Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 375: A Sweet Family...

Chapter 375: A Sweet Family…

The long table present in the dining room was filled with hundreds of hundreds of different dishes and right at the table were none other than tree figures: Quinn, Atherston, and Savita, Quinn’s mother.

The silence at the table was nerve-wracking as the small family of three looked at each other, with Quinn’s gaze widening with disgust on sighting Atherston who tried his best to look at the food he was eating while softening on the sight of Savita who had a big smile on her face.

“Okay, okay. I knew I did wrong, ok. But look on the bright side, the entire family till the end of eternity won’t ever have to worry about Horora. There will from now on be unnecessary deaths happening in the family. I’m sure our ancestors are looking up from their place and smiling at my good deeds…” Atherston said before he was interrupted by an incredibly loud snort brimming with apocalyptic disdain.

“Yeah. They really are proud that you turned your entire family into a piece on a chess board. A thousand things might have gone wrong that will make sure that you’re the only one on this table and eating alone…” Quinn shot back at him.

He had not accepted the bastard before him as a father at all. The only thing stopping him from digging a spear through his head was his mom who was sitting beside him.

“So, Mom, you never went to the ancestral ground in the first place, and working as a maid was all a ploy,” Quinn asked as Savita shook her head.

“It wasn’t a ploy. Your father really sent me away from the palace after hearing that I was pregnant with you…” Savita replied as Atherston’s head grew red like a tomato and he dragged his silver hair trying to cover his face.

“Tch, damn him…” Quinn said clicking his tongue in distaste as Atherston smiled wryly. There really was no way to refute that act.

“I truly thought they were going to kill you too. But when you were released I was sent to the ancestral ground. I wasn’t taken to the ancestral ground and the palace instead. It was where I met your father again and he explained everything to him.

It was very hard to take in. But he promised it won’t lead to your demise, although you really might go through some hardships sometimes. And it wasn’t like I could say no, too…” Savita said with a pitiful expression.


Immediately the entire air around the dining was immediately blown apart as Quinn looked at Atherston his eyes almost bursting out with blue flames.

“But the risk came with a very big reward too. And that is fewer people will die in the future or the best case, the entire Voidspace won’t be wiped out. So, it was a sacrifice I was willing to make. Thankfully, it went well and the problem has been solved…” Savita said as she played around with Quinn’s hair, whose hard expression softened a little.

“Well, I guess all my sins have been forgiven?” Atherston asked with puppy eyes as Quinn snirted coldly before grabbing his fork and begin stuffing his mouth full of food.

“In your dreams…” He roared out when he was done as Atherston’s face dropped helplessly.

“Ahn, forget it, Quinn. You know, your father is just like you. Once he has a goal, he would only focus his attention on it and ignore everything else. Now that he had his goal resolved, I’m pretty sure he’s completely free now. And would return to the Athserston I once knew when I was young…” Savita replied as she looked at Atherston and her eyes softened.

It was what Quinn wasn’t aware of, but she Savita, was a slave at the palace ever since she had been little, just around Atherston’s age too. Both of them were love birds, who were able to ignore their status but she had seen how Atherston slowly changed as he was put through hellish training by Alexander.

Every time he left the palace, he would usually come back with his clothes reduced to rags and his entire body spewing with massive amounts of blood. Being his personal slave, she was the one who helped him with his injuries and that happened every day for more than twenty years.

She had watched as his vibrant smile slowly disappeared and he came to become so determined it became very toxic. A type of determination where he was basically ready to tear through the world. It wasn’t a decision formed from simply deciding. It was a decision that arose from years and years of brutal training and forceful brainwashing by an emotionless monster.

If she was to be honest, compared to the pain that Atherston had been through at the hands of his own emotionless father, Alexander. Quinn’s experience wasn’t worth mentioning.

But she knew well, that he had also been through a lot too…

“I’m sure you’ll come to forgive your father soon….”

“Hmmm, sooooon….” Quinn replied with a smile to Savita before turning to stare dagger at Atherston.

“So, the EIA was truly going to give me up just as you offered?” Quinn suddenly asked.

To say he wasn’t disappointed with what the EIA did would be a lie. He was of course proud when they weren’t sacred because of his father being at the Galaxy Rank stage. But when they had to give him and so easily too just because of a certain rule, he couldn’t say he was particularly prod.

“Yes. They would have to give you up due to the universal rule. No organization can disobey the universal rule as no organization can face head-on the wrath of all the world forces of the infinite galaxy combined. That is, the punishment of disobedient.”

“Although, I truly met with an interesting person among the EIA Commanders who wanted to stop me from taking you away…”

“An EIA Grand Commander!” Quinn roared out in shock.

“Yeah. And a good old friend of mine…”

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