Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 529 Rob's Impression of the Recent Chapters of One Piece Manga! (2)


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Despite being eager to discover the secrets of the Seas World through the most reliable source, which is the manga One Piece, he was in no hurry whatsoever.

Rob lit a cigarette before moving on to the next chapter: 1086.

The first thing that appeared in the chapter was the magnificent Pangaea Castle, surrounded by clouds as if embracing it.

"So, that's how Reverie ended, huh?"

"The five elder planets? Will the names of those five scoundrels finally be revealed!?"

"As usual, Morgans never misses a chance for a scoop... Vivi still doesn't know that her father has already died... That's bad."

Rob smoked one cigarette after another while diving into reading the manga, paying no attention to his surroundings... After all, Onigashima was completely devoid of any activity from the residents of Wano until now.

"Oh, what is Bonney doing on the Kingdom of Morocco's ship - oh no, it seems that the name of the kingdom in this world is the Tajine Kingdom?... Since she's hungry, she's bound to fall in love with Tajine from that kingdom before moving on to Egghead..."

Rob was a fan of Moroccan tajine in his previous life, and he was surprised to find it in this world as well when he went on an incognito visit to the kingdom called the Tajine Kingdom, and he even opened an art store there... It's a kingdom famous for its wonderful food and extraordinary hospitality in this world.

The scene shifted from the Tajine Kingdom ship where Bonney was to the Lulusia Kingdom ship where Sabo was severely injured.

"Just as expected... The Mother Flame..."

Rob's forehead trembled after seeing Imu talking about the weapon created by Vegapunk.

"That bastard... He created an ancient weapon, and they even planned to test it after decades, but after my appearance, Imu decided to use me as the target to test the power of that spaceship!"

To say that he wasn't angry would be a mistake... Vegapunk hid a horrifying truth from him... If the flying ship named the Mother Flame wasn't a copy of Uranus, then it must be another powerful weapon like Uranus!

And this weapon was created by Vegapunk!

"How astonishing! She wants to test the power of the weapon on the Lulusia Kingdom not for any particular reason, but simply because it's nearby! Well, based on my knowledge of Imu... that crazy woman, she will definitely do something like this."

"Defense Science Warrior God?"

Rob's eyes turned to the title of the Gorosei with the hat, whose name was revealed earlier as St. Jay Garcia Saturn... The title sealed with the words "God" and "Warrior" was intriguing, not only for him but for all five elders!

"Does his Devil Fruit have any connection with the God of Science or Industry? Or is he responsible for the Defense Science sector... Perhaps that's why he went to Egghead in the manga... He was even the one who contacted me when they found out that Vegapunk had changed the ship and joined me... I understand now!"

Rob started analyzing many points that previously had no explanation, just with the appearance of the names of the five elders and their respective sectors through their titles.

"St. Marcus Mars... Environmental Warrior God..."

"So, this person manages the Environmental sector..."

"Topman Valcurie... Justice Warrior God..."

"So, he was responsible for Enies Lobby, right?"

"Ethan Baron V. Nusjuro... Finance Warrior God..."

"The one in charge of the Wealth and Finance sector... From his name, he seems rich, no doubt about it. It seems he has a connection to Wano..."

This person was the one Imu saved from his grip, as he was about to be killed.

"Shepard Ju Peter... Agriculture Warrior God..."

"The last one responsible for Agriculture... I see that their roles have already been assigned by Imu... These individuals who have been in the spotlight for years must have had a significant impact in their fields and specialties... But it's strange..."

"Why didn't I discover anything about them?"

As the leader of the Hunters' Guild, which currently holds half the world, there is no doubt that Rob has already collected an enormous amount of information... However, there is not a single piece of information indicating the names, specialties, or titles of the five elders... It's as if it's something that cannot be disclosed publicly...

"What is the purpose of all these titles and Godly honors!? Why do they even call themselves gods? Even I, the 'Immortal,' dare not name myself a god... How audacious."

"Just a handful of humans calling themselves gods... It's truly disgusting."

"Is this how Seraphim Doffy looks? Amazing! He looks exactly like Doflamingo in the current time!"

"Oh! Same thing with Crocodile!... Moria is the only different one because Moria is not very young at the moment."

Seeing three other Seraphims made Rob optimistic about this incredible technology.

After that, Sabo spoke about how he deceived the World Government, making them believe he was still on Lulusia Island. Then came the destruction of Lulusia Island through what is called the Mother Flame...

"It seems Dragon is really angry... But what can he do? Sigh~"

"Imu from the Nerona Family?"

"The Nerona Family... That royal family that led the twenty kingdoms of the Revolution! Oh my... If Imu is from that family...? But the Nerona Family had a king at that time... What happened?"

Rob felt confused at this moment. The information he obtained from the manga and the information he already had seemed to differ at some point.

Seeing the questions posed by Dragon and Ivankov made Rob even more perplexed.

"In fact, Imu is already immortal... She used the ultimate power of the Ope-Ope no Mi fruit on herself to achieve immortality... That's for sure... But her immortality is not invincible, as long as she doesn't die, she will remain alive forever. That's why she has been hidden in Marigoa for the past 800 years... She's truly an ancient monster... but somewhat cowardly... The long life she has lived has caused her madness and indifference toward others as well..."

That's what Rob discovered about Imu in their recent clashes because she believed Rob had the ability to threaten her, so she backed off from many of her plans involving him.

"But... this weapon that destroyed the kingdom of Lulusia... How can its existence be explained and its relationship with Imu... If Vegapunk is the one who created it, then Dragon's words saying that Vegapunk doesn't create weapons of mass destruction are completely wrong. And if Vegapunk didn't create it... Why didn't Imu use it before!?"

This was the most puzzling point for Rob.

"What!? Was this kind-hearted Celestial Dragon executed?"

"This man finally appeared in the manga..."

Rob looked at the person who was considered a champion among the Celestial Dragons. He knew this man... After all, he was as famous as a legendary hunter in his guild... No, maybe even higher.

This person was the leader of the Holy Knights Guild, the very first guild of the World Government. They formed this guild by reorganizing their existing organization known as The God Knights; Who served as the guardians of the five elders and Imu.

This organization was higher than Cipher Pol Aegis Zero (CP0).

And the person leading them is St. Figarland Garling... He is the person who ordered the execution of St. Donquixote Mjosgard... who was also his disciples' uncle.



Upcoming chapter titles (spoilers):










Chapter 520: The Appearance of Shakuyaku!

Chapter 521: The Eleven Supernovas! (Part 1)

Chapter 522: The Eleven Supernovas! (Part 2)


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