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"One Piece" Events:


[Grove 24]

"You've caused me a significant amount of pain... but don't assume I'm the same as before!"

Urouge's size doubled until he reached the same stature as Kuma. This was the effect of converting damage into physical strength from his Devil Fruit power.

"Inga Zarashi!!!" he shouted.

With his muscles enlarging and his strength increasing, Urouge gradually gained dominance over Kuma, seemingly having the upper hand. Hawkins noticed this:

"He was being overwhelmed until now... but not only did he grow huge, he acquired that power... what's happening here...!?"

Suddenly, a scorching beam came from Kuma, directly piercing through Urouge's left shoulder. "GUWAAAH!!! It burns!" Urouge fell to the ground and continued to groan.

"That was Kizaru's laser...!!" X Drake was shocked after witnessing this scene, thinking to himself: (Vegapunk... Along with Bartholomew Kuma's body... You replicated Kizaru's ability...!!) (I had no idea the "Pacifista" had progressed this far...!!!)

"Rear Admiral Drake... No... Former Rear Admiral."

"Are you merely scouting the opposition?" Kizaru inquired.

He added: "Go ahead, attempt to fight. But you're well aware of the predicament you're in... and I believe you should lose hope."

X Drake: "..."

Hawkins: "...?"

"You should exercise caution... After all, gentlemen... I am present here as well...!!!"

Kizaru hadn't finished speaking when Kuma attacked X Drake. His hand transformed into something resembling a dinosaur's claw and he blocked the strike.


Holy Land Marigoa:

Within the expansive and empty throne room, the five elders exchanged puzzled glances. Just like any other readers, they were baffled. After all, none of them comprehended the reason behind Bartholomew Kuma's simultaneous presence in three distinct locations, each battling different adversaries.

The first iteration of him still engaged in combat against Law and Kidd.

The second instance had recently emerged amid the ongoing skirmish involving Luffy and his companions.

The third iteration was presently embroiled in a confrontation with Urouge and the remaining captains, facing off against Kizaru.

"What is transpiring here? Pacifista? What is the implication of this?"

"Combining Bartholomew Kuma's physique with Kizaru's laser... truly peculiar!"

"X Drake, who incidentally was a Former Rear Admiral, asserted that Vegapunk is responsible for the evolution of these so-called PACIFISTA... enlighten us, Saturn, before Vegapunk departed from our midst..."

"...Did he possess any inklings about crafting human weaponry of this sort?"

Warcury posed this query to Saturn, who was responsible for the domain of science and technology

"No... such thoughts never crossed his mind." Saturn's response was unequivocal and forthright.

"Blending Bartholomew Kuma's physical prowess with the extraordinary attributes of a Logia fruit... it all seems rather implausible..."

"With the loss of Vegapunk... any hope of securing his services anew is futile..."

"It matters not. He is already advanced in years. Upon his demise, his Brain-Brain Fruit will naturally find reincarnation in the flow of nature. At that juncture, we can cultivate a new scientist, one more devout and obedient."

At this moment, Imu, who had maintained silence throughout, finally spoke.

"Your reasoning is sound, my Lord."

"Now, let us unveil what this admiral with the countenance of a primate holds in store. If he proves inadequate after two decades, I shall have no use for him. You may dispatch him for reclamation," Imu spoke again.

Upon hearing Imu's detached tone, the Five Elders shivered in response.

"The edicts of God are absolute." In unison, they echoed their compliance.



"That's an unusual sight..."

Urouge was engrossed in observing X Drake, who had transformed into a fierce dinosaur and was battling alongside Kuma, yet he disregarded the greater danger lurking behind him.

"I thought I warned you that I'm here, too."

Urouge was sent flying across the buildings with a single kick from the admiral.

Seeing Urouge fall easily, Hawkins transformed into a terrifying straw man and attacked Kizaru.

"My, my... All of you over 100 Million Beri heads are just monsters, aren't you? Scary..."

With the speed of light, Kizaru disappeared before Hawkins' attack could hit him, then reappeared near him, placing his fingers close to his eyes, and unleashed a laser directly into his eyes.

"OWAAAAAHH!!! My eyes!! I can't see...!!!" Hawkins screamed.

"Uwah!! Captain Hawkins!!!" His crew was concerned for him.

"I don't know what kind of power you've got... but it looks like you've got a body... so you're not a Logia-type," said Kizaru.

"Captain!!" "This is bad! His damage is reaching the limit!! He's really gonna die!!"

"You'll be the first... you've done well making it this far~..."

Kizaru was ready to finish off Hawkins with a lethal kick, but suddenly, a strange melody began to reach his ears, "Hm!?"


Marineford, Admiral of the Fleet's Office:

"It appears you're still toying with them... these individuals could be a threat if they master Haki. They'd become even more perilous! Why aren't you taking this matter more seriously?"

"Are you addressing me, Sengoku-san?" Borsalino complained.

"I'm speaking to that fool Kizaru in the manga!"

"Uh... I thought you were talking to me..."

"Buwahahahaha! You guys are something else."

"Garp! You've caused sufficient turmoil. Cease your profanity directed at the Celestial Dragons on the forum, you fool!" exclaimed Sengoku.

"Well, if you don't want to see it, then just stop following me." Garp was picking his nose and flinging mucus at Sakazuki.

"I see Kizaru is quite content with giving them a lesson. He doesn't seem eager to wrap things up swiftly... what's this?"

Before Sakazuki could finish his statement, he felt something gooey fall onto his forehead.


Upon realizing that the room temperature had suddenly spiked several times, Sakazuki nearly erupted like a volcano. However, Kuzan promptly chilled the atmosphere.

"Weird, did you feel that abrupt temperature rise and fall?"

"Oh well, not important," Garp remained oblivious to the potential disaster he had narrowly averted. Even if he had realized, it wouldn't matter; Akainu wouldn't dare engage in a confrontation with him at the moment.

Sengoku shook his head and sighed before turning to Borsalino and remarking:

"Utilize these events from the manga as a lesson. I don't want you to become complacent in fulfilling your actual duties in the future. When confronted with comparable situations, eliminate adversaries... is that clear?"

"Sure, I'll keep that in mind." Borsalino nodded.

When super speed and immense power are coupled with an unyielding determination to deliver swift death... well, in the future, the odds were seemingly in favor of the pirates.



Upcoming chapter titles (spoilers):










Chapter 559: Kizaru VS. Four Captains. (Part 2)

Chapter 560: Luffy and his Nakama Vs. Pacifista!

Chapter 561: Desperate Situation for Straw Hats! Zoro in Danger!


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