Chapter 279 How a Sparrow Catches up to a Stork (5)

The envoy delegation from Ming that arrived at Jemulpo was welcomed by the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs.

“Welcome, Your Excellency. You must have had a long journey.”

“Thank you for the warm reception.”

After a brief exchange of greetings, the Ming envoys boarded the carriages prepared by Joseon.

As extortion was prohibited, the Ming envoys, who could no longer enjoy much pleasure even if they stayed longer, chose to handle their business as quickly as possible and return. Therefore, they preferred traveling by sea rather than land and began to use carriages instead of palanquins for transportation.

The time it took to travel from Jemulpo to Hanseong by carriage was merely half a day.

“To travel a distance of over 100 ri (approximately 40 km) in just half a day…”

The chief envoy from Ming repeatedly expressed his admiration.

As the nationwide road construction project progressed in earnest, one of the first roads to be constructed was the one connecting Hanseong and Jemulpo.

The Ming envoy delegation, who had crossed the Han River by boat near Seonyudo, boarded the carriages again and headed towards Donuimun (Donuimun, Seodaemun).

In front of Yeong-eunmun, the entrance to Mohwaru (Mohwaru), which was built outside Donuimun, Crown Prince Hyang and officials were waiting for the Ming envoy delegation according to custom.

“Your Highness, the envoys are coming.”

At the eunuch’s words, Hyang checked his attire once more and stepped forward.

Shortly after, the envoys alighted from the carriages that had arrived in front of Yeong-eunmun.

Following the established etiquette, Hyang performed a double bow, and the Ming envoys also respectfully reciprocated according to protocol.

“You must be tired from the long journey, Your Excellency.”

“We are grateful for such a warm welcome.”

“Please come in.”


Upon the arrival of the Ming envoy delegation, a grand banquet was held at Mohwaru to welcome the envoys.

As courtesans performed dance and music to the rhythm, adding to the excitement, the Crown Prince and the chief envoy engaged in conversation.

“I had the pleasure of meeting you once before when you visited Beijing, Your Highness. I was amazed then, but seeing how much more elegant you have become, I cannot help but be astonished.”

“Hahaha! I am immensely grateful for your kind words.”

“No, it’s true. At that time, there were rumors circulating among the ladies of the Forbidden City and Beijing.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, indeed.”

The chief envoy, who answered firmly, was sincere.

Moreover, those who came from Ming had almost the same reaction as the chief envoy.


When Hyang visited Beijing, his handsomeness had shaken the Forbidden City.

‘If he were to step out onto the streets of Beijing right now, he would reenact the ancient tale of throwing fruits to fill a carriage.’

Hyang’s physical features were such that even Emperor Xuande and the ministers who heard the rumors all agreed.

In the end, the palace maids of the Forbidden City who heard the rumors gathered to see Hyang’s face, causing a commotion. And these rumors about Hyang spread beyond the Forbidden City, so on the day Hyang left the Forbidden City to return to Joseon, many women flocked to the streets to catch a glimpse of him.


Even afterward, the Ming envoy seemed unable to escape Hyang’s charm. Especially when Hyang was requested to compose a poem during the ongoing banquet, the chief envoy was moved to tears upon receiving it.

“It is truly an honor!”

“Hahaha! Thank you for your kind words!”

Hyang grew increasingly embarrassed by the excessive praise.


After the banquet ended and they left Mohwaru, Hyang’s face turned gravely serious.

“Too much of a good thing, they say?”

Hyang grew even more suspicious of the Ming envoy’s excessive goodwill.

Meanwhile, the Ming chief envoy discussed in a serious tone with his entourage gathered in his room.

“It won’t be easy.”

At the chief envoy’s words, the deputy envoy immediately responded.

“It seems so. I also had a conversation with Joseon’s ministers, and they are not to be taken lightly.”

“The Crown Prince is the same. While expressing gratitude for the goodwill, he remains cautious, and while enjoying the praise, he remains vigilant. If the Crown Prince takes the lead in the negotiations…”

The chief envoy, feeling frustrated, took a sip of tea to soothe himself and continued.

“If the Crown Prince takes the lead in the negotiations, it will be quite challenging.”

Having reached a conclusion, the chief envoy let out a complaint.

“I truly wonder how the King of Joseon has educated his son. Such a talent…”

“Indeed, you’re right.”


Two days later, the Ming envoy delegation, having recovered from their journey, entered Gyeongbokgung.

