Chapter 311 Road to the Land of Flowers

Just five days.

That was the time it took for Mansur to open the store and sell all the goods he had procured and the ones Oh Ha-seok had brought.

“Is this even possible…”

Mansur, who was calculating the sales amount, was half dazed.

With the Challenger accompanying them, the quantity brought from Joseon was 2.5 times that of the previous shipment.

Although there were large items like chandeliers, there were also small items like sunglasses, so they had brought 2.5 times the quantity.

However, all the inventory was exhausted in just five days. Previously, even with half the quantity and the popularity of Joseon products backing them, it had taken about a week.

Pondering the reason for the faster-than-expected sellout and the tremendous sales exceeding expectations, Mansur soon thought of one individual.

“Is it because of Cosimo de’ Medici after all?”

At the auction house, he had made his presence known, and subsequently, he had also made his presence felt at the store by purchasing a large quantity of products.

After Cosimo had strongly asserted his presence, sales had skyrocketed.

The merchants who had come before Cosimo’s arrival had carefully selected and purchased items after examining the inventory here and there. However, the merchants who entered after his visit indiscriminately swept up the goods. And from the next day onwards, the merchants who flocked in were even more enthusiastic in sweeping up the items.

“These are the items he praised and bought! That alone is enough to sell them far and wide!”

“If you keep examining them, you’ll miss out on the goods! Just buy everything! If you’re unlucky, you’ll have to wait a year!”

With the premium of being goods from ‘Joseon, the Land of Flowers’ and the added premium of ‘Cosimo de’ Medici’, a frenzy of fanatical purchasing by merchants had swept in.

The merchants who had flocked in paid the asking price without bargaining and took the goods, recording record-breaking sales.


When Mansur mentioned Cosimo as the reason for the tremendous craze this time, Oh Ha-seok asked with a slightly puzzled expression.

“Are you saying that our Joseon’s goods sold well not because they were excellent, but because of that merchant?”

“Although Joseon’s goods are indeed excellent, the prices are high. Normally, merchants would have bought them after carefully examining and pondering.”


At Mansur’s words, Oh Ha-seok stroked his beard and tried to recall his memories.


Recalling his memories of when he had come to Alexandria with Mansur before, Oh Ha-seok gave a small nod.

At that time, merchants had also flocked to buy goods. However, once they entered the store, they would pick up and put down items, pondering for a long time before making their purchases.

This was the same even for merchants who appeared to have some money. They meticulously examined the goods while making bulk purchases and engaged in lengthy bargaining to get even a single coin off the price.

‘Considering that, it’s reasonable to say that the reason they sold quickly this time is because of that great merchant…’

However, Oh Ha-seok’s pride was slightly hurt to acknowledge it right away.

Until now, he had seen countless times how Joseon’s products were the best in the world, not only in Ming and Japan but also in Tianzhu and here, and how merchants would create a commotion to obtain them. It didn’t sit well with Oh Ha-seok that a single merchant’s reputation surpassed that.

‘Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated in a hundred battles. Since he said he would visit soon, it wouldn’t hurt to find out about him beforehand.’

Having sorted out his thoughts, Oh Ha-seok asked Mansur.

“What kind of merchant is this Cosimo?”

“He is both a merchant and a ruler.”

“A ruler?”

At Mansur’s answer, Oh Ha-seok immediately thought of Hyang. Shaking his head urgently to erase the impression, Oh Ha-seok continued his questioning.

“Is it possible for a merchant to become a ruler?”

“In Italy, including Florence, a single city is a single nation. So, it is possible. How should I put it? It’s closer to a tyrannos (τυραννος, tyrant).”


When an unfamiliar word came up, Oh Ha-seok asked again.

Mansur provided a detailed explanation of the Greek word ‘tyrannos’. After listening to the explanation for a while, Oh Ha-seok reached a conclusion.

“Someone who is not of royal lineage wields power beyond their status… It’s similar to the military regimes of the previous dynasty (Goryeo)… What is the reason such an immoral person wields such great influence?”

“As I mentioned earlier, Italy is a city-state, so there is no one ruling the entire country. And that person has a lot of wealth. There probably isn’t a single king of those damn Catholic countries who doesn’t do business with him. Not only him but also the merchants he employs, the only ones who deal with commoners are those working on the battlefield. The rest all deal with kings or Ha-seok nodded as if he finally understood.

‘Goods purchased by a merchant who only deals with kings and nobles’

It was certain that those who wanted to stand out even a little would purchase such items even if they had to pay a fortune.

‘Geumpil was like that.’

Recalling the situation when Geumpil first appeared, Oh Ha-seok soon realized a fact.

‘Wait! Isn’t this the same as what His Highness has done!’

Whenever Hyang created a new item, he immediately presented it to King Sejong. And at some point, the new item was used throughout the royal family, and after a slight passage of time, it became common among the wealthy class residing in Hanseong. And after a bit more time, it spread not only throughout Joseon but also far to Ming and Japan.

‘Is it a coincidence, or was it intentional?’

Although he had a strong suspicion that it was the latter, Oh Ha-seok stopped there.

‘What’s the problem? He will eventually ascend to the throne, and there are hardly any useless items created by His Highness…’

Having reached that conclusion, Oh Ha-seok delved deeper into Cosimo.

“How did this Cosimo amass his wealth?”

“He started with the pharmaceutical industry, but soon grew significantly through the wool trade.”

