Chapter 19

Looking at the time, Luo Ge went back, put things away, and then went to the vegetable garden with Gu Jinchen.

She took out quite a few seeds suitable for this season - cabbage, spinach, loofah, bitter gourd, bok choy, etc.

There were also chili and tomato seeds, as well as ginger, scallions and garlic.

She didn't plan to plant too many scallions, ginger and garlic, just around the edges of each plot.

She would plant the two kinds of melons in one plot, and distribute the rest evenly.

After deciding the arrangement, the little couple started working.

When Gu Jinchen came, he brought some wood ash and farm fertilizer. He dug holes while she sprinkled ash; she planted seeds while he covered with soil and added fertilizer.

After that, they watered it together, then they could leave. Come back to water again tomorrow morning, and once more after sunset tonight.

They would have to water diligently for the first few days after planting to keep the soil moist so the seeds can germinate. Later, once a day is enough.

The two worked nimbly with good coordination, and finished quickly.

"Wait a moment."

As Luo Ge was washing her hands by the river, ready to go back, Gu Jinchen left her with those words and went into the woods nearby.

Just as Luo Ge was wondering, she saw him coming back with a handful of yellow skin fruit.

"Here, I tried it, it's not sour." This kind of wild yellow skin fruit from the mountains is usually very sour because of the poor soil and lack of sunlight.

This tree was unusually sweet and sour, a tasty one. He had asked Li Qiao before that women like this kind of flavor, his wife should too.

Unfortunately he went late and only these few left on the treetops could be picked, the rest had been taken.

"Let me wash them and we can take them home to eat later." Seeing his treasured offering, Luo Ge did not pretend to decline and accepted the fruit. She briefly rinsed them in the clear river water.

She was from the south originally, and had eaten this fruit before. She did like the sweet and sour taste, though too much made her mouth numb.

The couple walked home side by side. Unexpectedly, as soon as they arrived, the two little ones came back as well.

They were also holding yellow skin fruit, and each shoved the biggest, sweetest-looking one at Luo Ge.

"Auntie, eat quick, we tried them, very sweet!"

Luo Ge: "..." She subconsciously glanced back at Gu Jinchen.

Gu Jinchen: "....."

Considering the children's feelings, Luo Ge obediently lowered her head to eat two fruits, one from each child, fair and square.

"Sweet, right?"

"Sweet, right?" The two little ones spoke in unison, eyes shining.

Luo Ge smiled and nodded, "Yes, very sweet."

Gu Jinchen's face darkened a little. Hmm, his wife didn't say the ones he picked were sweet.

He didn't expect that as soon as the two little ones were satisfied and turned around, Luo Ge picked one from his bunch and brought it to his mouth.

"This one is also very sweet, why don't you try it too?" She sensed his low pressure and decided to smooth his fur.

Her heart raced a little doing this for the first time, and her face flushed slightly.

Gu Jinchen stared at her blankly, then seeing her blush, he smiled and ate the fruit from her hand.

"Yes, it's very sweet."

Not only did his wife say it's sweet, she hand-fed him too.

The man didn't show it, but was extremely happy inside. Luo Ge noticed he even swallowed the skin, and felt this guy was rather adorable.

She couldn't help breaking into a smile too.

The two little ones watched them silently from the side, and inexplicably felt their existence seemed a bit brighter.

But they were still very happy, because once Uncle and Auntie have a good relationship, they could have little brothers and sisters soon.

That's what the uncles and aunties in the village said.

They really liked little brothers and sisters, because then they could have more playmates.

"Where did you pick them?" Gu Jinchen suddenly came to his senses and glanced at the two little ones.

This kind of fruit is mostly in the mountains, did they go up the mountain?

Seeing his uncle suddenly become serious, Older Baby blinked twice, and quickly shook his head, "We didn't pick them, Grandpa Han gave them to us."

"We helped Grandpa Han with work, and he traded them with us," Second Baby quickly added.

Grandpa Han was a widower in the village. His son and daughter-in-law did business in town, and were filial.

They wanted to bring Grandpa to live with them in town, but the old man didn't like going to town and being cooped up, saying there were no old friends to accompany him there.

They couldn't persuade him and had to run their business, so could only let Father stay in the village. They would come back to see him every few days, bringing household items for the old man.

This was the season when fruits like yellow skin and longan were ripe, and rural children didn't have many snacks. They usually only had some wild fruits, eggs etc. to curb hunger.

Grandpa Han had a yellow skin tree and longan tree at home, tastier than wild mountain fruits since they were cultivated.

They happened to be ripe now, no wonder they attracted the little rascals.

These days they often went out with Tiedan, meaning to Grandpa Han's place to help with chores.

Actually they were too little to be much help, just picking up some small firewood, feeding chickens and collecting eggs etc.

The old man didn't really expect actual help from these kids. He just liked the lively company, happy to have a bunch of children running around.

The last two days the fruits weren't fully ripe so Grandpa didn't let them pick any. Seeing the yellow skins were ready today, he let them have some. The longans needed more time.

And so, the little ones got their first "income" today, and immediately ran back to share with Uncle and Auntie.

"You didn't cause trouble for Grandpa Han, did you?"

Hearing this, Gu Jinchen also felt relieved and asked. These two were really obedient, didn't do what they were told not to, or go where they shouldn't.

When he was younger Gu Jinchen had also eyed those fruit trees at Grandpa Han's place, doing similar things as these little rascals.

"No, Grandpa Han even praised us," the two little ones answered earnestly, with big smiles.

They had been afraid Grandpa Han wouldn't like them before going, but it turned out Grandpa Han was very nice to them, and even praised them.

Hearing this, Luo Ge and Gu Jinchen also smiled. Each stroked one little one's head.

"Grandpa Han is being kind to you. In the future, you should also be kinder to him, understand?" Those were a lot of fruits, the amount the two brought back must have been several catties.

The cultivated fruits were sweet and could sell for good money. The little help the kids could provide definitely didn't match the value. The old man was just fond of the lively little ones.

"Mm, Older Baby remembers."

"Second Baby remembers too." The two little ones answered solemnly.

Their obedient and cute manner was so endearing. Luo Ge couldn't help smiling wider.

Watching them, Gu Jinchen only felt sweetness in his heart, lasting all through the night.

Before going out with Gu Jinchen earlier, Luo Ge had put bone broth on to simmer. It was ready to drink now, just in time. She heated up the leftover sautéed pork with garlic shoots from lunch, and stir-fried some simple greens. The family ate dinner like this.

...That night, as Luo Ge was sleeping soundly in his arms, she suddenly felt a weight. Looking, it was another bag, but this time with not just silver but banknotes too.

A hundred taels, plus over ten taels in loose silver. Seeing this amount, Luo Ge was no longer calm.

"Why is there so much silver?" She really married a hidden rich dude!

"When I was a soldier, I did some business with brothers and earned some. Hunting in the mountains after coming back also made a bit," Gu Jinchen explained with a smile, seeing her shocked wide eyes.

"There's a bit more with me," he added honestly after thinking for a bit.

Seeing his candidness, Luo Ge's mouth opened and closed, wanting to speak yet hesitating.

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