To the empty corridor, Huo yunnuan stopped, she looked back at Tang Yixuan. And that one glance brought too much dissatisfaction.

Tang Yixuan understood the meaning of Huo yunnuan, "I'm sorry!"

"Tang Yixuan, tell me the truth. I really don't want Joe to marry you Huo yunnuan said directly.

"I know." Tang Yixuan understood all these things.

"You know?" Huo yunnuan face with disdain, she really do not know Tang Yixuan is really know or false know. But Huo yunnuan really has some things to worry about. She went to one side and sat down, her long legs resting at random. "Tang Yixuan, give up Xiao Qiao! Fate is no match for reality. "

In this way, Tang Yixuan was struck by lightning as well, "why?"

Huo yunnuan did not go to see Tang Yixuan, her eyes fell in front of a point. Huo yunnuan said to Tang Yixuan calmly this time: "you and Xiao Qiao have too many obstacles. If you want to cross over, you will be very tired! Take your mother as an example. You haven't lived together yet. If in the future, will it not be full of blood? "

"Your mother's temper is really unbearable." Huo yunnuan continued. "Little Joe is also a straight talker. I think she will bear it for you. But after a long time of tolerance, conflicts are more easily aroused. That's how your mother got sick! I don't want Joe to go the same way. "

"I'll take care of it." Tang Yixuan spoke.

Huo Yun warm smile, and this smile is with doubt. "You can't get rid of everything in the Tang family. Do you understand? Your father and your mother are an example. Do you want to hurt Little Joe

Tang Yixuan clenched his fist, and from the sound of the joints, we can know how much strength Tang Yixuan used. "If you really love Joe, you should let go of Joe."

"Sorry! I can't do it! " Tang Yixuan refused. "If you love someone, you should be with her, face difficulties together, and share happiness together! I've been waiting for Joe for so many years, I won't give up! "

Huo yunnuan hears Tang Yixuan's words, can't help but also some shock, did not expect him to insist so. "Your love will become a burden to Little Joe, you will hurt her!"

"I will use my whole life to protect little Joe!" Tang Yixuan made his promise.


A burst of applause interrupted Huo yunnuan's words, and then they saw Huo Dongyang and Qiao Wei come over.

Huo yunnuan immediately stood up. "Daddy, mom."

Huo Dongyang took a warm look at Huo Yun with a faint smile on his lips. "It's hard to see you so serious."

Huo yunnuan felt fluffy when he saw such a kind-hearted father. "How did you come here?"

"Let's come and have a look." Replied Jovi.

Huo yunnuan knew that they were coming to see Bai Xi, and then told them the ward number. "I still have something to do, so I won't accompany you."

"Go home at night." Huo Dongyang said four words.

Huo yunnuan took a breath in his heart, but he still couldn't escape. "I see."

Seeing his daughter disappear quickly, Huo Dongyang shakes his head helplessly. The older the daughter is, the more difficult it is.

Qiao Wei looks at Tang Yixuan in front of him. "Are you Tang Yixuan?"

"Yes, Mrs. Huo."

"It's really a good-looking man." Said Joe, smiling. "If it's a little warm, you don't mind. She grew up with little Joe. Although she has different generations, she always regards him as her sister, so she is a bit aggressive

Tang Yixuan wants to shake his head. "I don't mind. In fact, she is right. "

"Boy, if you love someone, you can't let go!" Huo Dongyang looks at Tang Yixuan and says. "Once you let go, nothing is yours! This is also my experience

Tang Yixuan nodded. "I understand!"

"I'll see your mother." Huo Dongyang replied.

Tang Yixuan took Huo Dongyang and Qiao Wei to the ward. Seeing them again, Tang Sinian was really surprised. I didn't expect to see them again.

Huo Dongyang saw the accident of Tang Sinian. "To see you again in a city is really like the feeling of that year."

"But it's different. It's completely different."

"There is still hope." Huo Dongyang replied. "Isn't it?"

In the evening, Tang Yixuan secretly went to see Xia Yunqiao. Only when he was worried about walking alone, could he see the light step of one day.

Xia Yunqiao's face has been slowly detumescence, but a closer look can still see that faint five fingerprints. It seems that mom was really hard at that time. Tang Yixuan reaches out to touch Xia Yunqiao's face with heartache. This slap seems to have hit him in the heart.

Tang Yixuan holds Xia Yunqiao's hand and frowns. "Joe, I'm just a selfish person. I don't want to let you go."

"Hold on then Xia Yunqiao opens his eyes and looks at Tang Yixuan.

Tang Yixuan does not want to let Xia Yunqiao worry, he immediately changed an expression, eyes are tender and spoiled. "Are you awake?""Well!" Xia Yunqiao nodded. "When you sit down, I wake up. I didn't expect to hear your confession! "

Finish saying, Xia Yunqiao wants to sit up, Tang Yixuan immediately supports her. He himself sat on the bed, and let Xia Yunqiao lean on his body. Tang Yixuan embraces Xia Yunqiao like this.

Xia Yunqiao put his head naturally against Tang Yixuan's arms, "Yixuan, you don't have to blame yourself for today's affairs."

"I'm sorry!"

"It doesn't matter." Xia Yunqiao holds Tang Yixuan's hand. "Today, it's because I didn't do a good job to stimulate my aunt. What's the matter with her now? "

"She's OK." Tang Yixuan replied.

Xia Yunqiao grabs Tang Yixuan's hand, "does father still have no news?"

Tang Yixuan said, this is not an easy thing. There is a lot of work in the early stage, so we can't be in a hurry!

"Yixuan, don't worry! Aunt will be fine. My father will cure my aunt Xia Yunqiao comforts Tang Yixuan in turn. "So don't worry."

Tang Yixuan hugged Xia Yunqiao, "Xiao Qiao, how lucky I am to meet you! Thank you for understanding me

"So you should cherish me Xia Yunqiao didn't want the atmosphere to be too heavy, so he said with a smile.

"Of course!" Tang Yixuan replied.

Xia Yunqiao thought it strange to come. "Yixuan, in fact, I think it's amazing. To tell you the truth, we have known each other for a short time, but why did I recognize you? Sometimes, I always feel that we have known each other for a long time, and even have a feeling that we were together in the last life

Tang Yixuan is not sure. "I feel the same way. Why did you look at you at once? "

Finish saying, two people all smile come out, let outside person listen to feel happy.

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