A new day has begun.

Huo yunnuan stretched out and looked at the scenery outside. It was a sunny day.

"Good weather!"

When he arrived at Mike company, Huo yunnuan put himself into his work.

"Warm up, come on!"

Mike calls Huo yunnuan to his office and asks her to try on her newly modified clothes.

"How about it?"

"Better than last time." Huo yunnuan tidies up in the mirror. "Which designer's work is this?"

"New people."

Huo yunnuan likes this series of clothes very much. "How many will you give me then?"

"Yes. It's free. " Mike said with a smile. "By the way, give me a show in the afternoon?"

Huo yunnuan looks back at Mike and finally understands.

"The routine is very deep."

Mike smiles. "What? Don't you want me to make a profit? I've been serving you well these days

"And I give you a lot of advice." Huo yunnuan knew that there was no free lunch in the world.

"Let's go! There is a reward. "

Hear reward two words, Huo yunnuan that pair of blue gray eyes light up, "this must see how much?"

"No less."

Huo yunnuan raised eyebrows, "OK!"


Mike takes Huo yunnuan to the scene of a fashion show. Seeing that there are almost all Western faces in the venue, Huo yunnuan smiles.

At first glance, the show is very tall, and the people present are either rich or expensive.

"There is no other purpose for bringing me here today?" Huo yunnuan asked.

Mike smiles, just this smile, Huo yunnuan can't understand the meaning.

"I'll ask Wei'an to take you backstage. Good performance

Huo yunnuan looks at Mike's meaningful eyes and knows that the purpose is not simple. However, since we have come, we can only settle down when we come.

"Well, it's no use staring at me like this. You should show your strength now and tell some people where the charm of Miss Huo is. "

Huo yunnuan doesn't waste words with Mike. His words obviously mean Ji Haonan.

"I'll have a big dinner in the evening."

"Court food, please."

Mike gave Wei an a wink, "take good care of her!"

Huo yunnuan walked into the dressing room backstage and saw other models looking at him in unison and talking in a low voice.

"Miss Huo, this way."

Huo yunnuan ignored these people and went to his own position and sat down.

Although he is older than these models in his age, he will never lose when it comes to professionalism. If she had been a star at the beginning, she might have been very successful now.

"Wei An, give me a black contact lens."


Huo yunnuan changed her clothes and waited for her to appear. The makeup artist was mending her make-up.

Mike comes to see Huo yunnuan and nods with satisfaction after seeing her condition. On the contrary, her clothes became her foil. This is Huo yunnuan should have some self-confidence, why to be depressed for a man who doesn't know how to cherish.


When he hears someone calling himself, Mike turns back.

"Fei Yuchen, you are here too."

"After all, it's held by the company."

Fei Yuchen's eyes looked at Mike's direction just now. In an instant, his eyes lit up, "that's..."

"My baby." Mike said with a smile.

Fei Yuchen looks at Mike suspiciously. Some rumors are clear to him. So I really don't understand what Mike said.

Mike knows that Fei Yuchen has doubts, but he just smiles and doesn't explain.

Fei Yuchen looked at Huo yunnuan, a typical oriental beauty, especially her black eyes. A kind of self-confidence was naturally revealed. For Huo yunnuan's appearance, Fei Yuchen has a vague impression.

"I feel familiar."

"Is it?" Mike just doesn't explain.

Fei Yuchen nodded and looked at Huo yunnuan. After that, she found that she was the model who parachuted today, and was the first to appear.

With the music playing, many people went back to their positions and enjoyed the show.

Huo yunnuan stood in the designated position, waiting for the music to ring, she entered the state, put the posture.

Mike is satisfied with Huo yunnuan. He is worthy of bringing it out by himself. There should be such a bully!

The music changed, and the lights on the t-stand came on.

Looking at the director's gesture, Huo yunnuan took the first step.

Soon, the eyes of the whole audience were focused on Huo yunnuan's body, and a strange Oriental face was on the scene, and still had a very high standard.Huo yunnuan with his own queen momentum, easily completed his part.

A lot of people say that one minute on the stage, ten years off the stage. However, Huo yunnuan has inherent advantages, such a stage is for her.

After Huo Yun warmed down, the talent under the stage began to discuss one after another. Who was the model just now?

Fei Yuchen heard the comments in his ear, but also came to his mind.

This woman caused a great sensation, so that no one paid attention to the models who appeared later, as if they were trapped in the atmosphere of Huo yunnuan.

I thought I would see her again when I came back, but I didn't. It was as if she had fallen from the sky and suddenly disappeared.

"You go backstage." Fei Yuchen orders the assistant behind him.

Backstage, Huo yunnuan has changed back to his clothes and has taken off his black pupil.

Mike timed the time and walked in. "Warm, go."

"Good." Huo yunnuan picked up his things and left with Mike.

Walking to the door of the meeting hall, Huo yunnuan takes Mike's arm and is in a good mood.

"What to eat in the evening?"

"You can eat whatever you like."

"It's rare that my uncle is so generous. I'm absolutely welcome this time."

Mike nodded, thinking about the business that would come to him tomorrow. He didn't care about the cost of the meal.

When Fei Yuchen chased out, he could only see the car leave.

"Check out the lady Mike brought."


After Ji Haonan arrived at the airport, he took a taxi to Qin Hao's home.

Passing one of the intersections, we can see that the fashion show in the afternoon is playing on the huge screen on the building. Just when Ji Haonan is ready to take back his sight, he sees a familiar figure in his eyes.

That's Huo yunnuan!

Ji Haonan was shocked to see Huo yunnuan's elegant demeanor of T platform!

This kind of Huo yunnuan is strange to him, and the queen fan who is full of aura is different from Huo yunnuan he knows.

Ji Haonan was attracted by Huo yunnuan, and his eyes couldn't be moved. His heart beat again without frequency. He had heard that Huo yunnuan had been a model, but he had never seen her walk through the show.

The car started, Ji Haonan even turned to continue to look at the big screen.

However, the camera has been switched to other people. Ji Haonan is just sitting in his own body.

At Qin Hao's house, the person who opens the door is Jian LAN.

When seeing Ji Haonan, Jian Lan's face is cold, and then she will close the door.

"Auntie LAN, wait a minute!"

"Ji Shao, since you have nothing to do with xiaonuan, please call me Mrs. Qin."

Ji Haonan has just closed the door. But instead of leaving, he waited at the door.

After a while, a car stopped at the door of the villa.

Ji Haonan is vaguely looking forward to the people coming down from the car and stretching his head forward.

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