Chapter 484 Who Is Jingjing?

“Enjoy the food! It represents Dahu’s sincerity for you. Don’t worry. The plate is clean,” He Xiaosheng chuckles as she says.

“No. It’s that…” Had Li Yong known that this would happen, he indeed wouldn’t have come over here. It isn’t that he hates dogs or that he is a germaphobe. Instead, it is that he is reluctant to share a food plate with a dog!

Moreover, that dog’s drool is popping all over the place, okay?

Besides, he simply doesn’t want to know how the dog’s drool tastes!

Seeing Li Yong’s unhappy and hesitant expression, He Xiaosheng surely understands his thoughts. So she looks at Dahu and says cheerfully, “Dahu, the guest appreciates your kindness. Enjoy the food by yourself instead!”

It turns out that Dahu does understand her words. She barks towards Li Yong with dissatisfaction, pulls back the food plate with her paws, and licks the delicious food. After that, she chews and swallows the food slowly.

Dahu is indeed chewing and swallowing the food at leisure! Facing such delicious food, Dahu is surprisingly enjoying the food bit by bit.

Seeing that Dahu is so decent while enjoying her food, Li Yong surely is shy to eat his food fast. Anyway, he can’t show that he is greedier than a dog! So, picking a little less food in his bowl with his chopsticks, he has to avoid opening his mouth wide as he savors the food.

Over the meal, He Xiaosheng suddenly exclaims, “I realize that in this world, I owe no one else except for Dahu and you. I don’t like anyone else except for Dahu and you. You and Dahu are my favorites. I miss you two so much. You should stay with me every day until the day I die.”

Feeling that He Xiaosheng is a bit pessimistic, which isn’t good, Li Yong speaks and advises her, “Ms. He, the world is so beautiful, you should go out more and enjoy it. You are still young. You probably can even run into a beautiful relationship.”

“Love? Oh…” He Xiaosheng raises her wine glass, “Come on. Yong, Dahu, let’s make a toast.”

While Li Yong is hesitating, he sees that Dahu has held up the wine glass with her two front paws and drunk it.

Li Yong thinks, “D*mn it. It turns out that this dog even knows how to drink. How is she going to guard the house if she gets drunk? What the hell?”

“Dahu, you should drink less. Don’t be greedy,” He Xiaosheng says cheerfully and then looks at Li Yong, “Yong, you need to drink more. It’s rare for you to come to my place. You have to enjoy yourself today.”

“You persuaded Dahu not to be greedy and asked me to drink more. Ms. He, you are treating me as an outsider,” After saying that, Li Yong drinks up the wine as he sees that He Xiaosheng has drunk up the wine, making him have to do so.

When he puts the wine glass down and looks at Dahu again, sure enough, she has only drunk up half a glass of wine. It seems that Dahu is very fond of drinking. And after drinking half a glass of wine, she is staring at the wine glass, intending to drink more.

“I haven’t ever treated you as an outsider. I’ve long thought of you as my junior brother.” He Xiaosheng smiles delicately and adds, “Dahu is my sister. You two are the only family members I have.”

Seeing that He Xiaosheng isn’t drunk, Li Yong wonders how she can have said such words. Although Dahu doesn’t mind it, Li Yong is a little awkward. He always feels uncomfortable when He Xiaosheng treats him the same as Dahu.

He is human! He is not a dog!

However, when he thinks of the fact that Dahu once saved He Xiaosheng’s life, he doesn’t say anything.

Seeing how strong and fat Dahu is now, Li Yong smiles and says, “Ms. He, Dahu is a bit fat, isn’t she?”

“I have been giving her good food lately, because she’s pregnant.” He Xiaosheng continues, “I will give one baby dog to you after Dahu finishes giving birth.”

“Good,” Li Yong hurriedly agrees. Because Dahu is like a human, he does want to try raising a dog. He turns on his clairvoyant vision to look inside Dahu’s belly and finds that there are indeed two baby dogs inside.

One baby dog is all black, looking like the current Dahu, and the other one is all white and like a snowflake.

“Dahu, after you have the babies, please give one to your Brother Yong,” He Xiaosheng says and laughs.

Dahu barks and clinks with Li Yong as she holds the wine glass very happily. It is unknown whether she acts like this because she is happy that she can give out a baby dog or she can drink the wine again.

This is the first time for Li Yong to be on intimate terms with a dog. And even more so, it is his first time to drink with a dog. Seeing that Dahu cheerfully drinks up the wine in her cup, Li Yong can’t be a coward. Holding a glass full of wine, he boldly drinks it up.

As soon as Li Yong puts down the glass, He Xiaosheng once again personally pours a glass of wine to the full for him and then pours half a glass of wine for Dahu. Dahu, who is very happy, wags her tail and holds the glass with her two front paws again, intending to clink with Li Yong.

Li Yong’s drinking capacity is one kilogram. After having three glasses of wine with He Xiaosheng and drinking with Dahu, he has gone beyond his limit. However, looking at Dahu’s excited gaze and eager anticipation, Li Yong is so embarrassed as to excuse himself.

Especially He Xiaosheng says again, “Yong, could it be that you can’t beat your sister when it comes to drinking?”

Yes! If words get out that Li Yong can’t beat a dog, he will be a big joke! Now, Li Yong no longer minds treating Dahu intimately. He is now going to get Dahu drunk.