Sejong, who welcomed the envoys passing through Geunjeongmun, exchanged greetings with the envoy according to protocol.

Shortly after, Sejong, Hyang, and the ministers knelt in the courtyard of Geunjeong Hall, and the chief envoy climbed the steps of Geunjeong Hall and untied the seal on the imperial edict.

“Listen, King of Joseon…”

The imperial edict from Emperor Xuande, read aloud by the envoy, was simple.

-I have heard that the small firearms used by Joseon’s individual soldiers are highly superior. If they are that superior, present an appropriate quantity as tribute.

After the reading was finished and the formal proceedings were over, the chief envoy respectfully presented the scroll containing the imperial edict to Sejong.

Receiving the scroll, Sejong immediately got to the point.

“You mentioned an appropriate quantity, but exactly how much do you want?”

“Literally, an appropriate quantity.”

“You mean to negotiate.”

“I won’t deny it.”

Eventually, a negotiation room was set up in the Uijeongbu building, and people from both sides gathered to begin the negotiation.

“Oh my…”

The Ming envoys, who had taken their seats in the negotiation room, cursed under their breath when Hyang stepped forward as Joseon’s representative.

For them, he was the one they most wanted to avoid as a representative.

“You said an appropriate quantity, so how much do you want?”

As Hyang directly got to the point, the Ming chief envoy immediately responded.

“First, we would like to see the performance of the small firearms used by Joseon.”

“Didn’t you say you came after hearing the rumors?”

“Rumors and reality are often different. Isn’t that right?”

At the chief envoy’s words, Hyang turned his head and ordered the eunuch.

“Inform the Royal Guard to prepare.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

After a while, the negotiation teams from both countries moved to the shooting range prepared inside Gyeongbokgung.

At the shooting range, scarecrows wearing helmets were set up at regular distance intervals. And at the very back, a wooden target board was erected.

In front of it, a small table was placed, and on top of it were muskets and accessories.

“Those are the small firearms the envoy mentioned in the rumors. We call them long guns.”

“Is that so?”

The Ming envoy delegation went down to the shooting range and examined the muskets. After the observation process was completed while listening to the explanation from the military officer in charge, a shooting demonstration was immediately conducted.

As three Royal Guard soldiers stood by with muskets, Hyang explained to the envoys.

“A well-trained soldier can hit a target from a distance of 10 jang (approximately 30m).”

At Hyang’s gesture, the military officer commanded the soldiers.



With a loud gunshot and thick smoke rising, the scarecrow standing 10 zhang away swayed.

“May we examine the scarecrow?”

“Do as you wish.”

With Hyang’s permission, the Ming envoys immediately went down to the shooting range and examined the scarecrow.

“Impressive. Truly impressive.”

The chief envoy, who examined the scarecrow, exclaimed repeatedly. The helmet worn by the scarecrow, which was located 10 jang away from the shooting platform, had clean holes punctured through the front and back.

A Ming general who accompanied the envoy delegation examined the helmet and spoke.

“It’s a properly made helmet. With this level of power, even the Northern Yuan’s cavalry would be like fallen leaves in the wind.”

“Is that so?”

After witnessing the subsequent demonstrations, the Ming envoys engaged in a brief conversation as they returned to the negotiation room.

“It definitely has limitations.”

“Still, it is far superior to the fire lances used by our military. And…”

The Ming general, suppressing his urgent desire, immediately continued.

“If it is used not by one or two people but on a large scale, its power will be tremendous.”

“I see…”

The chief envoy nodded at the general’s words.


Returning to the negotiation room and taking his seat again, Hyang asked the Ming chief envoy.

“Have you confirmed the performance?”

“Yes, we have thoroughly confirmed it.”

“So, what do you think?”

“It is as the rumors say.”

“Is that so? Then, what would be an appropriate quantity?”

“1,000 units. We would like to receive them within a month.”


As soon as the chief envoy finished speaking, Hyang slammed his fist on the table and shouted.

“Nonsense! Right now, Joseon’s musketeers barely number 5,000! And they are troops we have trained for nearly 10 years! Yet you want us to present 1,000 units? Is that the intention of His Majesty the Emperor? His Majesty clearly spoke to me about the friendly relations between our two countries and made a promise! Chief Envoy, answer me directly! Is 1,000 units the Emperor’s intention?”

