Chapter 374: Mother!!!?

“Impossible…” Quinn said as his palms quivered repeatedly.

“It is the truth, Quinn. All the things I have been chasing. The more power, the more brutality. All was a necessary factor to wipe out Horora. I knew well Horora can’t be left alone and killing our clansmen because of the fear of their bloodline regressing is not a solution and sooner or later, Hororra will rise once again, probably when the calm is at its weakest. Something has to be done and as the patriarch of the Voidspace family. It was my responsibility…” Atherston said loudly in a heavy tone.

“But…But why me?” Quinn said as he rose to his feet, a vein popping on his head.

“I had to bring Hororra out, And the only person I could use for that was my son. I made you suffer. I made you believe that you had two other brothers which I loved and I hated you. It was all to plant the seed of hatred in your heart and make your bloodline regress. But you didn’t care for that, because of your mother. Your seed of hatred began to stop growing.

So, I purposefully took her away, under the guise of her covering up your punishment to make that seed of hatred in you keep growing. And that truly clinched it. Your seed of hatred grew powerfully and your hate and vow to destroy the Voidspace family bloomed.

When you left for the EIA, I watched you all the way. And purposefully didn’t say anything and simply left you to be. You wanted to get rid of the past but I know it is impossible. The past would have to be faced head-on or it will be growing even more powerfully as time goes on. And that was what was exactly needed. To make your seed of hatred keep growing stronger.” Atherston replied as he took another sip of the coffee.

“You also knew about Old Man Mang?” Quinn asked as a smile appeared on Atherston’s face and he suddenly clapped his hands together causing the void of space beside him to shale crazily and Old Man Mang stepped out.

“Old Man Mang?” Quinn asked in shock.

“I hope you can forgive me, Young master Quinn…” The man replied as he gave a bow to Quinn whose jaw opened to form a wide ‘O’

“I am the one that sent Old Man Mang to help grow your strength. Hororra can only be awake ed if you reach a certain level of strength and if we simply wait for you to reach it naturally, that will take too much time. So, I sent Old Mang to help you grow faster and quickly awaken Horora…” Atherston said as Quinn clenched his teeth, a gigantic vein appearing all over his face.

“It is like I’m some type of chess piece on your damn board…” Quinn roared out in fury as Atherston dropped his coffee.

“You were a very necessary chess piece, Quinn. How many more of our people can we kill due to far of Horora’s awakening? How long can we keep living in fear? Sooner or later, Horora will appear and you know well more than anyone, its fury. It would raze the Voidspace family to the ground…”

“And why should I care? If the Voidspace family gets razed down to ashes tomorrow, I’ll toast it.” Quinn replied as Atherston’s eyes quivered repeatedly.

“Because you might truly be made up of 99% of the Space Demon bloodline but you have 1% of the Voidspace family left. And you’re my only son. The blood runs through the generation and the responsibility runs too. I can’t forego the responsibility, nor can you. You’re not the only one who felt the loss, Quinn. I did too, and in ways you can never understand…” Atherston said as he looked into the distance, an angry aura flaring through the entire place but the man exhaled as the aura disappeared.

“Quinn, I know well I have been a bad father. I know I’m not worthy of being called a father at all. Pushing you to the edge of life and death is incredibly hard. But know well, it has been harder on me too.” Atherston replied as they both long into their piercing blue eyes.

“I know you’ll never accept me as your father. And I know well that I deserve that. But can you at least, forgive her?” Atherston asked as the door slowly clinked open and Quinn’s eyes widened as a drop of tear slid down his left eye.

‘That perfume! It was the one that he had not smelled for almost 10 years now. It was a perfume he had tried his best to remember every endless night. It was his only source of motivation to continue living and staying rigged in place anytime he faced those obstacles. Whenever he got sore and inflated with Mana. Every time his brain wanted to explode from forcefully trying to understand principles that were well beyond his level. That smell was his everything…”]

Slowly Quinn turned backward and he finally sighted that figure. The figure who he had almost forgotten the face of.”

“M… Mother,” Quin asked his voice quivering repeatedly, and instantly she disappeared as a pair of arms wrapped around his back and he was dragged to a soft bosom.

“Quinn…” The voice that he couldn’t forget rang in his ears as Quinn felt the drops of tears that rained down his shoulder.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I had to pretend to be lost when I was so close by. I’m sorry I wasn’t by your side Quinn.” The voice rang out in his ears and instantly, the hate he held, the anger and frustration in his heart all immediately dispersed.

And the tears flowed out uncontrollably.

“I’m sorry too….”

“I’m sorry”

“I’m sorry” Quinn cried out loudly as the entire room was bloated by all sound by the sound of a painful cry and also that of joy…

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