Chapter 161

I followed Rowland as he led me through the Capital City of the Astrad Kingdom. While he personally greeted me at the southern entrance of Astral, he didn’t prepare a carriage or any mode of transport for me to get to the palace.

We just walked. No horse. No cart. Nothing. It was almost like we were being mostly discreet. Mostly.

The three {Knights] accompanying me weren’t subtle in the slightest, but they drew attention away from me, which I was thankful for.

And while I didn’t mind walking, but it didn’t feel like I was a guest. Although… since it was such a last minute invitation, there wasn’t enough time to prepare much. Also, I was just here to show off my otherworldly cuisine to King Jalen.

And I meant that quite literally— it was food from Earth, not from Vacuos.

Anyways, it wasn’t really a special occasion. I wasn’t going to attend a party, nor was I coming as a guest of honor. Rowland had told me that, at most, King Jalen would have hired me to prepare a small feast if he found my cooking to be delectable enough.

It was an odd arrangement, but Rowland had given me wasn’t expecting much. I was also hoping that I didn’t need to do too much work. I wanted to just find a [Chef] and maybe a few [Waiters] to bring back to my restaurant. Maybe I could’ve started a chain here in Astral too. Although, that was probably going to take a bit longer to work out.

Still, even though I wasn’t here for any significant or grand reasons, I was expecting at least a bit more of a welcoming reception. But all I was met with was a grumpy [Knight]-Captain or whatever.

I glanced back at the middle-aged man trailing after Wyn Stefard. He was dressed like a [Knight], and he was called Sir Jordan. But unlike Rowland and Wyn who carried themselves with a level of grace and dignity, Jordan’s face was puffed up in annoyance.

I didn’t know why he was annoyed. He just looked annoyed to me.

I shook my head and looked back towards Rowland Donovan. I stared at the busy street ahead of me filled with yelling [Traders]. I swept my gaze over my surroundings, and I caught a glimpse of a few restaurants nearby, spilling with people.

I paused to take a quick look at the menu, but the [Knights] continued marching on. I frowned, watching them continue without me. Wyn Stefard turned to face me, nodding at me to follow. I glanced back towards the nearby restaurants, before continuing towards the palace in the distance.

“Aren’t you going to give me a tour around Astral?” I asked Rowland as I walked up next to him.

He shook his head, still facing forward. “Unfortunately, we are in a bit of a rush, Ms Amelia. King Jalen is waiting for you.”

“I… see.” I furrowed my brows, but I didn’t question it anymore.

It took a bit, considering that we weren’t in a rush, but we eventually reached the palace, and the gate swung open, letting us in. A pair of guards saluted at the three [Knights] as we entered the front courtyard. Rowland smiled as he glanced back towards me.

“Welcome, Ms Amelia, to the Astra Palace!” he said.

I scratched the back of my head. “So we’re in the Astra Palace in the city of Astral which is the Capital of the Astrad Kingdom…”

“That is correct,” Wyn replied simply with a nod.

“You guys need to get better at naming things,” I muttered under my breath.

To be fair, the Astra Palace was rather elegant. Too elegant. It was an opulent place with doors lined with gold, and chandeliers made out of crystal. There was a massive domed roof overhead, made of glass, but sparkling with jewels.

We strode through a grand hallway until we reached a pair of double doors. A group of [Knights] waited there— they evidently belonged to the Astral Order, and they immediately stepped to the side when they saw Rowland.

“Sir!” they echoed in unison, saluting him.

“At ease,” the [Knight]-Captain said as he walked up to the double doors. “Let us in, we need to speak with King Jalen.”

“Yes, Sir!”

A pair of [Knights] moved, pulling the heavy double doors open. The metal groaned, moving slowly until it had just enough of an opening to let a person in. The two [Knights] panted as they took a step back, and Rowland stepped in.

I stared at the double doors for a moment as Wyn and Jordan continued, before shaking my head. “What’s the point of making such heavy doors? Can’t they just use magic to reinforce it?”

