An Exclusive love

Chapter 335 - Ah Sha, You Were Sold Out!

Ah Sha didn’t know who Wan Qingsi was talking about. She left for Thailand the next day, and she went with a group in an aboveboard way. It was a very popular old variety show where popular actors completed various tasks abroad, similar to games and competitive activities.

When the column group was ready to start recording after arriving at the hotel, Mei Jing’s assistant ran over.

“Director, I’m sorry. Mei Jing is suddenly allergic for some unknown reason. She can’t record the show now,” Xiao Hua said anxiously, “We are going to the hospital!”

Hearing that, the director felt worried since he was one man short for the show.

“Let’s go. I’ll have a look with you.”

When he arrived at the room, he saw that Meijing was full of small red pimples on her body except her face. It seemed very itchy. She was trying not to scratch herself. Ah Sha was apologetic when seeing the director, “I’m really sorry. I delayed everyone.”

“It’s so serious!” The director had planned to see if she could tough it out. When he saw that, he had to give up the possibility. “You need to go to the hospital at once. We’ll try to find a local star to take over for you.”

When the group left the hotel, Ah Sha and Xiao Hua also got in a car. As soon as Ah Sha was in the car, she took off the mask on her face and showed her original appearance.

“Miss, you’ve already taken medicine. Why is the rash still there?” Xiao Hua was worried after looking at the rash on Ah Sha’s arms. If it was severe, the young master would kill her.

In order to disappear with good reasons, she ate eggs when she got off the plane.

Ah Sha waved her hand without much care, “It can’t recover so fast. Take it easy. It will be fine soon.”

The local black market was under the largest hotel grounds. She was accompanied by Wan Si and Wan Wu to find the man selling the prescription.

“The prescription has just been bought,” A local old man said, “It’s strange to see all of you wanting to buy half a piece when I have so many complete ones here.”

Ah Sha hurriedly asked, “Who did you sell it to?”

“There were several Chinese in black suits,” the old man said impatiently, “Just leave without shopping. Don’t affect my business.”

They did not see any Chinese group after searching around the whole black market. When Xiao Hua saw Ah Sha frowning, she did not know how to comfort her. At that time, Wan Si and Wan Wu suddenly reached out and asked, “What do you want to do?”

When Ah Sha raised her head, she just noticed several people standing in front of them. She goggled at once: Chinese in suits?

“Miss Ying, this is what our young master is offering to you!” The leader, a gentleman, handed over a box with both hands.

Wan Si took over, carefully checking it and then handing it to Ah Sha.

Ah Sha frowned and opened it. Suddenly, the corner of her mouth turned upward. She said excitedly, “The prescription?”

“Exactly!” The gentleman nodded and said, “We were afraid that others would buy it, so we bought it for Miss Ying first.”

“Thank you!” Ah Sha expressed her thanks sincerely and asked, “Who let you come?”

“Our young master won’t allow us to say,” The gentleman made a small bow and was ready to leave.

Ah Sha was also about to say goodbye when a sound pierced the air. When she looked up, a thin and long black shadow had swept away the box in her hand.

“The prescription!” Ah Sha clenched her teeth. The long whip rolled the box to fall into the hands of several people not far away in the next moment.

Wan Si and Wan Wu rushed over before she gave orders; Xiao Hua stayed to protect her. The gentleman who had just turned around didn’t expect someone to rob them halfway. He was stunned and quickly rushed up with his men.

It was obvious that the people who had appeared to grab the prescription had a sophisticated plan. Under the siege of so many people, there were still two able to escape.

“Miss Ying, it was our negligence. You can rest assured that we will continue to look for the prescription, and we will certainly get it back,” The gentleman said solemnly, but he was agitated in mind. He didn’t know whether he would be sent to Africa when his young master knew of that mishap…

The hope had been on the horizon, but at the moment she had nothing left. Ah Sha was extremely sad. After expressing her thanks to them, she went back to the hotel with Xiao Hua and the others. After a bath, she turned into Mei Jing again, and called Wan Qingsi.

“It should be men from Ying Muhai,” Wan Qingsi said after she finished speaking, “If it’s his men, at least we don’t have to worry about the destruction of the prescription. He will definitely use it to threaten the Ying family.”

Ah Sha said with frustration, “I had it in my hands. I’m so useless to have let it be robbed.” She thought of those people again and said, “By the way, the prescription was bought and given to me by others.”

“Well, I know.”

“How do you know? You bought it?” Ah Sha was surprised.

Wan Qingsi smiled and said, “It was Wen Pintang.”

“Ah!” Ah Sha did not expect to hear the name of that person. She thought about it and asked, “He… does he have… on me…?”

“Stop being smug!” Wan Qingsi said grumpily after hearing what she said, “What do you want to say?”

Asha hurriedly laughed shyly and replied, “Nothing! Nothing! Then why did he help me?”

“Because he wants to cure your mother.” Wan Qingsi did not wait for her answer, and continued saying, “Okay, come back soon!”

On the way back, Ah Sha had been thinking about Wen Pintang. Finally, she was sure that he was in love with her mother.

“How can such a good man take things so hard?” She had taken advantage of Wan Qingsi several times in the evening. She had rested lazily in his arms. “There is no hope in this lifetime for him to win her heart, as long as he loves my mum.”