After another glass of wine, Dahu seems to be a little dizzy. She jumps off her chair, plays around the table, and runs out, leaving only Li Yong and He Xiaosheng in the dining hall. They look at each other and smile. Then He Xiaosheng pours wine for Li Yong again. Li Yong hurriedly says, “Ms. He, I have to drive back later. So I can’t drink anymore.”

“I’ll ask someone to send you back.” He Xiaosheng is a bit dizzy as well with a blushed face, looking pretty. She continues, “I haven’t had a drink for a long time. It is rare for us to get together today. We must enjoy ourselves.”

“Even if it’s a rare gathering, we can’t get drunk!” Li Yong has never been persuaded to drink wine by a woman.

“There’s half a bottle of wine left. Drink it up and we will stop drinking,” After saying that, He Xiaosheng also pours herself a full glass of wine, “Yong, do you know that when I first met Dahu, she was a stray dog and dirty all over her body. She even had a skin disease. And when I picked her up, she was in tears…”

Thus, they talk about dogs and their work. In the end, they talk about medicinal skills.

After finishing talking about all these, they find another unique topic and talk about each other’s childhoods.

Only then does He Xiaosheng learn that Li Yong is an orphan and hasn’t found his mom and dad up to now. He Xiaosheng sympathizes with Li Yong and looks even sadder than him, saying that she will help him find his parents.

Li Yong is touched, because no one has ever said that they will help him find his parents, and nobody has even given him the confidence that he will surely find them. He also realizes that no matter how powerful he is because of his practicing, he is craving confidence and encouragement deep inside.

The meal lasts for more than two hours, and the atmosphere is always harmonious. However, when Li Yong drunkenly asks about He Xiaosheng’s former family, unexpectedly, He Xiaosheng suddenly rests her head and arms on the dining table and cries in a muffled way.

Li Yong isn’t even sad when he says that he is an orphan, and He Xiaosheng busts out in tears without saying anything, which is a surprise.

Seeing that He Xiaosheng’s shoulders are twitching and she is sobbing in a low voice, Li Yong blames himself for asking an inappropriate question. He is at a loss for words, wondering how to advise her. After a moment of hesitance, he stands up and comes to He Xiaosheng’s side swaggeringly. Even so, he still doesn’t know what to do.

He realizes that he is drunk. And because he is drunk, he isn’t even thinking straight.

He is usually so good at coaxing women. But now, he doesn’t know what to say.

He opens his mouth and finally says, “Ms. He, don’t be sad.” Because he is afraid of accidentally saying something wrong again. If he asked He Xiaosheng why she was crying, He Xiaosheng probably would cry even harder.

Raising his hand, he hesitates for a moment before gently placing his hand on He Xiaosheng’s head and patting it.

He Xiaosheng doesn’t reply. She just raises her head and says tearfully, “Yong, thank you for coming over to eat with me. I want Jingjing (Chinese Pinyin, it means to be left alone).”

“Who’s Jingjing? I’ll call her over for you,” Li Yong says anxiously.

“Pfft.” He Xiaosheng, who was originally in tears, suddenly bursts into laughter. She is amused by Li Yong’s humor.

But Li Yong is confused and sighs inwardly, “This woman is crying for no reason and laughing even more strangely.”

It turns out that Li Yong has said a joke because he is anxious and doesn’t even realize it at this time.

He Xiaosheng said that she wanted Jingjing, it meant that she just wanted to be alone. The Jingjing here is not a human at all.

But Li Yong treats Jingjing as a person, a female, and he even thinks of helping He Xiaosheng to call her over.

After such a joke, He Xiaosheng wipes away her tears and gets up to walk to the living room. However, as soon as she stands up, she almost falls as her body shakes abruptly. Without realizing it, she is almost as drunk as hell.

Li Yong can’t just stand by and watch her fall to the ground. Although he is drunk too, he is far soberer than He Xiaosheng. He takes a step forward and reaches out to hold He Xiaosheng’s arm. And with a little effort, he helps her up. He notices that He Xiaosheng’s pretty face is pretty red. He doesn’t know if it is because he has helped her or she is drunk.

Li Yong, who is in panic, touches a part of He Xiaosheng’s body by accident, which he shouldn’t have touched, as he helps her up. And he feels that something soft is in his hand, which he finds so elastic, making him go excited and his blood surges. He is tempted to squeeze it. And yet he says solemnly, “Ms. He, slow down in case you will be tripped over.”

“It’s fine. I’m fine,” While saying so, He Xiaosheng is leaning on Li Yong’s arm as if she doesn’t even have the strength to stand up at all. Especially after Li Yong squeezes her, she suddenly becomes weak in the legs and her body slides straight down. Seeing that she is about to sit on the floor, Li Yong has to pick her up in his arms and prepare to find a place to give her acupuncture.

“Ms. He, I’ll help you with the acupuncture to relieve the alcohol,” Li Yong says softly.

After a moment, He Xiaosheng replies softly, “Good.” Her voice is so low as that of a fly’s humming. But Li Yong, who has sensitive ears, can hear her voice as long as she makes sounds.

“Where is your room? I have to put you down before I can do it!”

However, at that moment, He Xiaosheng suddenly coughs and makes a gesture to throw up badly, scaring Li Yong.

If He Xiaosheng threw it up on his body, he would be in trouble. Anyway, he can’t just leave He Xiaosheng on the floor because of her throwing up! But if he holds her in his arms, he’ll get the vomits all over his body.

Li Yong secretly sighs, “She obviously can’t drink. Why does she drink so much? Isn’t she asking for trouble by doing so?”

Looking around, Li Yong is confused that all the household servants have hidden far away from them and no one comes over at all.

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