Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 2148 Asong’s Concern

Chapter 2148 Asong's Concern

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 23:14

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon, Dungeon Seal

"Previously, they did their best to hide the part of taxpayers' money they were using to nourish their undead army. But this past week or so, they got sloppy at hiding their tracks. That might be because the amount of money they were stealing had increased tenfold. There was no way for them to come up with a coverup for covertly diverting such a large amount of funds. Honestly, it was already incredible that nobody noticed such a huge amount of taxpayer money was being stolen. freewebnøvel.coɱ

At first, I thought it was just a few greedy people stealing the citizens' hard-earned money and filling their pockets, but when I followed the trail of money, I uncovered the most disturbing truth—the horror hiding in the underbelly of the central capital. I cannot believe they would do such a thing. What I want to know is who is involved in this and bring them all to justice," Asong said, her voice tinged with indignation. She knew that diverting such a large portion of taxpayer money couldn't happen without higher-ups' approval. She wanted to find out whether raising an undead army was a scheme devised by the current government or just a few corrupt, power-hungry individuals within it.

"Wait, you have no idea who is behind this?" Wyatt was surprised to learn that Asong only knew what was happening but had no idea who was behind it. Come to think of it, even in Clown Mask's future vision, when Asong was assassinated she knew why she was being assassinated and barely had any idea as to who was behind it. He wondered if Karl knew this. Maybe, not. Regardless, the latter would want Asong dead as she already knew too much. Despite this revelation, Wyatt's mind still focused on the fact that Karl's actions had become brazen in the last week or so. Before that, he made sure to hide the track of money by cooking the books. But last week he swindled out ten times the usual money making it difficult for him to hide his tracks. This info was well and good, but the question here was what made Karl suddenly become more active. If he could have raised the level of the undead to the demigod realm just by spending a few more bucks then why did he not do it previously and only this last week? What had changed for Karl to take such measures despite the risk of being found? Wyatt could not help but wonder if the failure of the central government and Morningstar University's joint effort to kidnap him was Karl's trigger. No, that wasn't it, or was it his success in the VR Universe? Wait a minute, let's back up, did Karl find the answer to raising his undead to the demigod realm faster and quicker in his VR Universe? No, that is not possible because neither of the three mischiefs has equipped his VR Slime card or entered the VR Universe. However, it was different for their pawns. Even the masters have not entered his VR Universe except for Demigod Norley. Wyatt believed if not for Jill, Demigod Norley too would not have tried VR universe until he was sure that it was safe. Unlike the general populous the masters and the mischiefs believed that if the creator of the VR universe wanted to he could trap their consciousness in it. After all, many researchers around the world have used a high-grade sarmas illusion array formation as an example to explain the VR universe so that the card apprentice could better understand it. This achieved the purpose but also created an obstacle as anybody who knew about illusion array formations did not dare to enter the VR universe which was why still many world leaders had yet to visit the VR universe. Even the Freedom Fighters did not dare to enter it until Luna told them the benefits of the VR Universe.

As Wyatt pondered on Asong's words he found that there were many possibilities as to why Karl had grown more aggressive about leveling the undead in the last week. However, with the information he currently held it was impossible to tell why Karl became increasingly active in the last week even at the risk of revealing the masters' plan of raising an undead army to the world. "I learned a few names during my investigation but they are all small people, they do not have the power to take such a huge chunk of taxpayer money without tripping the warning bells with the respective authorities. I think they are just pawns and this is bigger than them, maybe even as big as the central government itself," Asong said with a grave expression. She was trying hard not to jump to a conclusion but still, she could not help but bring up the central government. She used to think she was a part of it but now she wondered if the central government she knew was just the tip of the ugly iceberg that hid under the deep waters of the central region. The more she thought the more frustrated and concerned she grew about the situation. Asong was now starting to take Wyatt's previous warning to her more seriously than ever. Therefore, she could not help but look at Wyatt and ask, "How did you come to know about this? Was it the Southern Royal Family? Do you know who is truly behind this?"

In response to Asong's question, Wyatt let out a mysterious smile not giving her any answer. He left it to her imagination. Asong was not his person, they were in an alliance that was all. He could not just hand her information for free. Not to mention, currently she was mooching off him. Thanks to her relationship with him, she now has one of the top ten strongest card apprentices in the world protecting her.

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