Ha ha, Fellow Daoist Fang is too kind!” High Master Gui Ye casually took a seat, not bothering whether the drink was mortal tea or spirit tea, and gulped it down in one swig. “Recently, the price of spirit rice at Treasure Ship Market has plummeted… It’s been quite a struggle; I’ve nearly worn out my voice for just a few spirit stones…”

He then turned to Fang Xi, “With your cultivation at Middle Stage Qi Refinement, you’re already quite formidable… Joining our Gui Ye Divine Sect would truly be like adding wings to a tiger… As assurance, this old Daoist guarantees that upon entry, you’ll be appointed as the head of the Spirit Plant Department - a prestigious position!”

“How many members does the Spirit Plant Department have within your esteemed sect, Fellow Daoist Gui Ye?” Fang Xi queried, showing his discernment.

“Ha ha…” High Master Gui Ye laughed evasively, “Although newly established, the Spirit Plant Department holds great potential… You will have full authority over all appointments, ensuring a bright future indeed!”

‘Somehow, I feel like this would make me a commander without any troops.’

‘High Master Gui Ye appears generous, but his words seem overly embellished… It feels rather unreliable.’

Holding onto a sliver of hope, Fang Xi asked another question, “I’m curious about the treatment for cultivators within the Gui Ye Divine Sect. How many spirit stones are provided annually, and are there any mandatory tasks?”

At this mention, High Master Gui Ye’s expression shifted slightly. “Well… our sect is newly established, still in its initial stages, with details yet to be fully defined. However, given your talents, Fellow Daoist, I am confident you would quickly distinguish yourself… Moreover, our sect is willing to grant you ten acres of spirit fields - that’s quite substantial!”

Fang Xi’s smile gradually stiffened, but he maintained his composure and final courtesy. “I deeply appreciate your esteemed favor… However, this matter is significant, and I require some time to carefully consider it.”

“Very well…” High Master Gui Ye rose from his seat. “Please think it through thoroughly… My offer is exceptionally generous by Wan Island Lake standards.”

As Fang Xi watched Gui Ye depart, he turned towards Old Daoist Xiu Mu.

Knowing what Fang Xi wanted to ask, Xiu Mu nodded and said, “While High Master Gui Ye may prioritize fame and wealth, his proposal is indeed favorable. If made public, countless individuals would undoubtedly be tempted…”

“By ‘many people,’ you don’t mean just the spirit farmers outside the Treasure Ship Market, do you?” Fang Xi glanced sidelong at the old Daoist.

“Precisely…” The decrepit Daoist responded without any hint of embarrassment. “For other Qi Refinement factions, if you wish to join and receive such favorable terms, one typically needs to prove their trustworthiness first. This might involve joining forces to eliminate enemies or venturing into dangerous territories…”

“In essence… it’s like presenting a letter of intent, isn’t it?”

Fang Xi nodded thoughtfully.

It seemed that despite its apparent stability, Wan Island Lake’s cultivation world was not devoid of deceit and vendetta-driven violence.

“But I’m only twenty years old; there’s no rush,” Fang Xi mused. “I can spend several years carefully observing and waiting for the best opportunity.”

With this realization, his demeanor lightened significantly. After entrusting the decrepit Daoist to keep an eye on the situation, Fang Xi rose and left the teahouse, feeling more relaxed than before.

In the Great Liang World,

Yun Lian Mountain.


A wolf’s howl reverberated across the mountainous terrain, echoing through the valleys.

Numerous wild beasts, terrified, fled for their lives, defecating in panic.

This was ‘Old One-Eye’, one of the Eight Great Monster Kings of Ding Province, who dominated Yun Lian Mountain with cunning nature.

Whenever faced with military assaults, it swiftly retreated deep into the forest, remaining hidden and elusive.

Once the raids passed, Old One-Eye would recklessly descend from the mountains to prey on villagers, particularly favoring children.

Its howl could intimidate countless beasts; even lions and tigers, upon hearing it, would cower trembling, helpless against its onslaught.

However, this time, Old One-Eye’s howl was filled with unmistakable terror!

“No matter how sly you think you are, you’ll still taste my wrath…” Fang Xi laughed heartily as a layer of astral energy enveloped his fist, striking fiercely at the wolf’s midsection.

From within Old One-Eye’s body came a distinct sound of bones cracking, sending the creature flying sideways.

