As Lyrian entered, he was slightly blown away by the sheer size of the place within.

A room that was quite large, seemingly the core of the entire building, lay before him.

The decorations were plentiful, with plants in various corners, tables, couches for lounging, amazing artwork, and the like.

Various passageways with velvet-draped linens could be seen on different sides of the room, and the room was encircled above by a balcony looking down to the floor.

The way to get upstairs was clearly visible, with a large, extending staircase that went two ways stationed in the back middle of the room.

There were many people within here, with a line even forming in the middle toward the stairs.

At one of the end corners was a counter with a person behind it--a charming lady working at the front desk. She wore a silky garment that flowed across her curvy body.

Her clothing resembled that of a very revealing Egyptian kalasiris.

Currently, she was exclaiming something to the entire building through what sounded to be a voice-enhancing device.

"Ladies and gentlemen! With us, we have the great 7 Sworded Serpent, Jan Xianu! Another young prodigy has joined us today!"

As she said this in an enthusiastic voice, a young man wearing a white and blue robe walked forward.

People cheered for him and clapped at his name being announced.

Several swords clattered at his waist as he walked forward and ahead of the line of the people pointing toward the stairs.

At that moment, another security guard arrived at the scene and began shooing away those lined up to go up the stairs.

"Get the hell out of here! You know upstairs hasn't ever been open to the public, and it ain't changing today just because you all had some extra drinks!"

She took a small puff of a cigarette before speaking, "This tradition of calling names was originally created because popular names used to show up at this establishment. Nowadays it's something that half-ass popular dimwits like yourself schedule as if it's a doctor's appointment, but when a real important figure does show up, your appointment has no power."

As Ounis heard this, his face turned red with rage.

"You foul woman!" He yelled, clenching his fist.

The woman's eyes widened slightly, realizing this bastard was actually aiming to hit her.

However, before Ounis could extend that attack, the security guard from before showed up beside him.

"Stop at once! Even though you are a regular here, attempting to attack the workers here will result in a lifetime ban!"

Ounis turned to face the guard with bulging red eyes, "You think I give a damn, you bastard!" He suddenly threw his punch toward the guard.

At that moment, Lyrian arrived upstairs. By a woman waiting for him at the top, he was led to a room covered by another velvet drape.

As he entered, he was met was a fair-sized room with a balcony to the side looking over the lobby floor.

In the middle of the room was a large round table with many young figures sitting around it, conversating as they dined in the finest of foods and liquor.

There was also an older figure amongst them, who politely spoke with them as they ate.

As Lyrian entered, he walked over to the only empty seat available and sat down.

Confused eyes followed him as he sat since those who had sat down already knew that someone else was supposed to be sitting where Lyrian was.

One guy, who resembled Ounis Raten oddly, was even more surprised than the rest.

"Oi... who the hell are you--" He began to say in a dismissive tone but quickly stopped as he began to recognize the boy.

"Lyrian Theageld..." The 7 Sworded Serpent from before exclaimed with awe, as the entire table was slightly taken aback at once.

"My... for such an important person to have stopped by my establishment. It is an honor, you see. Tell me, what brings you here?" The older gentleman, wearing a luxurious fur coat, calmly said to Lyrian.

But the guy resembling Ounis Raten quickly spoke up once again, "Hold! Before any of that, I want to know why you are here, and not my younger brother..."

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