Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 371: Exorcising Horora 2

Chapter 371: Exorcising Horora 2

The pressure emanating from Horora’s body was enough to send anyone beneath the galaxy rank stage to his knees, but Atherston was able to calm down and not panic at all.

That was because he knew well this was just Horora’s body. It had no soul present within it. Cultivators in such ranks as the creatures before it could easily separate their souls from their bodies which could be easily manipulated.

So instead of walking around the world with the gigantic body of an abyssal cat. Horora chose to walk around in its soul form instead.

In such a state, though weaker than his true body, he can manipulate it to become any creature he decides to morph into.

As for Horora’s Soul, they were currently in two places. One was in the bloodline of every Void space family. It had been sealed in their bloodline, to be diffused all around and not able to concentrate in a single place which might eventually cause his awakening.

As for the other fragments of its soul. Immediately silvery light bloomed out of Atherston’s body as he slowly levitated off the ground and slowly rose to Horora’s height.

Levitating around him, his eyebrows furrowed as he tried searching for something and soon he found it. A small stone monument just right in front of Horora’s nose.

“Tch, there’s no way I have to go near that lightning nose right…” Atherston mused to himself as he looked at the wave of red lightning that spewed out Atherston’s snort.

But he immediately steeled his mind as his entire body became coated in silvery light.

Standing upright In the air, he slowly removed both hands from his pockets and he suddenly clasped them together.

“Voidspace Art: Fourth Form, Space Flow…” Atherston muttered and instantly he disappeared from where he stood, appearing instantly in front of the stone monument.

Instantly, his hands reached out as he grabbed the object.


Instantly, the entire area before the stone monument shook wildly as Horora’s body released a powerful wave of lighting right when Atherston’s hands touched the small stone monument, Atherston’s was immediately covered by the lightning.

The entire place was reduced back to a grave silence before the sound of coughing suddenly rang out.




From one of the destroyed rubble of a corner of the place, a scorched young man could be seen on all fours coughing out all his lungs, droplets of blood raining from his teeth.

“I almost died just from its simple breathing…” Atherston muttered mockingly to himself but that immediately cleared away when he looked at the stone monument, his eyes shining brilliantly.

“Horora’s Second Soul Monument…” He muttered, his hands shaking from disbelief but quickly regained himself.

“Lost Art Of The Infinite Sealer. Life Unlock…” Atherston mused to himself as he moved his hands to his forehead and swiped.

Instantly two drops of blood floated out of his forehead and Atherston took one of them, while the second immediately entered back into the hole on his forehead.

The remaining drop of blood was placed on the monument and instantly cracks spread all across its surface before…


The stone monument shattered into pieces and a few objects dropped from within.

Two Ancient books with ragged cover, and a seal image placed on a dirty cloth.

Swiping his hands over the books, he was able to see their name:

The first book was titled. The Infinite Space Devouring Manual.

“A mana cultivation technique?” Atherston mused to himself, his eyes shining with light.

But he placed the book down as he looked at the other book

The Infinity Point Techniques…He couldn’t glean much from the name of the technique but opening the pages, his eyes stared dumbly at empty space and instantly the two books disappeared from his hands, stored In his storage space.

Lastly was the small cloth and Atherston’s eyes narrowed dangerously looking at the piece of clothing, to the runes inscribed on it to be more specific.

“This is a soul storage space.” Atherston mused to himself and instantly he slashed once against the space on his forehead and two drops of blood flowed out.

From it, Atherston took 2 and the remaining one flew back in. With both droplets on his finger, he began drawing another set of runes in the runic lines present on the piece of clothing.

“Lost Art Of The Infinite Sealer: Life Destroy…” He mused and instantly, the red runic line that he drew using his blood immediately flared brightly before dimming.

And when it completely dimmed, the rune on the cloth slowly faded away with the cloth also fading away.

Less than a minute later, the piece of clothing has been thoroughly destroyed.

“Even though I have fallen by two stages of cultivation and lost 70 years of my remaining lifespan. Horora’s second Soul has also been destroyed! It’s an equivalent exchange…” Atherston said out loud and with that, he gave one last look at the gigantic beastly creature before.

He gave one last look at the gigantic beastly creature before immediately moving out of the cave, leaving the place in absolute silence.

— — —

“Tch, you bastard!!!” Horora roared out in fury as he slammed his abyssal flaws on the iron gate.

Its entire body flared brightly with a color of red as its gigantic fangs opened wide, just in front of Atherston but blocked by the chains surrounding them both.

“Hahahah…” Atherston grinned evilly looking at the angered expression of Horora in front of him.

“Tch, you sound like I was the only one who suffered. You also were deprived of your manhood. Till you die, you’ll never be able to give birth again!!!” Horora roared out mockingly as he looked at the Atherstone. But the disappointed expression he was waiting for never happened.

“I was able to pass all the restrictions using the object contained in your totem. I regained back my cultivation and even reached the galaxy rank stage thanks to your Infinite Space Devouring Manual and even possess powerful techniques with the Infinite Space Flow Technique.

As for my manhood, I was able to regain it using the vial I saw In your storage totem…” Atherston said with a nonchalant expression.

“Tch, that was for me to give birth to another me, so I can replace its body and start my cultivation anew when I reach my peak. Who would have guessed your bastard self would have used it?

But the vial only gives you a single chance to raise another life. You would only be able to give birth once and then you never will again…” Horora mocked mercilessly.

“Of course, I knew that. And I have given birth to that one. The only one that would carry the remainder of my bloodline and would rise beyond my peak. Unlike you who would die out, eventually…” Atherston said and slowly he began moving backwards as an ancient book appeared in his hands.

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