Classless Reincarnation

Chapter 93 Skilled "Kidnapper" Showcase!

[AMBER ALERT! A baby is…] 

As soon as Aisha saw the floating message, she had a horrendous feeling. A baby at the Magical Academy? One making so many waves? This had to be her Master, right?! 

At this moment, she had flashbacks of the Flame Lord turning her house into scrap metal. No matter what, she couldn't let this happen, not again! 

"Lizzy, hurry up. We have to find him!" She grabbed her nearby colleague, the latter simply shrugging. He'd come back eventually, right? He always did. 

But Aisha definitely wasn't the only one getting worked up. Across the Town, a certain Ice Queen had suddenly organized a manhunt! 

At this moment, she actively recruited volunteers. As she stood atop a glistering crate of ice, she appeared akin to a saint:

"Everyone, a baby's been kidnapped, but I fully intend to save it! Who's with me?!" she appealed to the entire school, observing their reaction. 

Many snickered; a random baby? Who cared! Yet, no one actually turned back. After all, impressing the Ice Queen was an entirely different matter!

"We'll help!" 

"We'll save that baby!" 

"Hehe, not if we can beat your guys to it!" 

It didn't take long for the respectable search and rescue mission to become a complete sham. People would help, but for the goddamn wrong reasons! 

"Tch— If the Ice Queen participates, then I guess so will we. Our house of Roc won't shy away from any challenge!" Another student echoed, speaking like a true SIMP. 

With how renowned she was, anyone helping her would see a surge in their popularity. It soon wasn't long before the entire school started participating— or close. 

From clubs to factions, it was an enormous get-together, all to find one baby. It became big so quickly that they even started scouring the streets with custom armbands. 

| Baby Rescue Battalion | 

BRB, for short, and also what a few told their teachers. They'd be right back; for they were doing a good deed for once! Thus they all happily started hunting for Jack. 

Aisha decisively mixed herself within their midst, only to grimace continuously. Whenever she heard about how innocent and weak the "poor baby" was, she felt like vomiting. 

Thus they scoured the entire place up, sometimes aggressively! 

"Barman! Is there a baby in this establishment? No? We better look ourselves just to be safe! Bring over a couple of pints, hehe!" Many chuckled, with the best excuse to day drink. 

"What if the villain's hiding in the sewers?! We should check it out ASAP! As soon as we find him, I swear I'll ask the Ice Queen on a date!" 

"Pfft— Fool, keep dreaming! Still, a baby in sewers? Are you crazy? There's no way anyone would bring one there. It would have been crying non-stop just from the smell!"

"Fools! Tavern? Sewers? There's only one place they could be… the Fairy Pavilion!" What started well quickly finished in a lust-induced suggestion! 

Still, it didn't change that some were genuinely searching seriously. The Ice Queen had even summoned three mighty tracking Ice Wombats for the occasion! 

But their findings were concerning at best!

"Gasp! They went outside the Academy ground? This is bad! At this rate, we'll need even more people! Get the Teachers to help too!" She decisively added. 

Thus what could have been a non-issue in the first place quickly turned into the biggest of deals, the entire Academy rumbling in response. Aisha saw it all happen, livid… 

"Jack… where the heck are you?!" 




A baby lazily opened his eyes. 

This nap had felt the greatest! Now, he just needed to go back to the gym and ask about his result, for… he froze. Where was he? It looked like a peaceful forest clearing. 

He lay on a tree stump with monster entrails a few meters beside his face. Nearby he could hear the sound of fighting, a man struggling against a creature. 

"Die, you armored bastard!" 

Countless Clangs resounded as he fought what looked like an armored tortoise from hell, the thing whipping the scythe next to its fanged maw! Speed VS Tankiness!

It seemed like the human had lower-than-average firepower and speed, at least compared to his foxes, but he made it up for it with numerous techniques. 

A wind spell to float? 

An Earth one to charge away? 

Even a water spell to slide on the ground?! 

This guy who had picked him up god knows when sure knew his shit! Was he a jack of all evasive maneuvers?! This sure looked fun! 

Thus a strange scene soon happened; the baby that should have been scared shitless at the moment enjoyed the spectacle very much. 

'Neat! I wonder what's the flame equivalent of this…." 

Jack was having a blast, analyzing the fight and figuring out if any of it could apply to his troops. But just as he was having fun, the atmosphere suddenly changed. 

The relatively slow and silent Tortoise acted up! 

— ROAR! ROAR! Whimper! Whimper!— 

It started roaring mightily, only to begin whimpering a second later. It was having a one-turtle show as if a natural-born voice actor! Yet, this show sufficed to terrify the human! 

"Crap, crap, CRAP!" He instantly retreated toward the baby. 

His plan was simple, grab the little one and GTFO! But right before he reached him, a scheming light appeared in the Tortoise's eyes… as it targeted Jack! 


There would be at least one victim! But then the human made his move. "Substitution!" He cried out, his magic running rampant. 

That's when something truly magical happened, which had Jack glow with wonder and excitement! 

[Substitution Spell has Been Used!] 

[Accept to Switch Place with the Caster? Y/N] 

Yes, a thousand times, yes! This looked so much fun! 

Just before the Tortoise's scythes could reach him, the scenery completely changed as he found himself where the "kidnapper" had been, the latter dodging in his place! 


The tree trunk didn't just explode; it was obliterated into non-existence! But, just as it seemed like they could run away safely, that's when it happened. 

Countless creature shrieks resounded, baited by the Tortoise's previous cry. They believed a mighty predator had fallen and were here to clean it up like hyenas! 

They'd become stronger as long as they could only get a mouthful of its meat! That was also why magical beasts often devoured humans: to evolve! 

"What?! That soon?! How?!" The poor man trembled all over. 

Not only had magical beasts come way faster than supposed, but they had even grouped regardless of species?! This wasn't supposed to happen! 

But just as despair filled his heart. 

"Good thing I'm here, ain't it!" 

A chuckle resounded from behind him. The baby?! Gone! In its place stood an easy-going-looking young man, one filled with confidence. WHAT?! 

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