An Exclusive love

Chapter 336 - Ying Xin Exchanges Ying Xin

Ah Sha just walked out of the room and said without thinking, “Do you want to say you know where Ying Muhai is?”


Ah Sha was just joking, but it was unexpected that Bai Qi actually had intel.

She walked quickly to sit down beside Wan Qingsi and asked, “Do you really know?”

“Otherwise, what do you think I’m doing this year?” Bai Qi looked at them and continued, “Unfortunately, I learned later that they were going to rob the prescription, and didn’t inform you in time.”

Wan Qingsi placed the bottle of wine in front of Bai Qi and said, “This is for you.”

“Oh, you’re just showing off when I only drank a glass just now!” Bai Qi poured himself another glass while talking. “Ying Muhai returned home six months ago, but it’s strange that I can’t find his record of returning.”

“Then how do you know he is back home?” Asha asked curiously.

Bai Qi frowned, “I personally saw him enter the airport, but he suddenly disappeared before the security check.” Because of that, Bai Qi had looked around for a long time in the airport, but it seemed that Ying Muhai made himself invisible and he couldn’t find him.

“Will he leave for something temporarily?” Ah Sha analyzed, “How can a living person disappear into thin air?”

Bai Qi shook his head, “I sent people to follow his men. When his men left, he was not among them. I once doubted whether he had gone somewhere secretly, but in the past six months, I couldn’t find any information about him.”

“Then it is not certain whether he has returned.”

“But the flight that day was to S City.” Bai Qi cocked his eyebrows and said, “I think he must be here.”

Wan Qingsi was silent all the time. Ah Sha poked him, “What do you think?”

“I don’t know.” The man shook his head, but there was suspicion in his eyes. “I’ll have Wan Yi check it out. Maybe he came back secretly. It’s not difficult for some people to steal their way back home.”

Before finding out where Ying Muhai was, something happened in the Ying family again.

“You need come back this evening. Your mommy is ill.” On the morning of the next day, Ying Qingcang called Ah Sha, and Ah Sha hurriedly asked, “Did she take the medicine?”

“Yes. This is the last time. She will be completely recovered after this.”

At that time, Xin Qing’s headache had not been cured. She had taken the medicine that the old village head Mo Lin developed, and every time she took it, she would have a fever. However, its effect was good.

After hanging up, Ah Sha suddenly thought that Ying Xin was still at home. How could she go back?

Wan Qingsi was not worried when learning of her concerns. He said, “Every night she would fool around with Lyu Qijun and come back late. We have enough time to see mum.”

To be on the safe side, Ah Sha went back to the Ying family in the afternoon. She asked Monica and knew that Ying Xin was in a meeting at that time.

“Mommy!” Xin Qing looked very weak, lying in bed to repose. When she heard her daughter’s voice, she was quite pleased and wanted to sit up.

Ying Qingcang stopped her and said, “Lie down. Asha is beside you.”

“Yes, mommy, don’t move. I’ll sit here and hold your hands!”

When the family of four were talking, no one expected Ying Xin back. She forgot to take the file and returned home to take it. And Monica didn’t pay attention to her because of being busy with other things. When she saw Ah Sha, she was shocked. She was about to open her mouth when she heard Ah Sha call mommy again.

She covered up her mouth, turned around and ran away, but was discovered by Wan Qingsi.

“She can’t go!” Ah Sha quickly rushed out; Ying Qingcang and Wan Qingsi moved faster. They stopped Ying Xin at the stairway.

Ying Xin shook her head while moving back, “You have been lying to me. You already knew that I wasn’t Ying Xin!” She looked at Ah Sha, “Why do you have cosmetic surgery to look like someone else, why?”

“Who told you I had cosmetic surgery?” Ah Sha smiled and said, “you’ve done so many adjustments on your face. It must hurt. Who made you do it?”

Ying Xin had retreated to the corner. She was afraid and picked up the vase beside her, “You… Don’t come over!”

“Say, where is Ying Muhai?” Ying Qingcang didn’t want to talk nonsense with her, staring at her coldly.

“Who is Ying Muhai? I don’t know!” Ying Xin shook her head with flurried eyes.

Wan Qingsi sneered and said, “You’ve been exposed. I think you should know what will happen to a useless person.” He raised his lips and continued, “If you tell us everything you know, at least we can let you leave here.”

Ying Xin’s face was pale. Yes, her identity had just been exposed. Ying Muhai would get rid of her whether she said it or not. Right, she also had Lyu Qijun. That man loved her so much that he would help her.

“Do you think Lyu Qijun will help you?” Wan Qingsi said as if he knew what she was thinking. “He won’t offend the Ying family for a woman of unknown origin. Even if he helps you, do you think he has that ability?”

“If I say everything, you must give me a sum of money and send me away safely.” Ying Xin clenched her teeth. After that, she had to leave. Other things could be considered later as long as she could leave that place.

Wan Qingsi took a look at her and said, “It depends on the value of what you spit out…”

Ying Xin was taken away by Wan Yi. Wan Qingsi guessed that the woman didn’t know much. As expected, Wan Yi gave a call in the evening and said that Ying Xin knew nothing except that Ying Muhai had her sneak into Xin Enterprises to steal information.

