But the people who got off the bus were Qin Zichen and maiziqi.

Ji Haonan's eyes were dark for a moment. He covered it up very well, so he didn't let Qin Zichen and his wife see it.

Qin Zichen is a little surprised at Ji Haonan's arrival.

"What brings Ji Shao here?"

"What about the warm clouds?"

"My sister is out today, not at home."

Ji Haonan frowns, it seems that he is not at home.

"Where's Mike's company?"

Qin Zichen shook his head. "I don't have to tell you that. After all, they are people who have been separated. "

Ji Haonan had to endure these unpleasant words, although in a bad mood. After breaking up with Huo yunnuan, he thought of such a cold reception!

"Ji Shao, my door is too small for you, please go back!"

"I'm here to find Huo yunnuan."

Mai Ziqi is angry at Ji Haonan's attitude.

"Ji Shao, you and your sister have broken up. Please don't look for her again. Your company is all right now. This is uncle's letting you off for your sister's sake. If it's a man, you should be able to take it up and put it down! "

Ji Haonan's eyebrows wrinkled, can take up to put down! Easier said than done.

"Jishao, please leave before my father comes back. Otherwise, it will be embarrassing for a while! "

With that, Qin Zichen took maiziqi's hand and walked into the room around Ji Haonan.

But Ji Haonan seems to have made up his mind and will not leave until Huo yunnuan. Standing at the door all the time, the passers-by looked sideways.

Jian LAN looks down from the balcony on the second floor and sees Ji Haonan's head. If she doesn't have quality, she really wants to pour a bucket of water from the upstairs, so that she can be a wet dog.

But her upbringing prevented her from doing so.

Qin Hao came back and took a cold attitude. Don't say a word, go straight into the house.

"Little warm didn't come back?"

Jane LAN shakes her head. "I called to say Mike invited her to dinner."

"My sister went to celebrate. That dress show in the afternoon was amazing! We saw it in the company today. My sister's aura was fully opened. As soon as she came out, she suppressed the whole audience. The men at the scene looked straight

Maggie's words aroused Jane Lan's interest, "really? I want to see it. "

"Mom, I'll show you later."

"Good." Jane LAN nods.

Qin Hao directly calls the security guard to ask Ji Haonan to leave, so as not to get in the way of the door.

Ji Haonan sees the security guard in front of him and knows that Qin Hao is driving people. In order to avoid one thing, Ji Haonan has to leave first. Is he coming to the United States without telling everyone else, or is he mainly keeping a low profile.

Ji Haonan stays in a nearby hotel and is going to find Huo yunnuan again tomorrow.

He still wanted to talk to her about something.

But this time, Ji Haonan is a step slower than others.

Fei Yuchen has found Qin Hao's house. Looking at the villa in front of him, Fei Yuchen confirmed again: "does that lady really live here?"

"Yes." Alan nodded. "This is the home of Qin Hao, vice president of HD."

Fei Yuchen's eyes flashed with surprise, but he didn't expect that Oriental beauty was also related to HD.

"Qin Hao's daughter?"

"Qin Hao has only one son."

Fei Yuchen is more curious about Huo yunnuan's identity. There are many riddles on this woman, which makes him want to guess what the riddle is!

"Ring the doorbell."


Qin Hao opens the door. He looks at two strange men standing in front of him. They are still wearing expensive custom-made suits. They must not be ordinary people.

And the man standing in front of him, with a bit of noble spirit, has a mixed face of East and West, should be a mixed race. With a sculptural yayang face without dead corners, his appearance is no worse than Huo yunxun.

"Who can I speak to, please?"

"Hello, Mr. Qin! Does this lady live here

Fei Yuchen finish saying, Allen takes the initiative to hand over the mobile phone.

Qin Hao glances at the photo on his mobile phone. This is not a picture of Huo yunnuan who was on a show yesterday.

"Are you?"

"Here's my business card." Fei Yuchen handed in his business card.

Qin Hao takes Fei Yuchen's business card and looks at the gilt logo, Fei on the English business card.

Qin Hao has an impression of this name. The company only came to the United States from Europe for two years. It mainly deals in trade business, but recently it has begun to involve other fields. The leader has the strength to become famous in two years.

Fei Yu Chen, the president of Fei, has a younger brother in Europe. I heard that their family is famous in Europe. In a word, the backstage is very hard. Many people call him Mr. Fei.

But this is the first time Qin Hao saw Fei Yuchen's true face.

Fei was one of the sponsors of yesterday's show. It's just that Fei Yuchen comes to the door. What's the reason?"It turned out to be the president of Fei. I've heard a lot about it."

"Mr. Qin is very kind." Fei Yuchen smiles, but he didn't expect Qin Hao to know himself.

But if you think about it, it's easy to know some things with HD.

"Mr. Fei is young and promising, and he has a good appearance."

"Mr. Qin praised falsely."

Fei Yuchen also wanted to get some information from Qin Hao, but he was preempted by Qin Hao.

"I don't know what's the matter with Mr. Fei?"

"It's just a collaboration that wants to talk to this lady."

Qin Hao polished a turn, "sorry, we don't talk about any cooperation."

Facing Qin Hao's direct determination, Fei Yuchen was surprised.


"No why?" Qin Hao smiles politely. "Please go back, Mr. Fei."

Allen wanted to come forward, but was stopped by Fei Yuchen.

"In that case, excuse me."

Qin Hao nods and closes the door.

Allen didn't understand why Fei Yuchen had to give in just now. Qin Hao's attitude was obviously not good, and they couldn't stand up.


"Go back Fei Yuchen spoke.

From the conversation with Qin Hao just now, it's not without gain. At least one thing is very clear, Qin Hao is protecting her. And she never mentioned her name, so it seems that her identity is not simple.

"To Mike's company."

It doesn't work here, so keep looking for other places.

When Fei Yuchen and Ellen Li leave, they just pass Ji Haonan.

Fei Yuchen stops and looks back at Ji Haonan's back in a hurry. His destination is also Qin Hao's home.

"Ellen, follow me."

Allen nodded and turned to follow Ji Haonan.

Fei Yuchen's mouth slowly raised, that pair of blue deep eyes had a different light. In the past two years, there have been some interesting things.

Fei Yuchen is waiting in the car for Allen to come back. He looks at the photo on his mobile phone again.

"Who are you?"

In about ten minutes, Allen was back.

"How about it?"

Allen whispered a few words in Fei Yuchen's ear, and the smile on Fei Yuchen's face deepened.

"Ji Haonan?" Fei Yuchen read the name with a smile in his eyes.

It seems more and more interesting!

"Go and find out the relationship between them."

Alan nodded. "Yes."

"Go and find Mike."

The car started slowly and then disappeared.

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