It was a massive white wolf, over three meters tall, its fur shimmering like pure silver. Its lone eye now brimmed with pain and venomous resentment.

Despite its expertise in hiding, encountering a flying enemy left it vulnerable, especially when that enemy possessed the strength to single-handedly defeat it!

“Die!” Fang Xi showed no sign of relenting, channeling magical energy into the Golden Flood Dragon Sword. With a resounding boom, the blade transformed into a streak of golden light, slicing through the wolf’s head.


The massive wolf’s head hit the ground, its emerald eyes still open and unnerving to behold.

“Another mythical beast slain!” Fang Xi promptly stepped forward to gather various materials.

“This werewolf’s fur provides warmth in winter and coolness in summer, resistant to both water and fire, yet incredibly soft and silky—a truly exceptional quality…” Fang Xi stroked the wolf’s fur, carefully preserving a tuft with the most brilliant luster.

Each strand of this tuft shimmered with radiance, possessing just the right balance of suppleness and firmness, making it excellent material for crafting talisman brushes—extremely valuable!

“Although this werewolf is a high-rank first-tier creature, its value is significantly lower than that snake-dragon. Perfectly timed to disguise myself and sell it, supplementing our household expenses…”

A hint of joy appeared on Fang Xi’s face.

Despite having the Blood Contract Document at hand, he never considered using it on Old One-Eye. This monster was vicious and cruel, known for consuming countless humans.

Moreover…its cunning nature meant even under the blood pact’s suppression, there was a high risk of it turning against its master!

“The southern wilderness isn’t like Great Liang; if I slip up or worse, if this werewolf instantly breaks through to second-order upon arrival, what then?”

When surpassing a major cultivation realm, the blood pact becomes notably less secure.

Therefore, Fang Xi preferred using the blood pact on Tai Sui instead. Although merely a low-rank first-tier plant-type mythical beast, it had minimal self-awareness and would hardly resist even when being carved for flesh.

Moreover… there were advantages to having lower-ranked beasts. Even if brought to the southern wilderness’s cultivation world and allowed to breakthrough, it would only reach mid-rank first-tier at most… still manageable within his control.

“Hmm, Tai Sui is actually quite useful… I’ve yet to see any mythical beast grow flesh as rapidly as it does!”

“The Demon Tree requires blood sustenance; Tai Sui seems perfectly suited for this purpose…”

Fang Xi rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

At that moment, figures flickered through the jungle, with Zhou Tong, Linghu Shan, and Falcon hastily arriving on the scene.

Their expressions turned numb upon seeing the wolf carcass lying on the ground.

It seemed no monster could withstand Grandmaster Fang’s might when he chose to act.

Notably, they had rushed over swiftly after receiving the signal, taking minimal time en route.

In such a brief span, Fang Xi managed to slay a monster king? This level of power likely placed him among the top few even within the Zongshi Association!

“Zhou Tong, Falcon… what brings you two here?” Fang Xi was somewhat surprised by their presence.

He had been hunting monsters in Ding Province alongside Linghu Shan and the wind and thunder camp. Linghu Shan’s arrival made sense, but these two were unexpected.

Falcon’s expression grew grim, barely speaking, while Zhou Tong chuckled wryly and explained, “There’s a new mission from the association!”

“Oh?” Fang Xi’s eyes lit up. “How many merit points is it worth?”

“The task is quite challenging; we might not be able to handle it alone, so we’ve come to request Grandmaster Fang’s assistance.” Zhou Tong, having never lost directly to Fang Xi, maintained his dignity and spoke casually. “With your contribution this time… you’ll undoubtedly earn enough merit points to exchange for a secret technique from the association!”

“Really? That sounds promising!” Recalling Zhou Tong’s demonstration of the Secret Art of Restoration, Fang Xi’s eyes sparkled. “What kind of mission is it?”

“There’s a renowned mad zongshi within the association who hasn’t been heard from recently. The association wants us to check on their situation,” Zhou Tong began explaining.

“Oh? Who might that be?”

Fang Xi’s interest piqued. The Zongshi Association itself was filled with eccentrics, so just how deranged must someone be for even them to label him as ‘mad’? Perhaps it could be someone from the notoriously bloodthirsty and insane faction known as Demonic Possession, which advocates learning demonic techniques?

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