Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 528 Rob's Impression of the Recent Chapters of One Piece Manga! (1)


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After leaving Wano, Rob decided to stop at the currently empty Onigashima before continuing his journey toward Elbaf.

And the reason?... Reading the new chapters of the manga One Piece!

The last chapter he read was Chapter 1084, titled "Attempted Murder of the Celestial Dragon."

Rob found a perfect spot in a flat land and brought out a comfortable couch from his inventory, along with a glass table. He placed the magazine containing the latest two chapters on the table and sat on the couch.

"It's time to discover what Sabo saw on that day... Did he manage to escape Imu's clutches unharmed?"

Excitedly, Rob opened the magazine and noticed the cover image depicting a cover request, where Franky lends a helping hand to the little turtles on their way to the sea. However, what caught his attention the most was the chapter title.

"The Death of King Cobra?... Sigh... Friend Cobra will feel saddened when he reads this chapter in the future... I believe so..."

Rob's eyes reflected the initial scenes from the chapter of the One Piece manga series on Earth Planet.

Meanwhile, the residents of the Seas Planet were currently reading chapters from the Sabaody Archipelago arc.

"No one is ever supposed to sit there... The Impossible Ruler... Huh?"

"It seems Cobra is shocked by seeing Imu... No wonder, after all, there was no one powerful enough to force Imu to appear in the first place."

A deep expression appeared on Rob's face as he repeatedly read Imu's line: (Mu* shall address two of the points being discussed... And thou must answer a single question in return, Cobra.)

"Does Imu refer to herself as Mu? Strange... Oh, as expected, that's why Cobra asked me about Imu's name at that time!?"

"It turns out he is aware of Imu's background as an ancient king from 800 years ago... Even before I revealed the truth about the empty throne on the live broadcast that day..."

"This Imu she who is conversing with Cobra appears to be a truly terrifying monarch. Her words are measured and give off an aura of deep mystery surrounding her character... It seems Cobra has exhausted all his luck."

When Rob saw what Imu said about the truth of the "D," he felt enlightened...

"That's how it is, I finally understood... It's not an inherited clan title, but just a symbolic title given to those who choose to be enemies of the World Government, yet it is passed down to future generations... Isn't that right?"

"Queen Lili... Olvia told me about this name when she acquired two poneglyphs in Alabasta... So she has been the queen 800 years ago..."

"The grave mistake she committed was causing the scattering of the poneglyphs all around the world... Doesn't this mean that Queen Lili was the first ally of my Light of Knowledge clan after the fall of Joy Boy?"

After connecting the events and facts together, Rob was forced to assume that the kingdom chosen by his clan after the fall of the ancient kingdom was indeed Alabasta, and the reason was Queen Lili's betrayal of the World Government and Imu.

"What letter? Why didn't Cobra tell me about the existence of a written letter from Queen Lili!?"

Rob was shocked after seeing this.

"Queen Nefertari D. Lili...? No wonder!!"

"As expected! A decisive response from Imu... It seems she was not completely certain that Lili sided with the enemies... That's what she wasn't sure about due to their deep relationship... Everything is clear now!"

Seeing how Sabo appeared in a blazing state behind Cobra, who had already been fatally injured by Imu's dark arrow, Rob shook his head with a sigh.

"It's too late, Sabo..."

"Was she so focused on Cobra to the extent that she didn't notice an enemy this close? With Imu's current power, this is impossible."


"What are these dark shadows!? Don't tell me... Did Imu not reveal her true abilities during our battle... or even the Gorosei!"

"Don't tell me they all possess "Gods" Mythical Zoan Devil Fruits!"

Seeing Sabo suffer the fatal injury, after being lost in his memories of the past with Luffy and Ace regarding the "D" title, made Rob reconsider his calculations about Imu and her associates.

"The poneglyphs must be protected... Fly the flag that heralds the world's eventual dawn. - Nefertari D. Lili."

Seeing the final part of Lili's letter clarified the whole picture in front of Rob... Finally, he could proudly say that he understood everything.

"It seems Sabo was framed for a crime, he didn't commit, perfectly..."

"As Sabo said, hell resides at the top of the world."

"Oh, it seems Wapol put himself in a predicament. Hahaha!"

Rob laughed after seeing Wapol screaming the name of King Cobra and exposing himself near Imu.

"So that's why Wapol and Vivi gathered at Morgans's stronghold? Everything makes sense now."

"Vivi has also been captured..."

"Hah, as expected from Issho, even as an admiral in the Marines, he still holds onto his values. He saved the slaves amidst the chaos and allowed them to escape."

Seeing what Jabra said about Fujitora made Rob truly happy that he didn't recruit the wrong person among his legendary hunters.

Seeing how Vivi seized the moment of Wapol's appearance from the wall he ate and held onto him to escape from her captivity, Rob was convinced that this final saga was already beginning to take shape.

Thus, Rob finished reading the entire events of Chapter 1085 and went straight to the next chapter.

Where more exciting events awaited him.

"When was the last time I felt this excitement!?"

"I can hardly remember!"

Rob was genuinely excited to know the truth of the world.

Was everything in his current world truly aligned with the real One Piece world, or were there differences?

That's what he was eager to discover.



Upcoming chapter titles (spoilers):










Chapter 519: Rob's Impression of the Recent Chapters of One Piece Manga! (Part 2)

Chapter 520: The Appearance of Shakuyaku!

Chapter 521: The Eleven Supernovas! (Part 1)


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