Battle Through the Heavens’s God: The Flame Emperor

Chapter Vol 4 1921: Angel Wings of the Demon of Light?

The latest website: "Boom!" Xiao Yan's body lightly touched the small gap, and his entire body was involuntarily sucked into it, like an unusually hideous devil's cave, trembling frantically, absorbing Xiao Yan's body and leaning inward , The extreme suction left Xiao Yan helpless and could only forcibly endure the invasion of this terrifying force, so he went to the Demon Suppression Prison.

"Pfft!" In just a few breaths, Xiao Yan's body entered the eighth-ranked cage of water and fire through the gap!

"Tear it!" Just after entering here, Xiao Yan's body was suspended in the sky, looking at this evil space, an overwhelming evil aura, like a tide, completely filled the entire void!

And in that evil aura, there is even a trace of extremely hot and cold aura!

The place where Xiao Yan is now is probably the edge of the Demon Suppression Prison. There is no life here, there are only monstrous evil spirits of dark power!

At this time, Xiao Yan stood at the bottom of the sky, and the evil auras slowly entangled together, slowly forming a series of rather ferocious and evil ghosts.

One head and two heads... They quietly crawl on the barren ground, constantly nibbling away the only bones left on the ground, and even the attractive black luster on the professional ghost, revealing some kind of seductive spirit. Terrorist force.

"What a strange cage of water, fire and evil." Xiao Yan raised his brows and spread out his soul power. He tried to find the aura of the Ten Thousand Demon King by means of this method. It is impossible to move an inch, as if it was solidified and fixed on the void by countless evil breaths, unable to move.

"Kacha!" With a sound, it seemed that Xiao Yan's figure had been discovered. Among the many shadows below, a giant python with demonic energy rose into the air. The invisible and colorless soul power released by Xiao Yan devoured it, and immediately walked around, preparing to escape.

"Die!" Seeing this sudden scene, Xiao Yan raised his palm, and a scorching flame appeared, and then easily wrapped around the devilish giant python, which was instantly evaporated into dust and dissipated in the void. .

"As expected, it is the Devil Suppression Prison that can be ranked eighth. In this kind of scene, if the strength is not enough for the Seven Star Fighting Immortals, I am afraid that I will be buried here." Seeing this, Xiao Yan shook his head powerlessly. On this barren land, he did not know. There are so many bones and ghosts, they are quietly lurking. Once there is an intruder, they will emerge when the intruder is lost and devour it.

The huge amount contained in this Demon Suppression Prison is far beyond Xiao Yan's imagination, and the evil aura is definitely not something he can slaughter.

However, Xiao Yan was a little puzzled, because every time he used the demonic power in his body, he would use up the power of the demonic cube to avoid being attacked. If the demonic cube could absorb the power of evil, the Demon Suppression Prison would be filled with demons by Xiao Yan in the future. Best place for Rubik's Cube.

"I came out to work." After sighing, his voice raised a sibilant, and Xiao Yan snorted coldly.

"Hey Hey hey!"

"What are you doing!" Startled by Xiao Yan's voice, the guinea pig appearance transformed by the spirit of the demon book was directly repelled from Xiao Yan's body, entrenched in the air, and the guinea pig looked down, the dense black The shadow composed of liquid makes him feel disgusted.

"Help me find the Myriad Demon King." Xiao Yan said softly. As he spoke, an amber-colored holy flame emerged from his body, staring at the many evil ghosts below.

"You look down on me too much, I'm just a little demon spirit." The guinea pig said with dissatisfaction.

"If that's the case, then it's useless for me to keep you... let's go!" A sneer suddenly appeared on Xiao Yan's face, and he immediately grabbed the mouse's tail and flicked it gently. place to throw away!

The dense density of the dense black pressure, I am afraid that it will be completely swallowed up in an instant and become bloody!


"I'm looking for it, don't!" Hearing the words, the little white rat shook violently and roared, it has no power in itself, if it is thrown down by Xiao Yan like this, it will only die.

"That's not right." Xiao Yan's sneer turned into a soft smile after listening to the mouse's opening, and his body appeared below where it fell, and caught the latter with one hand.

"You're a bad guy."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense." Xiao Yan rolled his eyes and said, if it wasn't for his soul power being damaged, in order to hide the aura of holy flame, Xiao Yan would not let this guy take action.

"Weng hum!" With a sound, a superpower that surpassed the sky and the earth emerged from the little white mouse, and along with it, there were also the demon books that flashed countless strange demons. It seemed that there was something between the two. a special connection.

"Weng Om!" An unusually dazzling green arc of light flashed above the sky, as if illuminating this barren land. Suddenly, countless ghosts below suddenly became restless. The insatiable greed of the show is no doubt!

"Go away!" Just when these ghosts came to the mouse's body a hundred meters, a cold roar, with a touch of holy flame's exclusive power, swept out.

"Boom!" Attacked by such a violent roar, some of the weak shadows were shattered directly by it, and the remaining shadows also looked at each other for a while, and after hesitation, they hibernated quietly.

"I found their location." After Shun breathed, the little white mouse muttered with strange eyes, obviously because of Xiao Yan's previous calculations, he was dissatisfied.

"Huh... what is this?" Before Xiao Yan could speak, a white feather slowly flickered on the demon book of the guinea pig, apparently collected by the demon book.

On the feathers, it is extremely white, and even contains a touch of divine aura, but at this time, there is a faint trace of blood on the white feathers, which seems to be from a guy who was seriously injured. fell off.

"This is... the angel wings of the demon of light?"

"What the **** is going on here?" At this moment, Feather was just in the palm of his hand, and a sense of familiarity emerged from Xiao Yan's heart, and even an extremely horrified expression filled Xiao Yan's face!

The breath of the demon of light, Xiao Yan was already very clear and familiar with it when he was in Li Soul Territory. How could he find her angel wings in the water, fire and evil cage to suppress the devil now?

Does this mean that the Demon of Light is in the Demon Suppression Prison at this time?

Maybe the demon of light has been here?

Various questions plagued Xiao Yan.

"Hee hee, it seems that this time, there is a good show to watch."

"Let's go, I'll take you to But I'll tell you clearly, there are terrifying guys who touch reincarnation, and there are even more terrifying things than the two white kings, but that kind of powerhouse is beyond I know." The guinea pig said slightly.

It was originally the spirit of the demon book, and the demon book in the demon world is like a book of heaven that knows all things. As for this guy, although he has no fighting power, he is like a prophet and knows many things in the demon world.

"Do you touch it even more powerful than the two white kings?" Hearing this, Xiao Yan couldn't help but clench his fists. The Devil's Cube in his body was also affected by it, and it became surging, a proud monstrosity. Breath, diffuse out.

"Go!" With a roar, the two of them went towards the depths of the Demon Suppression Prison at the same time.

At this moment, the always quiet Demon Suppression Prison became lively because of the arrival of the Demon King of Ten Thousand Demons, Xiao Yan and others.

And in the depths of the town demon prison, there are also uninvited guests, these guys are like soul palaces!


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