Chapter 160

Unfortunately, two days was not a lot of time to find and acquire another [Message] scroll. They were rare and expensive artifacts. The only reason I could get one so quickly beforehand was because Saros had given it to me— he was the Gnome Inventor. Even though he was just a tinkerer.

Either way, even though I had asked for Noele’s parents’ help, we couldn’t find another long-distance communication artifact in time before I had to leave Wolfwater.

“I apologize,” Nicole said, lowering her head in a bow. We stood in the middle of my restaurant’s lobby— the room empty of customers since I was leaving today. “I’ve asked every [Trader] and [Merchant] I know, but none of them have a [Message] scroll for sale.”

“It’s fine,” I sighed as I turned away from Noele’s mother. I looked past the blonde lady, eyeing a figure waiting right outside of my restaurant. “While I don’t really think it’s a big deal… but unfortunately, your daughter tends to stress a little bit too much.”

Nicole blinked, before looking towards Noele. “Ah, of course. I understand she can be a bit of a worrywart sometimes, but she means well.”

“I know she does,” I said as I took a step forward. “I’m used to it too, so I’m not bothered by it at all anyways.”

I smiled at the blonde lady, before leaving the room. There was a small crowd gathered right in front of Bucky’s Out of this World Restaurant. The crowd was composed of my friends… and Jax.

They bid their farewells, even though I wasn’t going to be gone for long. Bucky wanted to follow— or at least, with the way she clucked and tried to jump into my arms, I was pretty sure she wanted to follow. But I didn’t let her. I gave her a pat, before nodding at Harlan.

“Make sure she doesn’t make a mess of the kitchen,” I said with a smile.

“Will do,” he replied, chuckling.

I turned to Arthur who still wore a hesitant look on his face. He was nervous about his returning Void powers even after I reassured him two days ago that it was fine. I just placed a hand on his shoulder.

“You’ll be fine.” I nodded at the former Lich King. “As long as you make it your own, there’s no reason to fear it.”

“R-right…” He couldn’t meet my gaze.

I said goodbye to the others too. Garron, Nolan, and even Dorien— although he was more interested in checking up on the bastion bees. Jax was here too. He challenged me to a duel.

I told him to fuck off.

Finally, I got to Noele. The blonde girl wore a worried look on her face. She looked like she barely got any sleep over the last few days, staying awake in hopes to catch the return of the dark mist that enveloped all of Vacuos.

Unfortunately for her, whatever it was that attacked all the surrounding cities never returned. So she had been staying up for nothing. I looked her up and down, before shaking my head.

“You should get more sleep,” I said simply.

She glowered in response. “I can’t.”

“Well, I’m technically still your mentor, and as your mentor, I’m telling you to get more sleep.” I grinned back at her.

“Oh, so now you’re interested in mentoring me?” Noele rolled her eyes, before slowly looking back up at me. “…sorry, I’m not in a good mood.”

“I mean, you’re not wrong. I haven’t been a good mentor.” I shook my head at her. “But to be fair, you haven’t been paying me either.”

She snickered, then sighed as her shoulders sagged. “Do you really think that… thing won’t show up while you’re gone?”

I placed a hand on my chin, thinking it over for a moment. “Whatever it was, it didn’t attack Wolfwater, even though it swept across the entire planet. Whether that’s because it sensed that I was here, or because it’s safe here… I don’t know.”

I shook my head and faced the blonde girl.

“However, I do know that I’ll be on the lookout for this thing. So if it shows up again, I’ll head straight back to Wolfwater faster than you can blink.” I smirked at my apprentice. “And I’m not over exaggerating.”

She paused, fidgeting for a second. And she nodded. “I know you aren’t. Thank you, Master.”

“I said don’t call me that.” I scoffed.

And with that, I finally left Wolfwater, heading out for the city of Astral.


“Did you seriously believe her?” Jordan Cel snorted, leaning against his spear.

He was adorned in an ornate armor, dressed no different from the two men standing next to him. They all bore the banners of the Knights of the Astral Order, and together, all three of them waited right outside of the Capital City of the Astrad Kingdom.

Jordan Cel had sallied forth to greet them. They had finally returned after leaving the frontlines over a week ago, but instead of heading straight to speak to their King, they opted to wait for whatever reason.

“This random village girl you just met— she who claims she could travel to Astral in under a day? Do you seriously believe her outlandish claims?” Jordan continued, crossing his arms.

Even though he was a [Knight]-Captain, he couldn’t order the other two [Knights] around, nor could he reprimand them for their foolishness. Certainly, if they were his men, he’d have them running laps around the city for their poor judgment.

But the other two [Knights] were Rowland Donovan and Wyn Stefard— a [Knight]-Captain and his lieutenant. The latter only took orders from the former, and the former was the same rank as Jordan.

“I fear your age may be clouding your judgment, Sir Rowland.” Jordan Cel scowled, staring out into the empty dirt road ahead.

Despite his harsh words, Rowland only laughed. “Perhaps I’m getting old, Sir Jordan, but I assure you, my judgment is as astute as ever.”

Jordan harrumphed, lowering his head for a moment. “If this girl does not show up within the next five—“

“I’m here,” a voice cut him off.

The [Knight]-Captain blinked and looked back up. Standing before him was a brown-haired woman, dressed in odd clothing, and with a sword sheathed at her waist. A strange cloak billowed behind her— one that seemed to fall apart, yet remain intact, like the falling leaves of autumn.

It was so enchanting to look at. Jordan had never seen anything like it before. He wanted to investigate it. To learn more about that strange artifact. But the woman continued, breaking him out of his stupor.

“Sorry for the delay, Rowland, Wyn.” She gave the two other [Knights] a nod. “It’s not a long trip, but I kind of took my time to get here.”

Jordan Cel frowned at that. He opened his mouth, wanting to rebuke her for that asinine statement. But Sir Rowland guffawed.

“You are really quite the interesting person, Ms Amelia. And do not worry, you did not keep us waiting at all.” He gestured for her to follow as his lieutenant stepped back. “Now, Sir Wyn, let us show our esteemed guest around our majestic city.”

“Right this way, Ms Amelia,” Wyn said as he bowed lightly.

Both Rowland Donovan and the brown-haired woman entered the city gate as Jordan just stared. The [Knight]-Captain processed this scene for a moment. He stammered, trying to work his jaw.

“W-what? Where did she come from? How did she get here?” he asked, looking on with wide eyes.

And a snort came from the side. “Perhaps, Sir Jordan, it is your judgment that has deteriorated with age. Which is quite a shock, considering you are quite young yourself.”

Wyn Stefard spoke casually as he tilted his head backl. For a moment, Jordan Cel paused, processing the insult. He shouted in outrage, but the [Knight]-lieutenant simply turned around and walked away.

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