Chapter 18

"When I went to buy seeds today, the shop owner said this packet of seeds was brought back by his overseas business friend. He said it was a new variety, and because no one understood this type of seed, no one had bought it yet, so the price wasn't high. I thought it looked interesting so I bought it back to try planting," Luo Ge explained after finishing lunch and tidying up the kitchen.

"Then after the sun goes down later, I'll go to the fields and plant all of these," she continued.

Planting after sunset makes it easier for the soil to retain moisture and helps seeds germinate better.

"Sure, I'll go with you," Gu Jinchen said, eyes crinkling into a smile as he listened.

This man really indulges her - even with an unfamiliar new seed variety, not afraid it won't grow right or would be wasted effort - if she wants to plant it, he readily goes along.

"Great," Luo Ge replied.

After finalizing their plans, Gu Jinchen put away the items while Luo Ge watched, feeling a little bored.

Recalling the incident with Qian Momo she came across earlier, she casually mentioned it to him in a few sentences.

Gu Jinchen had never been one to gossip. He was unfamiliar with most of the happenings and news in the village, let alone other villages. Hearing Luo Ge relay Wang Sister-In-Law's words, his heart tightened with concern.

"From now on, don't go out alone. Also less contact with those ill-tempered women in the village," he cautioned, still feeling uneasy.

"If anyone bullies you, you must tell me too."

He really hadn't known that relationships among women could be so complex. Over some minor friction due to poor relations, they would actually stoop to slandering and ruining someone's reputation.

There were both good and bad people in every village. He couldn't vouch that none existed in their own village either, he could only remind her first.

"Ok, if anything comes up I can't resolve, I will definitely find my husband," Luo Ge docilely nodded, knowing he was worried for her.

"Mm," Gu Jinchen felt quite comforted hearing the dependence in his little wife's tone, involuntarily patting her head as his heart softened.

Noticing the man's action, a shy red flush crept up Luo Ge's face. This guy really liked giving surprise head pats. did feel pretty nice.

Perhaps unsettled by the presence of his watching little wife, this man made several mistakes in succession while preparing the wash basin, even almost injuring himself at one point.

Seeing this, Luo Ge was shocked, also realizing belatedly it was because she kept watching him.

"Wang Sister-In-Law wanted me to learn sewing clothes with her earlier. I'll go find her first," she muttered, discreetly finding an excuse.


After his little wife's departure, Gu Jinchen really did breathe a sigh of relief. He also didn't understand why he was like this - it seemed whenever Luo Ge was beside him watching, he would easily lose focus.

His gaze would invariably settle on her, leading to the mistakes.

Yet seeing her leave, his heart felt a bit empty and hollow.

Knocking his own head, he secretly ridiculed himself. "How am I becoming more and more dramatic?"

To think he used to always complain about how clingy his dad and older brother were with their wives. Now he felt like he was the clingier one.

But his heart was also genuinely happy. This must be the feeling his older brother and dad were always talking about when fond of someone, he decided.

Anyway, he really was very fond of his wife.

...On her side of things...

"Luo Ge, you came!"

"Hurry in. I was just about to come find you anyway."

Having promised earlier to teach Luo Ge sewing when she returned, Wang Sister-In-Law readily agreed. She happened to have free time this afternoon and was just thinking of going over. She hadn't expected Luo Ge to show up right then.

"I was free this afternoon, so came over," Luo Ge explained with a smile.

It was her first time entering the Wang family yard. Feeling curious, she glanced around briefly before withdrawing her gaze.

"Uncle Wang, Aunt Zhang," she called out a greeting to the elderly couple basking in the yard.

"Oh, Gu Jinchen's wife is here," Aunt Zhang called back with a laugh, turning to look over.

Uncle Wang also smiled at Luo Ge.

"Mm, I came to find sister-in-law to learn sewing," Luo Ge responded.

"Oh good, go on," they waved her in.

After exchanging greetings with the elders, Wang Sister-In-Law led Luo Ge inside.

Her husband was out after eating.

Tie Dan had also taken the two little ones out. The children had loved sneaking out lately for some unknown activities.

