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"Oh my god...!!"

"This monster will emerge from our North Sea...!!"

"Even though Hawkins, Urouge, and X Drake combine their efforts, they still cannot overcome Kizaru!"

"Undoubtedly, he represents the Navy's ultimate might!"

Their gazes met, infused with fear, excitement, and a touch of compassion for the fair-skinned young boy seated beside his sister.

"You transformed into a monster..."

Inside the art store on Yellow Stone Island, Archa-san covered her mouth in a gesture of profound fear.

"I never imagined that I would take on the form of a terrifying straw man..." Hawkins stated with a detached demeanor.

Less than a year had passed since he consumed the Straw-Straw Fruit, a precious item his father had safeguarded in an heirloom box since discovering it. His father instructed him to open the box and partake of its contents upon his passing.

And so he did, despite the unpalatable taste. Instantly, his fortune-telling prowess sharpened impeccably. He could foretell danger, evading it successfully. This ability shielded him and his sister since their parents' demise, their wealth pillaged, and their circus demolished two years ago.

"However, it appears my power isn't as formidable..." After swiftly reflecting on his past, Hawkins declared with evident self-contempt.

Observing this, Archa-san was jolted back to reality. She seemed to sigh, shaking her head with a mix of remorse and self-reproach.

"My beloved brother is not a monster... You can become stronger; you possess the most potent Devil Fruit among all the supernovas... None of them boast the ability to live ten lives!"

Wearing an impeccable smile, Archa-san reassured her younger sibling.

"But for a Logia user who's impervious to death, ten lives pale in comparison."

"Facing an admiral, annihilation is effortless... Even with Apoo's involvement, we suffered a complete defeat... Were it not for luck and the opponent's arrogance, I'd be deceased, my role in the narrative terminated so abruptly."

The sting of his loss to the admiral remained difficult for Hawkins to swallow.


"Damn it! My secret has been exposed!"

On the sky island Birka, frustration twisted Urouge's expression as he witnessed his concealed power, which he had kept hidden from the other monks and even the God of Birka himself, being laid bare.

At this moment, The denizens of the sky with their wings spread down, gazed at Urouge with half-closed eyes…

In the pre-manga era, the denizens of the Sky Islands were ignorant of the concept of Devil Fruits, but with the advent of the One Piece, their understanding expanded. Now, the entire world is aware of the true significance of Devil Fruits.

Acquiring one at any cost has become everyone's aspiration. Possessing a Devil Fruit has turned into a paramount goal for whoever chances upon it, unless they ultimately succumb to the irresistible allure of "treasure rooms" in art stores and sell it there.

"I wonder about the identity of the Devil Fruit you ingested in secret... Monk Urouge." At that very moment, the God and the other priests reconvened at the table. The God of Birka posed this question.

Well, regardless of the type of Devil Fruit I secretly consumed, I still remain a loser, mere fodder for a creation of the scientist Vegapunk, not to mention Admiral Kizaru..." Urouge retorted, his customary smile present, yet a malevolent glint gleamed in his eyes.


"One Piece" Events:


"Who is that?" After hearing the strange music, Kizaru looked towards the surface where Apoo was playing on his body in a peculiar manner.

Different types of musical instruments began to emerge from various parts of his body in an odd manner.

"Is this music reaching you!? 🎵" "If you can hear me, stay tuned!! Marine Admiral Kizaru. 🎵"

Kizaru: "…"

"Scratchmen Apoo," said Kuma.

"Everybody!! Listen up! It's 'Fighting Music'! 🎵"

"He's... The 'Roar of the Sea'..." X Drake exclaimed in surprise.

"SCRAAAATCH!!! 'SHAN' 🎶🔚" At the moment Kizaru heard the sound of the handpan drum, his hand detached strangely, "What~?"

Then came the sound of the drumbeat, "DON~🎵🔚," followed by a destructive explosion that split Kizaru in half at the waist.

And so, the chapter ended.


The audience was left in a state of complete shock and amazement. Every individual who had arrived at the scene stared in utter confusion at the recent turn of events.

All around the world, readers found themselves pondering the bewildering situation. Wasn't this individual an admiral? How could he be dispatched so effortlessly, and with music of all things?

However, the majority of people remained ignorant about the true properties of the Logia fruit. Their lack of exposure to it in the manga left them in the dark. All they understood was that being split in half equated to death – a conclusion drawn from their common sense.

This conventional understanding was soon to be shattered with the unfolding of the next chapter.

"Appapapapapapa!! That's it, I'm the strongest! Just an admiral means nothing!!"

On Long Ring Long Land island, a young boy celebrated the astonishing accomplishment of his fictional counterpart in the manga.

He expressed his jubilation through peculiar dances that captured the attention of both the island's nomad tribe residing there, along with nearly all the individuals who had come to the island for its art store.

"Son, quickly move on to the next chapter and don't make us look foolish..." In this instant, his father's voice reached his ear in a hushed tone, grounding him back to reality.

"Huh? Isn't that unfair!?"

As Kizaru transformed into specks of light and subsequently reconstituted his body, the festive delight vanished from the boy's countenance. He was left staring vacantly, captivated by the display.

"This... this speed...!!"

Apoo involuntarily gulped as he witnessed Kizaru effortlessly closing the distance and knocking him to the ground with a single swift kick, subjecting him to the taste of the dust.


"Interesting~ a sound-based Devil Fruit, isn't it?"

Within the Admiral of the Fleet's office, Borsalino gazed at Sengoku, who was in the process of noting down the name of Apoo's Devil Fruit alongside his picture and the bounty placed on his head.

On a board, the names of all the Supernovas, their subordinates, and the various special abilities they had displayed so far were listed.

"Exactly; Tone-Tone Fruit... Annoying ability... sound can only be avoided if you never hear it in the first place..." Sengoku rested his hand on his chin, his face reflecting the discomfort he felt.

Boom! "Child's play! When confronted with absolute power, everything can be crushed. Even sound cannot escape obliteration." At that moment, Sakazuki's expression turned fierce.

He had loathed Apoo's fighting style from the very first time he had witnessed it, finding it both unsettling and offensive.

"Buwahaha! I'm curious about how this music will sound..."

"Well, we'll hear it in the anime. We'll just have to wait until the anime reaches the events of the manga... considering the anime has already approached the Enies Lobby arc," said Tsuru.



Upcoming chapter titles (spoilers):










Chapter 560: Luffy and his Nakama Vs. Pacifista!

Chapter 561: Desperate Situation for Straw Hats! Zoro in Danger!

Chapter 562: Rayleigh's Intervention for Rescue!


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