The safe house was not just a building. It was a monument to luxury and power.

A grand edifice that rose majestically against the city skyline, its elegant facade gleaming in the moonlight.

Its architecture was a harmonious blend of classic and modern design, with towering columns and sweeping arches framing vast expanses of glass.

The lush gardens surrounding it were a riot of colors, even under the moon's silver glow, and the soft murmur of a nearby fountain added to its serene ambiance.

Within these opulent surroundings, a clone found Max.

He was an important figure in the city's hierarchy, so it was no surprise that he hid in such a lavish place.

Alexander, the clone that found the place in his feline form, moved unseen around the mansion.

His feline eyes observed Max from the shadows.

With his mission accomplished, Alexander began his stealthy retreat from the mansion.

His destination was the park near Erik's apartment, as per the young man's instructions.

As Alexander, in his feline guise, slipped through its iron-wrought gates, the familiar aroma of dew-kissed grass and ancient trees filled his senses.

As Alexander inched closer to the radius of Erik's telepathic power, he felt an almost immediate connection, like a switch being flipped on.

Erik's thoughts, as familiar to him as his own, echoed in his mind.

<Alexander, have you located Max? > Erik's telepathic voice reverberated within the confines of his mind, a hint of impatience subtly woven into his mental tone.

<The others have returned with empty hands, > Erik said.

<Yes, > Alexander said, his thoughts as clear and decisive as a crystal stream.

<Max has holed up in a mansion. It seems he couldn't resist the siren song of luxury even while on the run. >

He then gave the address to Erik.

Erik's mind fell into a contemplative silence as he processed this new piece of information.

The revelation of Max's hideout sparked no surprise in Erik. Known for his penchant for opulence, Max never saw luxury as mere excess; to him, it was a necessity.

His preference for grandeur over modesty was well-documented, a testament to his belief that true power and status were best reflected in the lavishness of one's surroundings.

This inclination towards extravagance, though often criticized, was undeniably a core aspect of his character, shaping not just his personal lifestyle but also his choices in secrecy and security.

Then, like the soft rustling of leaves before a storm, Erik's thoughts stirred again, this time reaching out to all the clones.

<Gather supplies and scatter, > Erik said.

<The blackguards found out about the apartment. We can't stay there anymore. Besides, I don't plan on staying in Caelora city for long. After I got the power and got some information from the blackguards, we will leave. I will join June on this last mission. >

The message was as clear as a bell tolling at dawn. Their mission was inching towards its endgame.

<Do not get caught. >

With Erik's telepathic command still echoing in their minds, the clones, all but June, scattered.

They made their way back to the apartment that had served as their base in the city.

They gathered supplies - food, clothing, medical kits, and a myriad of tools that were essential for survival.

In the meantime, Erik and June were akin to two arrows released from a taut bowstring, their forms blurring with the speed of their motion.

Their strides devoured the distance to the mansion, much like a ravenous wolf closing in on its prey.

Erik's stride quickened, urgency threading through his voice as he spoke. His eyes, usually a well of calm determination, now mirrored the tumult of his thoughts, hard and unyielding, yet betrayed by the faint line of worry etched between his brows. He felt the weight of the moment, the critical juncture at which they stood, where every second counted.

"We must hurry." Erik said that more to himself than to his companion, as if the words could propel them faster towards their destination.

June, in contrast, was calm, his steps measured and steady. He met Erik's gaze squarely, his own eyes a bastion of assurance in the face of his creator's growing apprehension.

"We are on time, Master. Don't worry."

However, Erik couldn't shake off his anxiety. He wanted to wrap this up quick, before the Blackguards showed up. Not that he feared fighting them, but he wanted to know what he was up against first.

Confronting them, given the terrifying tales of their might, unsettled him. Erik needed to know what he was up against before engaging in any battle.

His hand clenched around his weapon, betraying a momentary flicker of apprehension that danced across his features. Yet, he inhaled deeply, releasing the grip that had momentarily tightened around his heart.

With that exhale, he straightened his stance, determination steeling his resolve.

The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon, casting long shadows that danced and flickered in the early morning light.

Time was of the essence. This was their last day, the last opportunity to secure Max's brain crystal power.

The city was slowly waking up; the streets coming alive with the hustle and bustle of early morning activity.

Vendors were busy at work, laying out their goods in anticipation of the day's trade, while the early risers, with determined strides, made their way to their places of work.

Stray cats, the silent witnesses of the night, navigated the alleys with practiced ease, disappearing into the shadows or lounging atop sun-warmed stones.

Amid this burgeoning life, Erik and June moved with singular focus. The world around them, with its routine awakenings and the promise of the day ahead, felt almost surreal, as if they were passing through a dream from which they could not wake.

Amid this burgeoning life, Erik and June moved with singular focus. The world around them, with its routine awakenings and the promise of the day ahead, felt almost surreal, as if they were passing through a dream from which they could not wake.

Their minds were fixed on the task at hand, the mansion that loomed in the distance, and the subtle light of the rising sun that heralded a new day.

As they advanced, the contours of the cityscape shifted, the familiar becoming foreign, every step bringing them closer to the climax of their mission.

The air was charged with anticipation, a tension that seemed to resonate with the very heartbeat of the city.

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