Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 370: Exorsising Horora 1

Chapter 370: Exorsising Horora 1

In an incredibly vast wasteland filled with hundreds and hundreds of majestic mountains.

A flaming figure could be seen, soaring through the sky with speed, before suddenly It dived head-first into the ground…


The entire ground caved in destroying the entire place into nothing as the dot in the place immediately dispersed revealing a young man seemingly around 20 years of age, with long silver hair and devastating handsomeness.

The young man’s blue eyes looked around the place as he suddenly stretched out his hands, a red crystal appearing within his grasp.

The crystal was a strange cubic-like box and suddenly the young man flung the box into the sky as it suddenly paused mid-air, the red runic light on it flaming brightly before immediately soaring into the distance.



The ground beneath the young man’s feet suddenly gave way and instantly he disappeared away from where he stood, turning into a beam of light that flashed throughout the peaks and rapidly chased another beam of red light that was in the distance.

10 minutes later…

The cubic crystal finally stopped mid-air, its light intensity reaching a deafening steaming level before suddenly



Cracks spread throughout the entire surface and immediately it exploded into dust

A hand stretched upward taking the ashes of the place within his grasp and his eyes looked straight at the stone monument dug into the ground.

Walking towards the stone monument and crouching before it, his hands swiped over the dust covering the image and he could already see the strange outline of the best on the stone monument. A tiger-like beast with a sharp spiked tail.

“Ahhhhh, found it, finally…” Atherston mused as he stood up on his feet and slowly walked towards the mountain.

A blue light immediately flashed in his eyes, and immediately the mountain suddenly became a gigantic cave inscribed with thousands of runes.

Appearing before the mountain, he clenched his fist tightly before taking a step back, blue runic lines appearing all over his hands.


The entire mountain shook wildly as Atherston slammed a punch on the mountain, but what shocked him was it only rumbled for a second before quieting down once again as if nothing ever happened.




The sound of collision rang out continuously as Atherston threw out hundreds of punches at the stone wall but that did nothing at all.

“Tch, now how do I open this?” he wondered to himself but soon turned back when he needed to himself and that was when it clicked In his head.

The funny ability his old father had always joked about. And that was that their urine could open all doors between earth and heaven.

Being a person with a brain, he knew well that wouldn’t work although he truly was guilty of having tried it before and it never worked.

But now it wouldn’t hurt to try. Still, he stopped his motion as he remembered the side effects that came with that.

The side effect was incredibly lethal and that was losing his potency as a man.

But Atherston was willing to lose everything to ensure his father’s last wish was answered so he steeled his eyes as he urinated on the mountain.


The mountain shook wildly and instantly Atherston’s face changed as he looked at the water rose into the air and clung to the mountain.

A golden halo immediately flashed through the world emerging from the sky and instantly Atherston felt an intense feeling of loss.

It was a sudden and strange feeling as he suddenly felt he was now incomplete but he ignored that feeling as his hands stretched out and began drawing a runic line into the air.

“OPEN…” He roared on completing the drawing as he slammed his palm on it causing it to soar into the mountain.

Once Atherston finished the art, he could already feel the negative effect of it. But he didn’t pay it much attention.

He was already prepared to lose it all in the first place. Taking three steps backward. The runic inscriptions present on the mountain wall began dispersing and right in front of him was an opening in the mountain.

The silvery colored lines on his body flared with light and he entered Into the cave.

20 seconds later…


The stone wall rolled itself back into place sealing the mountain once again

— — —

In the cave…

A long narrow passage could be seen within the cave walls and baa Atherston walked through it, occasionally, red lights flared brightly from the crystal illuminating the hall and he simply followed their illumination.

The long walk continued for the next 2 hours and Atherston walked throughout the entire area his eyes flashing with a blue light that enabled him to easily pass through all the opening present.

But strangely at the end of the long pathway was nothing but a dead end.

And slowly Atherston walked closer towards it, eyes furrowed to take a better look before a glint flashed in his eyes.

“Tch, parlor trick…” He mused out loudly before he immediately slowly stretched out his left hand, strange runic symbols appearing on his palm and he placed it on the wall.

Instantly, red runic lines appeared all over the entire stone wall as the strange image of a cat-like creature appeared all over the runic wall and the cave immediately crumbled to the ground.

Stepping through the opening, Atherston’s jaws dropped to the ground when he looked at the gigantic creature resting on the monument present in the cave.

It reached a shocking height of almost 200 meters and the sound of rhythmic thunder echoed throughout the entire place.

The creature was no different from a cat except that it was more than countless times larger and instead of fur, it was covered in crimson scales instead.

The tail was like a long round pole enveloped in hundreds of spikes and pointed at its end

The mere sighting of the monster almost him to collapse on his knees from the natural it was exuding but it only made a triumphant smile appear on Atherston’s face.

“I have found it. Horora’s true body!”

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