Chapter 2147 Brazen Karl

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 23:11

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Fine Gold Residential Area

"Hey, Wyatt. Why don't you come in?" Asong greeted Wyatt and invited him into the villa.

Wyatt's presence outside the villa puzzled Asong. It wasn't like him to wander around the neighborhood instead of coming straight to her. Normally, she wouldn't mind his behavior, but tonight was different. An assassin from the central region was out to get her, and she didn't want Wyatt to become collateral damage in this deadly game. Her Semi-demigod bodyguard assured her that there was no need to worry about Wyatt, as he exhibited the energy signature of a demigod. This meant that her barely eighteen-year-old friend might be a card demigod.

Asong found this hard to believe. Despite her guards' insistent claims, she struggled to accept that Wyatt could be a demigod. The guards had been buzzing about it ever since they arrived at their temporary housing. They had sensed Wyatt's energy, which matched that of a card demigod during their previous encounter. However, back then, Wyatt appeared as a red humanoid monster. Considering the rumors about Wyatt and his borrowed powers, Asong hadn't thought much of it at the time. But now, Wyatt looked like his regular self, yet the guards still insisted he possessed demigod-level strength.

There was even a moment when her guards worried that this Wyatt might be an impostor, an assassin disguised as Wyatt to get to Asong. However, they quickly dismissed this theory. Field Marshal Heatsend was currently overseeing their situation, and she would undoubtedly be aware of Wyatt's whereabouts and actions. If a fake Wyatt were approaching Asong, the Field Marshal would have alerted them.

Despite the assurances and the evidence presented by her guards, Asong couldn't wrap her mind around the idea. If Wyatt truly was a card demigod, he would be the youngest ever in the Card World, breaking Demigod Baylor's record by several years. The implications were staggering. The entire card apprentice community would be thrown into chaos. Just the thought of the infinite consequences of this news made Asong feel light-headed.

She took a deep breath, attempting to steady her racing thoughts. She knew she needed to focus and greet Wyatt properly. If what her guards claimed was true, this was a monumental moment.

Wyatt looked at her with a calm expression, his usual laid-back demeanor seemingly unaffected by the tension surrounding them. "Just came to check up on you, Asong. I heard they sent an assassin. How did it all come to this despite me repeatedly warning you?"

His nonchalance only added to Asong's confusion. How could someone appear so harmless and possess the power of a demigod at the same time? She studied his face, searching for any hint of the immense power her guards claimed he possessed. But Wyatt just looked like Wyatt – her friend, her ally, the young man she had come to rely on.

"That's the sweat of you, but you didn't have to trouble yourself, it is almost the middle of the night, a grimoire call would have sufficed," she said, trying to sound casual, though her mind was anything but calm.

"How could I not? You are my guest. Your safety is my top priority. Let us continue inside," Wyatt replied, as he walked past her into her villa. "Sure," Asong responded calmly, following Wyatt into the villa she closed the door behind them, bracing herself for the conversation to come. But her mind continued to whirl with questions and doubts. If Wyatt truly was a card demigod, what did that mean for their current situation? Could it be he was here to protect her from the assassin? And more importantly, how had he achieved such power at such a young age? She resolved to get the answer to all these questions tonight. Entering the villa, Wyatt got comfortable on the couch in the living room without waiting for Asong. After all, this was one of his properties that he was temporarily using to accommodate Asong's stay in Sky Blossom City. He glanced at Asong, who was seated opposite him, and sternly said, "I clearly remember going out of my way and breaking many of my rules to warn you and ask you to go into hiding. What part of it did you not understand?"

Asong looked at him, her expression a mix of defiance and frustration. "Your warning only made me more curious. I've had my misgivings for a while now, so I had to know the truth. I thought I was being cautious—besides, they weren't even doing a good job of hiding it."

She paused, gathering her thoughts before continuing. "No, the number of undead they were cultivating had grown so large that they could no longer properly hide the fact that they were using taxpayer money to create an army of undead right in the heart of the central region. Even without me being nosy, their actions were about to be exposed soon."

Wyatt listened intently, his expression not softening. Asong tried to defend her actions, but as she spoke, she realized her efforts might have been unnecessary. The culprits had grown so brazen that their excessive actions would have exposed them soon anyway.

"What do you mean?" Wyatt asked, having gathered from Asong's words that Karl might have grown a little careless in his ways, prompting Wyatt to wonder if this had anything to do with the reason why the undead had grown to the demigod realm ahead of time.

According to Clown Mask's future vision, the masters' undead army should not be ready by now. Yet, for some unknown reason, Karl has helped the masters cultivate their undead army a few years ahead of the time it took him in the Clown Mask's future vision. Therefore, Wyatt could not help but wonder if Karl's brazen actions in the central capital were shown how related to the reason why the undead had achieved the demigod realm ahead of time. So, he could not help but ask Asong for more details.

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