I shrugged and stepped into the room, pulling the door to a close behind me. The two [Knights] blinked, before their jaws dropped as I casually closed the heavy double doors with a single hand. I turned to face the rest of the room. It was clearly the throne room of the palace.

There was a large gathering of [Knights], [Mages], [Generals], and other advisors crowding around the ornate throne. And sitting there was a relatively young man. He looked older than Noele, but he didn’t look like he was in his thirties just yet. Maybe he was in his late twenties.

And judging by the crown resting on his head, I knew he was the King of the Astrad Kingdom.

He sat there, massaging his temples as he listened to the deluge of voices. He looked tired— like he had barely slept in days. And I immediately pitied him for having such heavy responsibilities at such a relatively young age.

…this is exactly why I want to live a normal life, I thought to myself as I followed Rowland as he squeezed his way to the front of the crowd.

Sure, I could try to be a hero. Maybe I could even start my own kingdom— build it from scratch with my strength. But it was so much work and effort. The stress wouldn’t be worth it. Not for me.

I was fine with running my restaurant. I found cooking fun, and I got to personally know my employees. So I was content with what I was doing. I didn’t need to deal with politics or war or how to provide for the people of my country.

I heard the tail-end of most of the suggestions being made as I reached the front of the crowd.

“We need to launch a counteroffensive right this instant! We cannot delay it any longer!”

“But if we overcommit to the frontlines, we will be leaving ourselves vulnerable! What happens if the Kingdom of Kal takes advantage of the damage done by the Miststorm Riders? They could flank us and surround the Capital in a month!”

“You’re all missing the point! Continuing this war is pointless— all of Laxo has been thrown into chaos! If we want to end the war, we need to negotiate for peace, even if it means giving up our territory!”

The last suggestion was met with a cacophony of jeers. I pursed my lips, thinking, Poor guy. And we finally reached King Jalen a moment after. He looked up when he heard the thudding footfalls of the three [Knights].

“My liege,” Sir Rowland said as he bowed. “I have returned.”

“Captain Rowland,” Jalen greeted the [Knight], rising to his feet. A small smile spread across his face as he stepped forward. But he caught himself. He first turned to his crowd of advisors and gave them a small nod. “Leave us.”

They looked like they wanted to protest, but they heeded their command anyways. They slowly trickled out the back of the room, before the King relaxed. He drew forward once more, this time, without any apprehension.

“It is good to see you, my old friend.”

I watched with a raised brow as he gave Rowland a friendly hug. In response, the [Knight]-Captain grinned, returning the embrace. They drew back from each other a moment later.

I heard Jordan clicking his tongue from behind as he saw this. He looked away with an even more annoyed look on his face— which I didn’t think was possible, considering how many wrinkles he already had.

“Indeed, it is good to see you as well, my liege,” Rowland said as he took a step back.

“You don’t need to be so formal with me,” Jalen chuckled, looking the [Knight]-Captain up and down. “Not when you basically raised me yourself.”

Rowland shook his head with a grin. “It was simply my duty as your bodyguard, my liege.”

Jalen rolled his eyes and looked towards me. “I received your missives. So, this is the girl mentioned?”

“Indeed, she is.” The [Knight]-Captain nodded, not facing me.

I watched as the King of the Astrad Kingdom strode up towards me, fascinated by my appearance. He placed a hand on his chin as he addressed me.

“I see— I’m glad I can finally meet you, Amelia. I have been eagerly anticipating your arrival for the last three days.”

“I mean, I’m glad to be here?” I said, glancing past him. I looked towards where his advisors went. “But shouldn’t you have more important matters to deal with right now? I’m not here to intrude, after all.”

I just wanted to cook, impress him, and maybe steal one of his [Royal Chefs] or whatever. But Jalen smiled wide as he shook his head.

“I am not bothered by your presence at all,” he said, placing a hand on my shoulder. “After all, you are the one who’s going to be saving our country from the Kingdom of Kal.”

And I just blinked. “Uh, what?”

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