Around the time of the Renaissance, Florence was famous as a city of wool. The woolen cloth made by processing wool imported from England and Spain was Florence’s main export item. This woolen industry was the primary livelihood of the people living in Florence. Among the merchants dealing only with woolen cloth, there were even those who employed and operated more than 30,000 people.(Note 1)

“Woolen cloth? Are you saying those Catholics wear clothes made of woolen cloth?”

“That’s right. Not only those damn Catholics but we Arabs also seek woolen cloth a lot.”

“However, the cotton cloth we brought is also well-received, isn’t it?”

“It is welcomed because it is as thin and soft as muslin, yet wide and long. The price is also reasonably cheap.”

“Is that so…”


After finishing his conversation with Mansur, Oh Ha-seok began writing a report summarizing the information about Cosimo.

-A merchant and a ruler.

-A merchant who deals with rulers and nobles in the land of the Westerners, which they call Europe.

-Therefore, his influence on the rulers and nobles of the West is considerable.

As he was organizing the information about Cosimo, Oh Ha-seok stopped his brush and muttered.

“Such a remarkable person said he would visit, but is this a misfortune or a blessing…”


Two days later, Cosimo de’ Medici visited Mansur’s mansion.

Having already made an appointment the previous day, Mansur and Oh Ha-seok, who had been waiting, politely welcomed Cosimo at the entrance of the gate.

“It is an honor to meet the head of the great Medici family again.”

“Thank you for warmly welcoming me.”

After exchanging brief greetings, Mansur guided Cosimo de’ Medici inside.

As Cosimo sat on the soft cushion laid out in the reception room, servants entered with teacups and a teapot and poured tea.

Although tea was not yet familiar to Europeans, Cosimo skillfully lifted the teacup and savored the aroma.

“The aroma is very nice.”

“It is tea from Joseon. Kahwa is good, but Joseon’s tea also has its own flavor and is delightful.”

“Speaking of which…”

When Mansur mentioned ‘Joseon’, Cosimo turned to Oh Ha-seok.

“How far is Joseon from here?”

“It’s a bit farther than Ming.”


As Cosimo slightly tilted his head, Mansur added.

“Qitai. It has been quite some time since the name of the country changed to Ming.”

At Mansur’s explanation, Cosimo clicked his tongue softly.

“And yet they still call it Qitai… Well, what kind of country is Joseon? Is it hot like here?”

“In the summer, it gets considerably hot, but in the winter, it’s frighteningly cold. The scenery in spring and autumn is so beautiful that it brings tears to your eyes.”

“The spring and autumn in our Italy are also beautiful.”

After that, the three of them talked about various topics, including the scenery of Joseon, for a long time.


When he thought the atmosphere had softened to some extent, Cosimo slowly entered the main topic.

“Will Joseon continue to visit Alexandria in the future?”

“I am a soldier, so I am not well-versed in that matter. However, if good results like this trade continue, I believe it is quite possible.”

At Oh Ha-seok’s answer, Cosimo’s eyes began to sparkle.

“Then, what about directly crossing the Mediterranean?”

“It is impossible for ships to cross the desert.”

“Can’t you take a detour? Sailors say there are no detours, but merchants are coming up from the south even on land routes. According to them, there is also a sea in the south, so isn’t a detour possible?”

To Cosimo’s words, Oh Ha-seok immediately replied.

“That part is not for me to decide, but for the higher-ups.”

“What do you personally think?”

To Cosimo’s question, Oh Ha-seok answered concisely.

“It’s unnecessary. I believe the trade route from our Joseon to Suez is sufficient. Securing the safety of the trade route from Joseon to Suez is the best we can do.”


At Oh Ha-seok’s answer, Cosimo stroked his chin.

‘How much of that answer is truly sincere?’

After pondering for a moment, Cosimo asked again.

“There are many lands to the west of Suez, and there are many people to enslave. Aren’t you tempted?”

“Most of those vast lands are barren, and our Joseon is in a situation where we are reducing the number of existing slaves.”


At Oh Ha-seok’s answer, Cosimo’s face became troubled.

‘Reducing the number of slaves? Is that even possible?’

Confused by the unexpected answer, Cosimo unknowingly spoke his true thoughts.

“Joseon is a truly interesting country.”

“I also think so.”

“Then, Joseon’s stance is to consider only the east of Suez as its territory?”

“It’s not the stance of our Joseon, but my personal opinion. And it’s not about territory, but about securing the safety of navigation. And about territory… You don’t seem to know how many countries there are to the east of Suez.”

At Oh Ha-seok’s point, Cosimo fell silent. For Europeans of this period, knowledge about the East was limited to Arabs, India, Qitai, and Zipangu.

Joseon was a newly emerged country they had come to know only recently.


Oh Ha-seok’s thoughts were also the thoughts of the Joseon Navy.

As they produced new warships and secured naval supremacy around the Korean Peninsula, the Joseon Navy referred to the West Sea and the East Sea as the ‘Western Inner Sea’ and the ‘Eastern Inner Sea’.

The West was undoubtedly close to an inner sea, and the East Sea would become a situation where it could be called an inner sea without issue from the moment they secured the islands north of Japan, which was currently being pursued.

The Joseon court and navy were putting more effort into advancing in the northeast direction.

-In the west, many countries, including Ming, are already established.

-Excessive expansion of power can lead to armed conflicts with them.

-If that happens, an unnecessary amount of national power may be consumed.

-Therefore, we will advance to the east, where there are plenty of unclaimed territories.

-Expansion to the west will be limited to securing the safety of trade routes.


Note 1) Life Human World History – Renaissance Edition, Korea Ilbo – Time Life, 1978.

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