Wan Qingsi took a bite on her shoulder, “Is he excellent?”

“He’s the best. You can ask around. There’s no woman who doesn’t want to marry him.” Ah Sha didn’t notice the man’s dark eyes, and still said full of regret, “If I had been born a few years earlier, I might have liked him!”

As soon as the voice fell, she was pressed under the man, “Say it again.”

“Haha… Haha…” Ah Sha didn’t dare to look at the man’s eyes. She put her arms around his neck to release her legs, “Oh, come on!”

Wan Qingsi lowered his body fiercely and said lightly before holding her lips, “You little goblin…”

The first reaction when Ying Qingcang heard the news that the prescription had been robbed was, “Why are you there?”

“I went to record the show!” Ah Sha said without blinking an eye.

“Then what were you doing in the black market?” Ying Qingcang looked at his daughter. What a good job on keeping secrets!

Ah Sha carefully looked at Ying Qingcang, and gave Wan Qingsi a look asking for help.

Wan Qingsi was talking to Chen Huan on the phone. After hanging up, he touched her head and said, “My mother betrayed you.”

“No way…” Ah Sha’s face broke down and looked at the angry Ying Qingcang, not knowing what to do.

Ying Qingcang sat opposite her and poked her forehead, “You’re so brave. You dare to be a bounty hunter behind our back. I wonder how you’ll explain that to your mommy!”

“Daddy, how did you know?” Ah Sha made the fingers of her left and right hands touch against each other correspondingly.

Chengcheng was to blame about that matter. When he was at the base, he logged into Chen Huan’s computer and found a bounty hunters organization. At that time, he was very excited and pestered Wan Wu and the others to tell them many things about Hunter.

When he returned, he actually unlocked Johns’ computer by himself, only to find that his sister was poison queen. He told the news to Ying Qingcang at the first opportunity. Of course, he could get benefits from it, which was that when he joined the bounty hunters in the future, Ying Qingcang would not be able to oppose it.

“He just sold me out?” Ah Sha shouted angrily, “He wants to join the bounty hunters? Dream on. Then I will be in charge of the assessment and just brush him off!”

Ying Qingcang glared at her and said, “Don’t change the topic. Your mommy doesn’t know yet. You’d better pray that she doesn’t learn of it, ever. Otherwise, wait and see how I’ll punish you!”

“It’s okay.” Wan Qingsi took Ah Sha’s hands and said, “He can’t beat me now!”

“How dare you say that?” Ying Qingcang had been pissed off since the beginning, and at the moment his face was far worse, “Your family even united to cheat me. Don’t imagine you can marry my daughter!”

Wan Qingsi glanced at him lightly, “We are husband and wife already.”

“Get out of here! Get out…!”

They secretly slipped out from the back door of Xin Enterprises. Ah Sha proposed to go to Zheng Gege’s home. They were going to Harbor City in the evening. As soon as they entered the yard, they saw that Lin Musheng was packing virtuously.

“I say we don’t need to take anything. When arriving there, we can buy new things. Gege doesn’t listen to me.” He pointed to the suitcase on the ground and said, “It’s summer over there.”

Zheng Gege came out of the house and said, “I’ll just buy all these things. If I don’t take them with me, I won’t be able to wear them this year.”

“It doesn’t matter if you can’t wear these. I can take you to a private fitting, like Ah Sha!” Lin Musheng hoped that his woman could wear the clothes he chose. He heard that Ah Sha’s clothes were all bought by Wan Qingsi.

Zheng Gege looked at him and didn’t say anything. Zheng Ze took a backpack and walked out from inside, “We can go.”

After seeing them off, Ah Sha and Wan Qingsi didn’t go home until they had dinner. When they were about to open the door, Wan Qingsi suddenly stopped her.

“What’s wrong?” Ah Sha whispered when she saw he was not looking right.

Wan Qingsi pulled her back two steps, “Someone has just entered.”

Every day when he went out, he lodged a hair in the door. At the moment it was gone.

“Stand behind me.” Wan Qingsi said as he took out his hidden gun from the bottom of the flowerpot at the door. Ah Sha nodded and hid behind him with three silver needles in her hands.

Wan Qingsi opened the door gently and glanced quickly through the living room.

No one?

He walked in slowly, and suddenly heard something moving in the kitchen. He quickly raised the gun in his hand, only to see a man with his head shaking coming out with a glass of wine.

Wan Qingsi pulled a long face in an instant, and Ah Sha put away the silver needle, truly dumbfounded.

“Hey! You two came back.” Bai Qi lifted the glass and added, “Great. Good wine!”

Wan Qingsi put away his gun and said gloomily, “There are only five bottles in the world. How much are you going to pay me?”

“Don’t be such a stranger!” Bai Qi sat on the sofa and replied, “Long time no see. Don’t you feel excited to see me?”

Ah Sha rolled her eyes and said to Wan Qingsi, “I’ll change first.”

“I am coming too.”

Bai Qi watched them enter the room and shouted, “Hey! Is it suitable to leave the guest alone?”

“There is no guest who opens the door by himself.” Wan Qingsi changed his clothes and looked at him coldly.

“Hey! Bai Qi smiled and said, “I have a message. It should be worth the value of your bottle of wine…”

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