Chapter 485 I Will Cut You Down

At this time, Li Yong can’t even find someone to help him even if he wants to. And now Li Yong needs to put He Xiaosheng down somewhere the most urgently. He, who isn’t familiar with the He Family’s house, needs to ask the servants here!

Seeing that the living room is right next to him, Li Yong hurriedly carries He Xiaosheng there and is about to put her on the sofa so that he can give her acupuncture to disintoxicate her. However, just as soon as he carries He Xiaosheng into the living room, he sees a woman in a white dress running over, who is shouting while running, “Auntie, I’m here. Are you surprised?”

Li Yong, instead of being surprised, is in shock.

Hugging He Xiaosheng like this, he goes hard down there. He will be embarrassed if the outsiders see his look!

He immediately recognizes the visitor is Wang Li. Wearing a white dress, Wang Li gets beautiful and gentle hair, beautiful facial features, fair skin, and a cute look. However, after the two of them look at each other, Wang Li’s beautiful eyes suddenly burn in rage. And the atmosphere abruptly escalates.

“Aunt. Aunt,” Wang Li suddenly shouts twice. But He Xiaosheng doesn’t even respond.

Li Yong looks down and finds that He Xiaosheng falls asleep unexpectedly.

“Stinky rascal, what have you done to my aunt?” Wang Li’s face changes abruptly. She, who is so furious with hatred all over her eyes, points at Li Yong as if she wants to strangle him.

“What can I do to her?” Li Yong faintly responds, feeling very unhappy with her shouting.

“Put my aunt down as soon as possible. If you dare to touch my aunt, I’ll cut you down,” Wang Li glares at Li Yong and says angrily.

“What are you referring to by saying that I can’t touch your aunt,” Li Yong asks with an innocent face, “She was drunk and almost fell. So I helped her. Is that a touch? I couldn’t hold her steady and she still slid down towards the floor. So I picked her up. Does that count as touching her? See, that’s it. Based on what happened, did I ever touch her?”

In the end, Li Yong also picks up He Xiaosheng in his arms and lifts her upwards as he questions Wang Li seriously.

Wang Li is stunned. Suddenly, she comes to her senses and says angrily, “Yes, you did touch my aunt! Stinky rascal. I’ll cut you down.”

“Cut me down? Are you going to kill me without asking your aunt’s opinion? Girl, do you have any senses at all? It’s your aunt who I’m hugging. And she’s fine with it. What do you mean by shouting so loud? Did you get jealous because you saw that I had hugged your aunt rather than you?” Li Yong is dizzy for a bit. And he suddenly realizes that he is a bit tongue-tied.

He has drunk too much wine. He Xiaosheng’s soft body is in his arms, making him a bit excited and impulsive.

Alcohol not only can confuse one’s will but also make one impulsive.

“Humph. Stinky rascal. How come you dare to take advantage of my aunt? I will cut you down… “As Wang Li says, she takes out a short knife with diamonds embedded on it from her waist. And with a squeal, she cuts directly at Li Yong.

At this time, Li Yong, who has put He Xiaosheng on the sofa, is about to take out a silver needle to give He Xiaosheng acupuncture.

However, before he can pierce the silver needle in his hand into He Xiaosheng’s acupuncture points, a short knife is already behind his head.

Feeling the strong wind at the back of his head, Li Yong finds that Wang Li does know some kinds of martial arts. Even so, she is not Li Yong’s match.

It is just that with her messing around behind Li Yong’s back, Li Yong can’t treat He Xiaosheng. And the time is going by! Li Yong hates wasting time the most. And even more so, he hates being disturbed during the treatment.

Li Yong has no choice but to turn around and grab Wang Li’s wrist angrily, “Stop it. Get out.”

“Stinky rascal. How come you dare to be so mean to me? I’ll fight with you.” Wang Li surely has never been treated like this before. She is the lady of the Wang Family. Others are being humble as soon as they see her. Never has she suffered wrongdoings from an outsider.

Never has any outsider ever dared to piss her off.

She struggles hard, trying to break free from Li Yong’s hands. Li Yong only grabs her wrist with a very small amount of strength. Even so, she can’t even escape. Then Li Yong pushes her to the side, making her fall onto the sofa on the opposite side. And her beautiful short knife falls as well.

Judging from the short knife embedded with diamonds, Li Yong knows that Wang Li only cares about appearance, who is a hypocritical woman.

A knife is used to hurt people. What is the use of embedding a knife with diamonds? She’s making a mess of a good knife.

“Ah!” Falling on a couch though, Wang Li is in pain from the fall. She, who is fair and tender, is more delicate than a princess. And she can sense even the slightest discomfort.

She feels more pain after she was pushed down on the couch so vigorously by Li Yong. And she immediately feels that she has been greatly molested. However, she also knows how capable Li Yong is. Based on the force of the push just now, she realizes that she is not even Li Yong’s match. In that case, she dares not pounce on him again.

Rolling her two vicious and big eyes, she suddenly shouts, “Someone, come to help me! A stinking rascal wants to molest Aunt! He’s taking off Auntie’s clothes and taking his part out…”

Li Yong, who is stunned, can’t put up with her words anymore. So he can only put away the silver needle once again. Then he strides to the front of Wang Li and covers her sexy, red, and tender mouth, which is mouthing stinky words.

Wang Li suddenly opens her eyes wide and forgets to resist. She doesn’t expect that Li Yong will be so bold.

