The latest website: "What an evil place..." In the cage of water, fire and evil, the three demon kings, the king of ten thousand demons, carried two leaders of the guards who had fallen into a coma, and walked slowly in it. The purpose was naturally to avoid the blood demons. King's pursuit.

Even if there are three of them, but now all three are seriously injured, the three of them are not necessarily the opponents of the blood demon king, let alone protect the two leaders of the guards who fell into a coma.

"These two guys are also seriously injured. I hope nothing happens." The Rhinoceros Demon King said helplessly, as if relying on instinct, he clearly noticed that the life breath of the two guards leaders had slowly passed.

It's just that none of the three of them can heal, and they didn't even carry the healing medicine, so they could only temporarily solve the blood demon king, thinking of other ways.

"I'll stop the Blood Demon King in a while, you take them out of here early."

"The rest is up to you."

"This is also our last hope." After Shunxi, the Wan Yaowang said to the two of them, and there was a trace of calm relief in his voice.

"Don't say such depressing words..." The Earth Rhinoceros Demon King tried to comfort him.

"Boom!" In an instant, the entire gloomy and evil corner of the Demon Suppression Prison was suddenly violent, and countless evil auras fell from the sky like raindrops. At this time, a sturdy man with scarlet eyes and scarlet blood surrounded by aura, the corner of his mouth. He stared at them with a frenzied smile on his face.

That kind of feeling is like being watched by the **** of death.

"He's still here..."

"Well... here it is."

"Let us join forces once, since the demon world fought apart, but we haven't joined forces to fight against the enemy for a long time, I'm really looking forward to it."

"Okay!" The Ten Thousand Demon King and the Ten Thousand Flower Demon King talked at the same time. After speaking, the two suddenly shook their bodies, and handed one of the unconscious leaders into the hands of the Earth Rhinoceros Demon King. The dark green light swept out of the sky, and the countless evil forces around him were shaken back hundreds of miles.

"Run...why didn't you run?" The blood demon king stood above the void, looking at the two demon kings who came to die in front of him, his voice extremely ferocious.

"It's okay to be your cemetery here."

"Do you think so?" Wan Yaowang said coldly, with a monstrous killing intent in his voice.

"Blood River Giant Ape!" Seeing the little tricks of the two in front of him, the Blood Demon King disapproved and roared, the **** aura all over his body vented out, and in an instant he formed an extremely ferocious and terrifying huge creature in front of him.

That's an ape!

The ape's body was surrounded by countless **** dark red bloodstains, his eyes flickered with a strong bloodthirsty smell, and his fists were filled with an extremely terrifying depression. Obviously, both defensive and offensive power were extremely tyrannical.

"Wanhua Demon Fruit!" Seeing this, the Wanhua Demon King didn't take it lightly. The slender jade hand stretched out, bursting out with green breaths full of vitality, and immediately formed a green forest area around the two. The strong breath of life greatly improved the injuries on the two of them.

At the same time, a bunch of vines with tyrannical vitality was wrapped up to form a green fruit with a size of dozens of meters. It appeared behind the two of them, as if the fruit contained some kind of mysterious creature.

"Ten Thousand Demon Puppets!" Seeing this, the Ten Thousand Demon King smiled with relief, and immediately waved his sleeves, and a figure exactly like himself swept away at the Blood Demon King!

"Bang bang bang!" Seeing this, the blood demon king clenched his fists, raised his hands, and slammed away with punches and kicks.

"Hey!" Rao was so terrified by the blood demon king's melee combat. This puppet didn't have any scars on its body. It still launched a terrifying attack on it. For the sharpest attack, every move turned out to be vaguely restraining the Blood Demon King.

"Go away!" It seemed that he was provoked by this puppet, and the demonic energy spread from the Blood Demon King's body, knocking him back in one fell swoop!

"Boom!" With a sound, the eyes of the fierce ape in front of him erupted with awe-inspiring violence, then he pulled up his footsteps and stomped towards the latter!

"Go away!"

"Myriad Demons Mysterious Soul Palm!" Seeing such a terrifying footstep, the Ten Thousand Demon King gently pushed the delicate body of the Ten Thousand Flower Demon King, and immediately a bright green light flashed on his palm!

A jump, the palm and the **** kick hit together in an instant!

"Boom!" A wave of terrifying energy ripples spread out from the place where the two were fighting, and with this level of attack, the entire Demon Suppression Prison trembled slightly, as if the Demon Suppression Prison was deep The two white kings were also aware of it, but at this time they were bound by countless restrictions and could not move.

"Sir, are we just waiting?" At this moment, under a barren land below, a mighty team stayed here quietly, watching the appalling battle above the sky, and couldn't help muttering.

"Hehe, what's the hurry?"

"The good show is still over." The leader smiled grimly, and immediately took off the hat on top of the black robe.

Xu Shao!

This guy is actually the long-disappeared Huangtang Hall Master of the Soul Palace!

"Hall Master, what is our purpose?" Seeing Xu Shao's actions like this, a group of strong people around him couldn't help but ask.

There are about twenty strong people around, many of them are strong in the soul hall, and there are also monsters and monsters, but without exception, they are all at the level of Seven Star Fighting Immortals.

"Don't worry... Our purpose is not just the two white kings."

"The deepest Red King's Palace, our palace master has been coveted for a long time." The voice fell, and the situation was recovering here, but obviously this guy came prepared.

"Boom!" The battle above the sky is still going on, and every attack will bring shocking energy ripples, shaking the barren void in this Demon Suppression Prison.

"This is not the way to go..."

"Ten Thousand Demon Vine!" The Demon King of Ten Thousand Flowers displayed a demon vine with sealing power in Du, but there was no obstruction to the Blood Demon King. On the other hand, the power of the two is now close to dying.

"Is it the end of the road... Then die!" Seeing that the breath of the two in front of him became weaker and weaker, the Blood Demon King snorted coldly, and the violent ape also calmed down, but the scarlet blood flowed along the Blood Demon King. The body is injected into the violent ape!

After a while, the body of the blood-colored ape suddenly swelled to an area of ​​1,000 meters, and the power in its body was like a blood sphere that could explode at any time!

"Die!" After doing all this, the Blood Demon King looked crazy, and patted the two of them with his palms heavily. A wave of depression and death filled their hearts.

"Damn... I've been locked by him, and I can't move." The Demon King of Ten Thousand Flowers and the Demon King of Ten Thousand Flowers shook their heads weakly.

"Even if you die, you can't take this guy cheap."

"Come on, let's defend the immortal will of the master!" The two looked at each other, and immediately their bodies began to burn. The originally dying breath contained a terrifying luster like the sun.

"Demon Emperor!" And just as the two were about to burn their lives, a gentle flame enveloped the two of them, suppressing that extreme impulse, and instead a majestic voice above the sky, accompanied by A green sky-high giant emerged from the two of them!

It was a rather soft old man's shadow, but its body covered a thousand feet. Above the body, a trace of green flames burned violently, and its eyes contained a touch of unparalleled majesty!

That's the Demon King!

It is a generation of Tianjiao with a lofty status in the demon world and an extremely amazing combat power!

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