“No, that’s not it…”

Faced with Hyang’s intense reaction beyond expectation, the chief envoy began to break out in a cold sweat. Ming, no, the Emperor of Ming and the Joseon royal family had a relationship of shared interests. If something went wrong and their relationship turned sour, the consequences would surely fall upon him.

‘I was too greedy.’

The Ming chief envoy was filled with regret.


Before coming to Joseon, Emperor Xuande had given the following orders:

-If the small firearms used by Joseon are as rumored, acquire an appropriate quantity and bring them to Ming.

-However, this appropriate quantity only needs to be sufficient for Ming’s craftsmen to study. Instead, it is enough to bring back a quantity that can be acquired as quickly as possible, preferably when returning to Ming.

-Time is more important than quantity. If too much time is given, there is a high possibility that Joseon will tamper with the firearms.

Having heard Emperor Xuande’s orders, the chief envoy and deputy envoy summoned the head craftsmen before their departure and asked.

“How many units should we bring back?”

The head craftsmen who were asked the question put their heads together and exchanged opinions. After a long discussion and murmuring, the craftsmen suggested an appropriate number.

“About 70 units would be suitable. We can divide them into 20 units each for research, and the remaining 10 units can be used for performance comparison.”

“70 units, you say? Understood.”


Although he had heard from Ming’s craftsmen, the chief envoy couldn’t resist his greed upon actually witnessing the performance.

‘Let’s take as much as possible! Since our Ming is the superior country, Joseon will give as much as we ask! That’s how it has been so far! If Joseon pleads that it’s too much, we can pretend to be lenient while minimizing the time as much as possible! It’s a strategy that kills two birds with one stone!’

However, Hyang’s reaction was beyond the chief envoy’s expectations.

Instead of pleading, he directly confronted the Emperor.

“Say it clearly! Is that number of 1,000 units definitely the intention of His Majesty the Emperor? Can the Chief Envoy stake his life on it? We didn’t even pay that many horses as tribute! If this is truly the Emperor’s command, I will personally go to Beijing and discuss it!”

At Hyang’s rough voice, the deputy envoy sitting next to the chief envoy became anxious. As Hyang said, if they were to provide the quantity the chief envoy mentioned, it was a foregone conclusion that Joseon’s national defense would be greatly weakened. If it took 10 years to produce 5,000 units, that meant 500 units per year. It was only natural to be angry when asked to present two years’ worth of production.

In the end, the deputy envoy intervened on behalf of the chief envoy, who was half out of his mind.

“Your Highness, please calm down for a moment. His Majesty only ordered an appropriate quantity.”

“Then why was the number 1,000 units mentioned?”

“We simply didn’t know that Joseon only had 5,000 units of small firearms. We thought there would be at least 20,000 to 30,000 units.”

“Is our Joseon as large as Ming? Do you know how much copper goes into making one of these long guns? Ming is well aware that copper is scarce in our Joseon!”

“We apologize for that part.”

While the deputy envoy was trying to resolve the situation, the chief envoy, who had regained his senses, bowed his head to Hyang.

“I am truly sorry. I misspoke. We do not need as many as 1,000 units.”

“Then how many do you want?”

“How many can you provide us?”

“50 units.”

“That’s too few. Please give us 200 units.”

“Are you trying to bargain when our Joseon’s national defense is at stake? Even the soldiers guarding this palace where my father resides are only assigned a mere 100 units!”

The heated debate continued back and forth.

However, Hyang held the upper hand in the conversation.

‘In diplomacy, sometimes the loudest one wins.’

As a result of the ongoing debate, it was decided that the Ming envoys would take the 100 units assigned to the palace.

“You can provide them right away, right?”

“If His Majesty the Emperor desires it, shouldn’t we endure at least this much?”

As Hyang answered in a voice full of dissatisfaction, the Ming envoys immediately bowed their heads.

“We are truly grateful!”

‘Done! With this, we have taken away Joseon’s time to play tricks! It’s regrettable, but let’s be satisfied with this!’

“It’s all for the friendly relations between our Joseon and the superior country.”

‘Caught them! Fortunately, we can end this with the 100 units we had prepared in advance, just in case!’

Congratulating themselves on their respective gains, the negotiation came to an end.

Two days later, in the presence of the Ming envoys, the muskets were collected from the Royal Guard soldiers.

The Ming envoys, who had moved the wooden boxes containing the muskets and accessories to Jemulpo, immediately departed for Shandong.

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