“What to do now?” Xin Qing was happy as well as worried. She finally didn’t have to face the fake daughter, but at the moment, Ying Muhai hadn’t been found, so they couldn’t act rashly and alert the enemy.

Ah Sha blinked and smiled, “It’s very simple. Go on!” She reached out to take off the mask on her face. “Ying Xin exchanged for Ying Xin.”

“No way!” Wan Qingsi denied without hesitation.

Xin Qing also disapproved, “It’s too dangerous. Besides, She is in love with a person of the Lyu Family.”

That was also the reason why Wan Qingsi disagreed. How could he tolerate Ah Sha being with others, even if it were fake?

“This is the best way at the moment.” Ah Sha persuaded them, “As long as Ying Muhai contacts me, I will find a way to get him to see me. This is the only chance.” She took Wan Qingsi’s arm. “As for Lyu Qijun, don’t worry. I’ll only have a few meals with him and won’t let him touch me!”

Xin Qing was more worried after listening, “You are going to see Ying Muhai? How can you do that? It’s too dangerous.”

Ying Qingcang was not worried. He had read the information about poison queen. He had to say that his daughter had really surprised him.

“I won’t let her go by herself.” He hugged Xin Qing. “If Ying Muhai contacts her, I will send someone to follow and protect her in secret.”

Wan Qingsi pulled a face and kept silent. Ah Sha ran into Xin Qing’s arms and added, “Mommy, I’ll be able to move back and you don’t need to be Mei Jing anymore, isn’t this good?”

It was indeed the most appropriate way at present. In the evening, a press conference was held in Stars Entertainment. Wan Qingsi accompanied Asha in person to attend, to announce that she was not in good health and would go abroad to see a doctor. As a result, someone guessed that she was pregnant with Wan Qingsi’s children and went abroad to have a baby, because of being afraid of revenge from the Ying family.

Even if Wan Qingsi and Ying Xin had cancelled their engagement, it was a matter of face—a family’s prestige and honor. It was normal for the Ying family to be unable to tolerate it.

That night Ah Sha sneaked back to the Ying family, and Wan Qingsi was very unhappy.

“I regret it.” He stayed at the Ying family and was unwilling to leave.

When Ah Sha was Mei Jing, they could live together. At the moment, with her becoming Ying Xin, they had to live apart.

“Do you want everyone to know that as soon as Mei Jing is gone, you are with Ying Xin again?” Ah Sha persuaded him, “Then you will really be seen as a lowly scum and be scolded to death.”

Ying Qingcang gloated at him and said, “Haha, hurry up to leave. We are going to have dinner!”

Wan Qingsi took off his coat, went to the table and sat down, “I’ll move back, too.”

When Ah Sha wanted to say something more, Wan Qingsi stared at her and said, “Come here to have dinner. I will go back to pick up the luggage afterwards.”

“Great!” Xin Qing was the happiest. At the moment, the whole family was together again.

When Ah Sha arrived at the company the next day, Lyu Qijun bought her breakfast as usual. Asha picked it up and suddenly covered her stomach when he was about to hug her.

“What’s wrong, Xinxin?” Lyu Qijun held her.

Ah Sha leaned against the wall and waved, “I ate too much seafood last night, and now my stomach is not comfortable.”

Lyu Qijun looked at her worriedly, “I will take you to the hospital!”

“It’s ok. I have medicine in my office.” Ah Sha grabbed her breakfast. “I’ll take my medicine first, and then have your breakfast!”

“Ok.” Lyu Qijun sent her into the office and said, “I’m going to see a client at noon. I can’t accompany you. If you are not comfortable, you can go back home earlier.”

Although Wan Qingsi was not afraid of others’ talking, he couldn’t get in and out of the Ying family grounds openly. If he did so, Lyu Qijun would also doubt it. According to Bai Qi, if Ying Muhai was in S City, he would know about it if Lyu Qijun quarreled heavily with Ying Xin, so Wan Qingsi could only sneak back at night.

Zheng Gege, who was far away in Harbor City, was also clamoring to return to S City.

“I can’t get in touch with Ah Sha. I must go back to have a look. Why is she going to see a doctor abroad?”

Lin Musheng stopped her, “Believe me. She’s fine.” Yesterday, he had known the whole story after talking with Wan Qingsi by phone, but Ah Sha didn’t tell Zheng Gege of her identity. Lin Musheng didn’t know whether to say it or not.

“Is there something you’re hiding from me?” Zheng Gege looked at him.

“Of course not!” Lin Musheng said quickly, “Zheng Ze has just finished the operation. You have to stay and take care of him, don’t you?”

Zheng Gege took her coat and said, “I’m going back now. I’ll be back tomorrow morning without delay.”

Lin Musheng stopped her, “Gege…”

“Then tell me the truth!”

When Wan Qingsi returned in the evening, he reminded Ah Sha to call Zheng Gege. Ah Sha had just remembered that, but Zheng Gege called and said that she already knew everything. Then she said nothing except ask Ah Sha to be careful.

As soon as she hung up the phone, Ah Sha saw a number that had not been stored coming in. She was shocked and hurried to answer it.

“Hey, the speed of your actions is too slow recently. Cough… Doesn’t Lyu Qijun like you very much? Cough… Let him help you, cough…”

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