Chapter 378 Red Light District

Lyrian exited the mansion soon after, quickly making his way back into the main city.

He turned invisible to hide himself from the crowd as he slithered through it.

While moving he thought to himself, 'It's getting late... but I still have a few more hours before I have to sleep.' As he thought this to himself, he suddenly came across an alleyway that had more red lights than the normal streets on the other side of it.

'Hmm... I guess it wouldn't hurt to explore that place now.' Lyrian thought, swiftly entering this alleyway.

As soon as he got to the other side, he noticed another street with even more red and purple lights, and then even more after that.

He hastily followed this path of lights, before finally coming across a banner sprawled across two tall buildings above the street.

"Red Light District" It read, as Lyrian looked forward and noticed the bustling street in front of him.

There were no average food vendors to the side, and instead, there were small liquor shops and stores.

Carnival games littered the streets, and pretty much every building he saw--which was lit up with lights--had balconies full of women dressed in large kimonos.

Their hair was tied up into a bun, and their faces were very pure in complexion.

He entered, drunkards all around the streets were called from one building to another by the constant catcalling of the women on the balconies.

Lyrian observed all this while continuing to move through the street.

'Where exactly do I begin?' He mused, overwhelmed by the size of the district.

'I guess I should start off with the largest whore house this place has to offer.' He mused nonchalantly, sneaking next to one of the carriages near him.

"Are we going to Jade Spice Cove?"

"I sure hope we do!"

Before long, the carriage arrived at a larger building with several canopies of sloped and rigid roofs.

'First stop...' Lyrian mused, hopping off of the carriage.

The entrance of the building had a fairly large courtyard and a giant line stretching out of it.

Lyrian, still invisible, walked straight past the line and toward the entrance.

There was no door, but unfortunately, he couldn't sneak in, as there were red curtains in the doorway that would move if he were to try.

'It'll probably be a hassle to try and keep hidden while in there anyways...' He mused, getting to the top of the line before revealing himself to the guard outside.

The guard was a large, muscly man with a stern expression.

Before Lyrian stepped up to him, another guy did so first.

"Hey! Let me in man~~I wanna have fun~" He said in a drunken speech, wiggling around.

The guard sized him up with a disgusted look on his face before suddenly grabbing him by the collar and throwing him out of the line.

"We don't serve nobodies... especially losers like you." He said in a tough voice, as Lyrian walked up to him.

The guard looked at the small cloaked figure with a confused expression as Lyrian took his hood off.

As soon as he did this, the guard's stoic face changed to an astonished one out of nowhere.

"L-lord Theageld!" He abruptly exclaimed, "I'm your biggest fan!" His serious tone disappeared, as a large grin suddenly stretched across his face.

"B-but... why are you here? Surely, you don't want to enter... this establishment, right?" He looked inside, and then back at Lyrian.

"Even kids want to explore nowadays huh?" He chuckled, as Lyrian quickly interjected.

"I have an investigation to do here. Let me in." Lyrian said seriously.

"Y-yes! Please come in..." The guard swiftly moved out of the way, opening the drapes for the boy.

With that, he spoke into his earphone, "What an eventful night! Even Lord Theageld has shown up now. Just how many more figures will come here today!?"

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