Erik stood as solid and unyielding as steel, his mind navigating the labyrinth of the situation. Yet his pulse maintained its steady rhythm.

As the apartment door creaked open to reveal Matthias, Erik's composed exterior remained unbroken.

His clone's entrance served as a subtle shift in the room's atmosphere, a ripple in the otherwise placid pond of Erik's focus.

However, it was clear Matthias' arrival was good. Soon they would know if they had to leave, or if there still was hope of finding their target.

He looked at his clone with unwavering focus. Matthias moved into the room with a servile grace while he greeted the others.

The other clones cast their gazes upon him. Their eyes reflecting the hope that his mission had been successful.

A palpable silence filled the room, as they all waited with bated breath for him to break it with his words.

"Master," he said, his tone one of deference. "I have returned from my mission, and I am pleased to report success."

A grin unfurled across Erik's face in response. Matthias had found the address they were searching for.

Erik's gaze remained steady on Matthias, his grin still lingering as he asked, "Did you get the address?"

The clone straightened up, meeting Erik's gaze with a determined look in his eyes. "Not an address, but multiple ones. It is the list of the city's safe houses, or so I think. I'm not entirely certain of that."

Upon hearing Matthias' report, a collective grin spread across the faces of the other 30 clones in the room.

But there was also unease. Erik and the others had to check the buildings to find out if these places were the safe houses, and had to see if Max was in one of them.

They didn't already have that much time. They had to make haste.

"Matthias, hand me the list." Without a moment's hesitation, Matthias reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper.

The paper was relatively new. Likely written recently, and only because of Erik. So it had only a month at best.

A myriad of addresses were scrawled across it in a hurried, almost frantic handwriting.

Erik's eyes danced over the jumble of words and numbers, scanning each address as Matthias gave him the paper.

While recognizing the enormity of their task, Erik swiftly passed the list around to the clones. "We've got 300 addresses and 30 of you. That's 10 each."

Erik looked at the clones one by one.

"June will stay by my side," Erik said. "His unique ability to morph into a Flying Thaid gives me an advantage. I will have him close, so we may take our fight to the skies, or escape in case something bad happens."

The clones responded in a chorus, their voices merging into a single entity. "As you command, Master."

Erik's gaze swept over them, his voice echoing in the stillness. "We are racing against time itself. Split these locations amongst yourselves. We must start our search for these safe houses without delay."

The clones didn't wait. They looked at the list one by one, and then they shapeshifted, their human forms dissolving into the lithe bodies of cats.

But why cats of all the possibilities, Erik didn't know that. However, it was cool to see, plus they were cute.

Then, with a synchronicity that was both eerie and awe-inspiring, they moved.

A sea of feline forms, flowing like a river of liquid shadow, poured out of the apartment.


As night unfurled its inky cloak over the city, the clones, now in their feline guises, dispersed into the labyrinth of streets and alleys.

Their singular purpose was as clear as the moon above: find Max. Each address on their list was a potential breadcrumb in the maze, leading to their target.

While moving with the stealth and grace of their adopted forms, the clones navigated this intricate maze, their eyes observing each location, their senses attuned to every whisper of activity within.

Some addresses led them to hollow shells of buildings, their emptiness echoing with the spectral silence of emptiness.

Other places were notorious for harboring criminals who not only betrayed their comrades but also had to escape from their own cities to avoid abduction.

There were some places that provided a safe house for individuals who were trying to escape from their troubled pasts.

Innocents seeking refuge from vengeful ex-lovers lived in fear and caution, their wide-eyed surprise reflected in the windows as they noticed the feline shadows.

Each encounter was a silent tale, a tableau of the city's nocturnal life. The clones were but observers, silent and invisible, gathering information without interference.

Throughout the duration of the lengthy night, the clones displayed remarkable perseverance, searching for every address they came across.

As the hours passed, the city's secrets unraveled before them, one address at a time. Until they finally found what they were searching for.

As the clones approached, the sight of Max leisurely smoking a cigar by the window of a sprawling building came into view.

This grandeur didn't catch them off guard; it was well known that the police favored him, allotting him accommodations that screamed of luxury and privilege.

The opulent setting contrasted with the city's otherwise grim and dire circumstances, highlighting the special treatment Max received, especially compared to others who received the bare minimum.

The clones couldn't understand how a man with a child, fleeing from an abusive partner, had to receive a two-bedroom apartment in a shitty rundown complex, while this guy, with all his money and guards could live in such a lavish place.

The building stood out too much, its architecture more refined and grandiose than its surroundings, with Max appearing almost regal against the backdrop of a city struggling under the weight of unrest and corruption.

Above all, it was clear the man had no intention of hiding. That was weird, to be honest. It appeared he was daring whoever was after him to come and test their luck. But was this all?

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