At the door, Qin Zichen and maiziqi stand.

Maiziqi saw Qin Zichen that slightly heavy expression, she did not speak. Just feel pain in the heart, Qin Zichen looks very sad. Once she suspected that Qin Zichen's feelings for Xia Yunqiao were not like those of her brother and sister. Now the facts are in front of her, and she knows how stupid she is!

In fact, the person Qin Zichen likes is Xia Yunqiao, but he never stabbed that piece of paper. Seeing Qin Zichen's heartache at this time, maiziqi's tears whirled around her eyes. She can understand Qin Zichen's mood, because this is how she feels at this time.

Qin Zichen put the dinner he bought at the door and left. He didn't want to stay here, or his heart would be even worse. Seeing Xia Yunqiao and Tang Yixuan together, he couldn't bless them. He guarded Xia Yunqiao for such a long time, but did not expect to lose to Tang Yixuan.

Qin Zichen does not believe that fate, he wants to let Xia Yunqiao can be happy, other things have nothing to do with it. But why to see Xia Yunqiao and Tang Yixuan together, his heart will be so miserable!

Maiziqi looked at Qin Zichen's back, and was always holding on. She really wanted to say to Qin Zichen, "as long as you look back, you will find someone is waiting for you all the time."

Tears fell out, Maggie closed her eyes, "Qin Zichen, you are really stupid! If you like it, why not chase it? "

Soon, Maggie wiped away her tears, and she immediately went after Qin Zichen. At this time, he must be lonely. She wants to accompany him. Although she can't say anything, it's good to have someone around.

Maiziqi went to the door of the hospital and saw Qin Zichen driving away. She waved at once. "Brother Zichen, wait a minute!"

Hearing the voice of maiziqi, Qin Zichen stopped. "What's the matter?"

"I didn't drive today. Can you give me a ride?" Maggie raised her smile. This smile made Qin Zichen feel less depressed.

Qin Zichen nodded. "Yes. Let's go

Thank you Maggie said with a smile.

Qin Zichen didn't speak all the way. Maiziqi wanted to speak several times, but she was worried that Qin Zichen didn't like it, so she kept silent.

But Maggie's stomach didn't work up and growled.

Maggie quickly covered her stomach and her face turned red. She really felt ashamed. How could such a thing happen in such a situation! It's such a goddamn shame.


Qin Zichen was chuckled by maiziqi. "Hungry?"

Maggie lowered her head lower. "Brother Zichen, let you laugh! My stomach really spoils the atmosphere. "

"No!" Qin Zichen replied. My mood is not so depressed because of this. "I'm hungry, too."

Then Qin Zichen asked, "do you have anything to eat?"

"Well?" Maiziqi looked up at Qin Zichen. She didn't seem to be relieved.

"You should be familiar here. What do you like to eat Qin Zichen asked as he drove.

Maggie's eyes lit up and she pointed her finger out. "There is a very good Chinese restaurant over there. I often eat there."

Qin Zichen nodded. "How can you navigate?"

"Good!" Then Maggie began to teach Qin Zichen how to open it.

Ten minutes later, Qin Zichen stopped at the door of the restaurant. Seeing that there are many people in the restaurant, it seems that this restaurant is delicious.

Maiziqi gets off first, "brother Zichen, there is a parking lot over there. I'll go first and see if there's a seat. "


Seeing Qin Zichen driving to the parking lot, maiziqi quickly walked to the restaurant door with her bag. I'm afraid it's too late for a while. I'll have to wait! The first time I had dinner with Qin Zichen alone, Maggie wanted to make a good impression.

Maggie walked into the restaurant, immediately opened the scanning mode, thinking to see where in the end there is a position, not easy to see a good location. As a result, as soon as I got to that position, someone robbed him.

When Maggie was arguing with that person just now, the whole person was stunned! How could it be them?!

The people standing opposite are ye Shan and Zhang Yaohua. Maggie stepped back a few steps. What a coincidence! I met them here. In the end, city a is too small. The things she didn't want to remember were like playing a movie and replaying it again.

Ye Shan was stunned for a moment when she saw Maggie, but she soon recovered. "Isn't this Ziqi?"

Zhang Yaohua wants to talk to maiziqi, but ye Shan stops him. "What? When you see the old man, you can't restrain your inner excitement? "

Maggie put all her emotions away. She tried to make herself look calm. "It's me."

"This is where two people are. You need it? " There is irony in Ye Shan's words.

Maggie didn't want to go on and say, "no more." After seeing them, even eating dragon meat has no taste."I said," how could you have someone to eat with you? " Ye Shan said with a smile. "Yaohua, let's sit down!"

Maiziqi knew Yeshan wanted to embarrass herself. She held her hand silently. The heart is more unconvinced, why after so long, they are still not willing to let go of themselves.

When maiziqi is helpless, Qin Zichen's voice comes. "Qiqi..."

Maiziqi looked back and saw Qin Zichen coming towards him. He appeared like a God and wiped away all the irritability in his heart.

Qin Zichen goes to maiziqi. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing." Maggie replied. "There is no place here."

Qin Zichen took a look at Ye Shan and Zhang Yaohua and quickly saw the problem. These two people know Maggie. "If there's no place, we'll go out and wait."

"I suddenly wanted to eat a hamburger." Maiziqi looked at Qin Zichen and said that she didn't want to continue to stay. The eyes of the two opposite people are too focused, which makes me uncomfortable.

Seeing the request in maiziqi's eyes, Qin Zichen nodded. "Good!"

Qin Zichen finished and took maiziqi's hand. "Let's go!"

Seeing Qin Zichen holding maiziqi's hand, Zhang Yaohua felt a fire burning in his heart. Who the hell is this man! What's his relationship with Maggie.

"Ziqi, don't you introduce me?" Yeshan certainly won't let Maggie go so easily. And her heart with jealousy, standing beside Maggie, this man is a good man.

Maiziqi wants to refute Ye Shan's words, but Qin Zichen holds her hand tightly. He doesn't want maiziqi to escape. The woman on the other side is obviously challenging.

Naturally asked: "Qiqi, these two are your friends?"

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