Chapter 759: Richard's Guests (1)

New Alexandria was a city in ruins. The once bustling metropolis was now a skeletal remnant of its former glory, its buildings standing like broken teeth against the sky.

The scars of the Heniate attack were still visible, a grim reminder of the devastation that had befallen the city.

Yet, amidst the rubble and ruin, there were signs of life. The sound of hammers striking metal echoed through the streets, mingling with the distant hum of construction machinery.

The city was being reborn, rising from the ashes like a phoenix.

In a mansion overlooking this scene of reconstruction, Richard Stone sat across from his daughter Emily.

The room was bathed in the glow of the setting sun, casting long shadows across the polished wooden floor.

Richard looked at Emily, his gaze filled with a mixture of love and concern.

Emily had blossomed into an enchanting young woman during these years.

She sat poised in her chair, her hair cascading over her shoulders like a waterfall under the moonlight.

Her face, once youthful, now bore the refined elegance of maturity, much like a diamond that had weathered pressure to emerge brilliant and resplendent.

"Emily," Richard said. "You must understand the situation we are in."

She looked at her father, her eyes reflecting a wisdom beyond her years.

"Especially now. You can't leave the mansion to visit Amber. Ever since Becker's fall, Volkov's regime doesn't look kindly upon us, the Stone Family, nor the Joyces."

Richard held his gaze. "You must exercise caution. Your beauty... it could be a danger."

Richard was not one to mince words, but this was a delicate matter and it related to his precious daughter.

He did not want to scare her, but he needed her to understand the danger they were facing.

"I don't want you to attract unnecessary attention, especially not now."

Emily's brows furrowed, a hint of defiance sparkling in her emerald eyes. "I can't stay cooped up in this mansion forever, dad."

Richard's stern expression did not soften. He leaned forward, his hands clasped in front of him.

"I will not sugarcoat my words, Emily. You are a beautiful young woman, and in these dangerous times, that beauty can invite unwanted attention."

Emily opened her mouth to protest, but Richard raised his hand to stop her. "If someone were to force themselves upon you, my options to intervene would be limited. Any rash action could spell the end of our whole family."

"But I only want to go train with Amber and the others," Emily said. "I have no intention of being seen by anyone else. I will take a car!"

Richard's stern gaze remained unyielding, his frustration simmering just beneath the surface.

A slight twitch of his jaws revealed the strain of his tightly coiled emotions.

The lines on his forehead deepened. His eyes, usually warm and inviting toward his daughter, were now steel grey and distant, mirroring the storm of discontent brewing within him.

He paused.

"Do you know what happened in New Alexandria?" Richard asked. Emily nodded, but he shook his head. "You think you do, but you clearly don't."

"Becker was a close friend of mine. I know for a fact he had no dealings with the Crystal Cross Gang, and he certainly didn't bring the Heniate into our nation."

His voice hardened as he went on. "Yet Volkov fabricated evidence that said otherwise. He accused Becker, the strongest man in Frant and our nation's leader, of treachery. And the people believed him."

He turned to Emily, his eyes filled with a somber intensity. "If Volkov could do that to Becker, what's stopping him from doing the same to us? To the Stone family?"

He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in. "Caiden is in the same boat as us. Amber's father is just as vulnerable."

Emily was silent for a moment, absorbing her father's words.

"I understand," she said, her voice subdued but resolute. "I won't go…"

Richard nodded, his stern expression softening. "Good."

He knew Emily's decision would not last for long, but for a moment, at least, the weight of his worries lifted. "Your mother and I have a meeting in an hour," he said.

Emily tilted her head, curiosity lighting up her eyes. "With whom?"

"A representative from the Nexthorn Vanguard guild in Etrium."

"Have they come to help us?" Emily asked, a flicker of hope igniting in her voice.

Richard shook his head, his eyes reflecting a bleak reality. "They have no reason to help us. Besides, there are few who would willingly part with their money to hire a mercenary guild to stand against Volkov."

Emily's brows furrowed in confusion. "Then why are they here?"

Richard leaned back in his chair, his fingers drumming a thoughtful rhythm on the armrest. "They've come for business of a different sort," he said, his voice steady and measured.

"The guild has a production department. They've developed a brain-stimulating serum with milder after-effects."

"Amber mentioned this once," Emily said. The woman's voice was barely above a whisper. "She bought several boxes for herself, her friends, and her family."

"That's why we've contacted them," Richard's eyes held a glint of determination. "I want to make our family and our people stronger."

Emily sat silent, absorbing the implications of her father's words.

The world outside their mansion walls was changing, and they had to adapt or risk being swept away by the tide of change.

As the door closed behind him, Richard sat alone in his study.

He knew he had to get the most out of this meeting, exploiting all his cards and information to get a good deal and a partnership.

He was a Stone, and stones never crumbled under pressure.

The meeting with the Nexthorn Vanguard guild representative would be crucial.

It was not just about acquiring a brain-stimulating serum; it was about securing their future.

Just then, the door creaked open, and Lucy, Richard's wife, glided into the room.

She was a vision to behold, much like a delicate blossom amid a harsh winter.

Her lips were curved into a gentle smile. Albeit she wasn't happy, she knew that was the least she could do to ease her husband worries. It wasn't much, but it helped Richard a lot.


"Richard. You should get dressed. Our guest is almost here, and we can't make a bad impression."

"I know that… Sorry, it's just that I'm tired. This situation is draining me."

Richard was doing the best he could to manage this situation under Volkov's scrutiny, but there wasn't much he could do despite using his money, most of which got seized by Frant's new leader.

"I know, honey. But the meeting we are going to have is another battle you must fight. But I will be here to help you."

Lucy's words were soft, yet firm, a soothing balm to Richard's frayed nerves.

She understood the battles her husband had to face, the struggles he grappled with.

She knew the weight of the decisions he had to make and the impact they would have on their family and business.

Every word she spoke was aimed at easing his burden, her voice a gentle whisper against the storm of his worries.

She stood by his side, reaching out her hand and gently squeezed his in a silent promise of unwavering support.

Lucy wasn't just his wife; she was his confidante, his partner, his best friend.

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