Classless Reincarnation

Chapter 94 God Of Worldly Domination?!!

In the baby's place stood a fully grown Jack. 

"You?! Who are you—" The man barely had time to utter that he once again had to evade an attack from the Tortoise. 

"Me? A guardian. I'm the one that comes out when HE is about to get hurt." Jack cryptically replied, not that it mattered at the moment. 


Monsters surrounded the clearing. 

They had come for the "dying monster", but now they wouldn't mind an easy and quick human feast! They were HUNGRY! The rumbling of their stomach was already deafening! 

"Fuck! They're freaking everywhere!" 

Jack's new companion swore as he checked everywhere around him, despair filling his being. This was a goddamn Beast Wave! He prepared his fastest movement technique to— 

"Thinking of running? You'll escape the encirclement, but then what? They'll catch up real quick, won't they?" Jack sharply remarked. 

"T-that, it beats dying here!" The man cried out, his face twisting. 

"No, we DEFEND!" Jack stated. 

It wasn't a proposition; it was an order. The man's initial plan had been to run and hope for a miracle, right? Well, not only did he have a better one, but he could perhaps even pull it off! 

"You brought us into this mess, now FOCUS!" Jack reiterated. 

Yet, he felt the situation was strange. His nap couldn't have been that long, so they had to be near the Academy… why the hell were there so many monsters?! 

"Now, listen. There are too many for us, so we'll…." Jack shared the plan he had just devised. The more he did, the more baffled his new soldier became. 

The Monsters eying them? They were opportunists, all of them! They didn't want to actually fight; they just wanted to eat them! They also were wary of their fellow monsters. 

Their cohesion was so horrendous that it was apparent even before the fight started. After all, there were many species there and none trusted one another! 

The true leader was that Tortoise! 

As long as they could deal with it, the other Monsters would probably collapse like dominoes. So this thing had to be their target, and the only one! 

But, would it be easy to defeat a Monster that was smart enough to summon creatures to do its bidding? No way! As soon as it felt it'd lose, it would retreat FAST! 

"T-That plan's near impossible to accomplish!" The man cried out in utter shock. 

"Oh? Do you prefer fighting them all one by one, then? Go on; I'll watch from the back!"

Obviously not! It barely took an instant for the man to shut the hell up and obey Jack's orders. So what if he had appeared out of thin air? It was a "come with me if you want to live" moment! 

Thus the man resisted his instinct and planted his foot on the ground. He was done running; now he'd FIGHT! It was just in time, for that's when it began. 

— ROAR! ROAR! — 

The Tortoise roared, and its new minions all charged! 

Countless beasts, from giant pumas, to bird-fishes, and even teleporting zombie raccoons, there were monsters of all kinds, shapes, and deadliness! 

Then it was the first contact! 



Both fought back with their respective technique. 

The man was akin to a ninja, using his Magic to disappear in colorful puffs of smoke as he back-stabbed monsters! 

As for Jack, he was barely holding on and barely counter-attacking. It seemed like only luck was saving him at the moment; he somehow kept stumbling into safe spots! 

Yet, both of their blood flowed. 

Claws found their way to their shoulders, and prickly vegetation lacerated their skin. Heck, even a few skunks managed to blow their loads right in their eyes, burningly so! 

Very quickly, they found themselves fighting side by side as they did their freaking best to survive. Theirs was perhaps the shittiest team-up, but they were still alive! 

"Shit! You call yourself a guardian? How can anyone so weak be a guardian?! Still, you're one hell of a cockroach! How are you still alive?!"

"Cockroach sounds nice! What about you? How many evasive spells do you bloody know? If you'd practiced only one, you would have ascended to godhood with it, I swear!" 

They kept exchanging words as they fought. 

Yet, those were merely the ramblings of dying men; even the Monsters understood that much! They were running on fumes, faltering more and more by the minute. 

Soon, they'd be nothing more than monster poop. 

The only fate awaiting them was DEATH! 

Sigh… this sucked so much! At this moment, Jack's ally cursed his horrible luck. How was it possible that the exact moment he came out, he stumbled upon a Beast Wave?! 

There was just one thing he wasn't sure… 

"So what exactly happened to the baby? He disappeared as you came, but where did he go?" Will he be alright?" He asked, worried, Jack nodding his bloodied head. 

"Good! I'm sorry about all that. Also, Guardian dude, if we get reincarnated, I swear I'll make it up to you!" He declared with gusto. 

"Bastard, you're just trying to avoid taking responsibility, aren't you?!" Jack screamed back with equal conviction, only for the other guy to erupt in a sad chuckle. 

He really meant it. He really did regret it. He wished things could have been different, and not just for his own sake. In their short time together, that guardian had grown on him. 

"No, no, I swear! If we reincarnate as roosters, I'll give you all the chicks. Earthworms? Best dirt! Dragon? The best booty!…." He kept going. 

Death scared him. 

He kept his brain busy, 99% dodging, 1% spewing reincarnation bullshit. This was the only way he could cope with the dreadful fate that awaited them both. 

"Gods, watch me! I'm very valiant. Won't any of you take me under your wing? I'll be the best disciple, I swear!" He inwardly prayed in a bout of insanity. 

Yet even he knew that it was a pointless endeavor… But just as all seemed lost, an Ancient and Deep voice suddenly resounded in the clearing! 

"A Certain God of Worldly Domination has taken an interest in you. Do you wish to become its Avatar? Y/N?" It sounded so powerful it made his heart beat wild joy! 

"YES! Yes, for sure! I'll do whatever you need, just—"

That's when he choked. The voice? It came from a bloodied and about-to-kick-the-bucket Jack, the last bout of fun he'd have in this god-forsaken world. 

"Y-You…" There went his last hopes. 

"Anything, right? I'll take your soul, kekeke!" 

Even now, he still found the time to laugh? But just as he did, so did the Tortoise! Now that they were wounded, it was Human-Tasting Time! 

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