Chapter 760: Richard's Guests (2)

A figure moved through the sprawling expanse of Richard's mansion, escorted by a man wearing a butler's dress.

The figure, clad in a hooded cloak, moved with purpose. The confident strides and the tall stature made the few remaining people in the Stone's mansion turn to look at him.

Most of all, it was his masked face that attracted attention, as it didn't leave even to glimpse at the eyes.

Though that didn't mean he couldn't see. His eyes were taking in every detail of the place as he navigated through the labyrinth of rooms and corridors.

The butler brought the figure into a room that he called "the Master's Study room."

The man then announced the guest from the Nexthorn Vanguard guild and opened the door.

A massive oak desk dominated the study, its surface littered with papers and books.

A large bookshelf spanned one wall, filled with volumes of books that spoke volumes about the man who owned them.

Inside the study, he found two figures. One was a stern, imposing man who commanded respect for his mere presence.

Years of decision-making and leadership hardened his features.

There was a glint in it that the masked man already saw in people not easily fooled, and in those that were used to the conversation they were going to have.

Beside him stood a woman of breathtaking beauty. Her features were soft yet strong, her eyes sparkling with intelligence and grace.

The woman stood beside him, a stark contrast to the stern man. Her beauty added warmth to the austere room, but the guild's representative could easily tell that the same paste made both the man and the woman.

The cloaked figure remained silent in front of the door, his gaze lingering on the beautiful woman before shifting to the stern man.

"Please, come inside," Lucy said.

With a nod, the cloaked figure stepped further into the room, his footsteps muffled by the plush carpet underfoot.

"Thank you." The man's voice surprised Lucy, a low, gravelly hum that seemed to fill the room at his every word.

He moved toward the chair opposite Richard's desk, his cloak billowing with each step.

Richard rose from his chair, a sign of respect towards their guest.

"We appreciate your coming," he said, his voice firm yet welcoming and his hand stretching for a handshake the man reciprocated.

Lucy echoed her husband's sentiments. "Indeed, we are glad you could make it." Her voice was a soft contrast to Richard's stern tone professional tone. The masked man was smart.

He knew that was a tactic, and that they likely used that many times before this meeting. The idea was to make Lucy appear as the good one among them.

If they were negotiating something, Lucy's role would cause the other party to cling more to her, and after their defenses were lowered, she would ask him something they would find hard to refuse, given who made the request.

As the cloaked figure settled into the chair, Richard and Lucy resumed their seats.

"It's an honor to meet with the renowned Richard Stone and his equally distinguished wife," the man said. He turned his gaze towards Lucy, adding, "Your beauty truly matches your reputation, Mrs. Diaz."

Lucy chuckled at the compliment, a glint of amusement in her eyes. "You are too kind."

Richard, however, was quick to steer the conversation back to business while using a professional tone. "I asked for your presence because I am interested in purchasing large quantities of your guild's brain-stimulating serum."

The hooded figure nodded, not at all surprised by this revelation. "I expected as much. I am well aware of the situation your family is facing."

He carefully chose his words, hinting at knowledge that was not openly discussed.

Richard maintained a poker face, betraying no emotion. But inside, he was not pleased.

"Let's hope we can reach an agreement," Richard said, his voice steady and determined.

"I was sent here under full authority. I aim to settle our business today. However," he said, "That, of course, depends on several factors."

The conversation then shifted to the financial aspect of their transaction.

Richard kept his professional demeanor, talking with a calm voice that betrayed no emotions.

"I understand that a bottle of your serum is priced at 500,000 eurems." He had then converted the amount into New Dollars. "With the current exchange rate, the cost should come out to be 535,000 New Dollars."

"That's correct."

"Can't we lower the price a bit?" Lucy asked, her voice filled with hope.

The man, however, was not someone easily persuaded. "Our serums already cost less than half of a standard Brain Stimulating Serum, and the after-effects are significantly milder."

Lucy nodded in acknowledgment. "I'm aware of that," she said. But then, she leaned forward, "But considering your current situation... I believe we could reach an agreement."

A grin had spread across the man's hidden face, but neither Richard nor Lucy could see it.

<Uh… they are playing the reverse card. They swapped roles. >

"You seem pretty sure about that." The masked man couldn't confirm the rumors, not directly. He had to play it smart if he wanted to achieve his true goal of going there.

"I am," Lucy said.

The masked man nodded. "My Master will soon rectify the situation."

"Wasn't your guild master the reason this whole problem started?"

"The accusations against my master were fabricated, much like in Becker's case."

That sent waves of surprise through the room. Richard and Lucy, caught off guard, stared at the man in stunned disbelief.

Richard's usual composure faltered. His eyebrows furrowed, his eyes wide in shock as he tried to understand how could that foreigner know that much about their situation.

Few knew the allegations against Becker were fabricated, and what had been told to the press was simply that the previous general was under investigation and stripped of his titles.

The corners of Richard's mouth twitched as if he was about to speak, but no words came out. How could this foreign know about Becker's true situation?

Lucy, too, was taken aback. Her eyes, usually so calm and calculating, were wide with surprise.

" could you possibly know that Becker's accusations were false?" Richard stammered out.

"We have our sources…"

However, the man hadn't given them much time to dwell on this revelation.

"There might be a chance for us to lower the price," the man said. "But that depends on your willingness to cooperate with us."

"You see. We're currently working on another project and we require some help."

Richard looked at the hooded man, his curiosity piqued. "What kind of project are you referring to?"

The man had shrugged. "I'm afraid I can't divulge that information unless you actively take part in it. But it involves construction."

"Is dealing with real estate really the best move for your guild, given your current situation?"

The man had laughed at her question. "That's a reasonable concern," he said. "But rest assured, real estate projects are but some of the ones we are currently undertaking."

Richard looked at the masked man's face, a flicker of doubt crossing his features. "I can't really help you if I don't know what you need."

"We need resources," he said, "And of course we need them delivered… Discretely."

Richard smiled, a light-hearted moment in the tense atmosphere.

"I apologize," Richard said, his expression tense as he looked at the man. This guy was an interesting fellow, one he didn't expect to find in a mercenary guild. He paused. "But your name seems to have slipped my mind."

"That's quite rude," the man said, although there was no real heat in his words. Instead, the man made a soft chuckle.

"I'm sorry again." Richard then smiled. "But I thought I was going to be dealing with some… henchman."

The man nodded, accepting Richard's apology. A moment of silence had stretched between them, the tension in the room mounting.

His voice filled the room, echoing off the walls as he revealed his identity. "My name," he said, his words resonating with an intense gravity, "is Noah."

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