Li Yong not only covers her mouth but also embraces her in her arms. And his mouth is leaning against her ear. The strong smell of alcohol almost makes her faint. She struggles hard to get out of Li Yong’s clutches.

With a soft body in his arms, Li Yong gets impulsive right away. However, he tries to restrain the impulse and whispers in Wang Li’s ear as he warns, “Behave yourself. If you scream randomly again, I won’t be polite to you.”

However, as soon as Li Yong lets Wang Li go, she screams and scolds once again, “Stinky rascal. Get out of my way. Your mouth is all with the disgusting smell, which is stinkier than shit. If your smell suffocates me, the Wang Family will never let you go. My grandfather will kill you. My father will shoot you. And my brother will…”

Li Yong asks with a smiling face, “What did you say?”

Wang Li says viciously, “My grandfather will kill you and my father will shoot you…”

Li Yong frowns and continues to ask, “The former part of your words.”

Thinking that Li Yong is scared, Wang Li immediately becomes complacent as she says, “Our Wang Family will never let you go.”

“That’s not even the point. The point is that you said that my mouth is full of disgusting smell and it stinks even worse than shit. I’ll tell you right now that this smell is not disgusting and stinky at all. Instead, it’s delicious. If you don’t believe me, I’ll let you taste it for free!” As Li Yong says, he lifts Wang Li’s chin, opens his mouth, and bites Wang Li’s sexy, tender, and red lips.

“You’re doomed… Well…” As Wang Li is about to continue threatening Li Yong, Li Yong takes her mouth.

A strong smell of alcohol rushes into her mouth in an instant. And she immediately rolls her eyes and almost faints.

Li Yong sucks hard and sucks her little tongue forcefully. Wang Li feels that a numbing sensation is spreading throughout her body, making her brain go blank. At this point, she surely can’t care about the nasty smell of alcohol.

When her head clears up a bit, she also sucks clumsily hard, intending to suck Li Yong’s tongue as well. She wants revenge. She wants to bite off Li Yong’s tongue with her teeth.

However, she can’t suck as hard as Li Yong. And she can’t suck in anything but saliva, which is all over her mouth.

Seeing that she can’t bite Li Yong’s tongue, she pushes outward with great force, trying to push Li Yong’s body away. However, it turns out that she fails as well. Facing an ordinary person, she is very strong. However, facing Li Yong, she is a weak chicken.

She, who has no choice, suddenly stretches out her hand to Li Yong’s face and tries to scratch his eyes out.

However, Li Yong suddenly performs the Ecstasy Finger Technique, making her stiff body go limp. She, who originally was trying to scratch Li Yong’s face forcibly with her fingers, consequently has no strength at all.

So, an attack turns into a flirtation. And Wang Li’s eyes, which were originally full of hatred, look lost.

She has never experienced such a feeling before and has no idea that a human will react like this. She twists up like a snake and feels particularly comfortable wherever Li Yong touches her with his hands.

Then, Li Yong takes the initiative to put his tongue into her mouth. And she greedily sucks on it and surely won’t bite off Li Yong’s tongue at all, let alone biting his tongue rudely and making him in pain.

Seeing that Wang Li gets addicted, Li Yong resolutely stops what he is doing. Now, He Xiaosheng is still drunk and unconscious. And as a doctor, his purpose is to disintoxicate Xiaosheng rather than flirt with Wang Li.

Moreover, they are in the living room. If someone comes in and sees what they are doing, the situation will be bad.

So, he resists the urge in his heart, pushes away the beauty reluctantly that keeps snuggling into his arms of her own accord, and ignores the cherry-like little mouth that is reaching forward and asking for a kiss. Then he says seriously, “Well, never should you disturb me.”

As Wang Li is stunned, she sees Li Yong get up and walk away. Then she blinks her beautiful eyes a few times. As the feeling of excitement and ecstasy in her body gradually fade away, she quickly comes to her senses.

Suddenly, she realizes something and immediately shouts, “Stinky rascal. How dare you kiss me and touch me?”

As she says this, she bursts into tears, “It is my first kiss, my first kiss! I’ve been keeping it for twenty years!”

After exclaiming like this, she suddenly picks up that beautiful short knife and pounces towards Li Yong again as she says, “I’ll cut you down. I’ll fight you hard…”

Li Yong is helpless. He has just taken out a silver needle and is about to give acupuncture to He Xiaosheng, only to be interrupted again.

This makes him irritated as well as angry. It is like being fully focused on something and always being maliciously interrupted. He, who can’t take it anymore, has to put away the silver needle again, turns around, and snatches the short knife from Wang Li’s hand. After that, he pushes Wang Li backward, making her fall onto the couch with a bit too much force this time, causing Wang Li to scream strangely.

Even so, it is not finished yet. Li Yong directly jumps upon her and focuses on thinking of ways to stop Wang Li from saying anything.

Seeing the straight stockings on Wang Li’s slender legs, Li Yong has an idea suddenly. He tears off one stocking of hers and tugs at it to see how elastic it is. Then, he, who is very satisfied with the stocking’s elasticity, grabs Wang Li’s hands, pulls them behind her back, and then ties them together with the stocking.

In Li Yong’s opinion, if he wants to make Wang Li shut up, he has to tie her hands up first.

Li Yong, who is muddled, only thinks about keeping Wang Li under control without taking the consequences into his account.

If he were not drunk, he would never have done such a thing.

That is because except for this method, he has many other ways to control Wang Li. He can gently poke Wang Li with his Death-point Striking and make her pass out. However, he, who is very angry now, fails to think of this way.

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