"What kind of style do you want to make? Let me take your measurements first," Wang Sister-In-Law asked.

"Just everyday wear is fine."

As Wang Sister-In-Law measured her, she grew more envious. This girl looked slender and petite normally without standing out much, but her figure was actually quite good! No wonder the Gu family second son doted on her so.

Slim waist, full chest, pert bottom, straight legs - truly aesthetically pleasing. Very fair skin like a child's, tender enough to ooze water.

Truly enviable.

"You have an excellent figure. All the right parts full, no excess anywhere, beautifully proportioned. This skin is also so fine and delicate," she directly praised, taking advantage to cop a few feels under guise of measuring.

"Your Gu Jinchen must really treasure you, right?" Women loved gossiping suggestively to tease others. As she spoke, she deliberately waggled her eyebrows at Luo Ge.

Luo Ge blushed lightly. "Not at all."

"I don't believe it. If it were me, I'd treasure you to death!"

"By the way, how do you maintain this skin? These hands are also soft and delicate, you look less like a country girl and more like those wealthy ladies."

To be honest, seeing Luo Ge's looks, figure and temperament, she really didn't resemble a country maiden. Instead she gave off more of a young miss from a distinguished household vibe.

Wang Sister-In-Law also felt this way.

She had been very curious about Luo Ge's background, but knowing a little about her family matters, she didn't dare ask too much to avoid bringing up bad memories.

"Really not. How could I be a young miss," Luo Ge demurred with an awkward laugh.

"Just an ordinary farming family background. My father was somewhat educated and taught me to read and write a bit, that's all. I also don't know why my skin is like this - it's been this way since I was born."

"It's not like you haven't seen me cooking and farming."

Luo Ge gave Wang Sister-In-Law a meaningful look as she explained, editing her background story.

But her skin really was innate, very delicate like a child's, unable to tan.

Frankly, she was rather proud of it. What woman didn't love beauty? As a normal woman, of course she would have normal faults, hehe.

Hearing Luo Ge's words, Wang Sister-In-Law also reacted in realization. That's right, little misses were always being waited upon by people, not doing household chores themselves like ordinary women.

Also most young ladies had a proud temperament, whereas Luo Ge was very friendly and easy to get along with.

"Yes, I was just casually joking," she awkwardly covered up her blunder. "Don't take it to heart!"

"Of course I wouldn't. Sister-in-law was basically just praising me. I'm so happy I don't know what to do," Luo Ge replied with an amused grin.

Exchanging a glance, both women broke into laughter together.

"Yes, yes, let's get started."


Wang Sister-In-Law was also planning to make clothes for her husband, cutting up cloth while guiding Luo Ge step-by-step.

Luo Ge listened attentively and followed along.

But naturally it wasn't possible to fully grasp it on the first try. In the end, with Wang Sister-In-Law's help she managed to get the clothes pieces cut out into shape.

The remaining sewing steps didn't require much guidance since Luo Ge already knew basic stitchwork.

"Your needlework is very neat and tight - can't even see the stitches from outside. Great work," Wang Sister-In-Law praised upon seeing Luo Ge's needle method.

"My mom taught me. I didn't get to make clothes often, just helped with stitching up the pre-cut pieces she prepared," Luo Ge added by way of explanation.

After all most girls knew how to make their own clothes at that time.

Ah, every lie told required countless more lies to prop it up. But she had no choice since her circumstances meant lying was unavoidable!

Hearing her explanation, Wang Sister-In-Law also adopted an acknowledging expression.

“Sister-In-Law Wang, do you want to learn? I can teach you. Let's learn from each other?"

"Is that okay?" She had never seen such an exquisite embroidery technique before, it must be someone's family secret.

"Why not? Didn't Sister-In-Law just teach me?"

"Well...okay then."

Sister-In-Law Wang was indeed itching to try, after hesitating for a while and seeing Luo Ge's willingness to teach, she agreed. She decided to treat Luo Ge better from now on.

Her tailoring skills were quite common, almost everyone knew how to do it, it couldn't compare to Luo Ge's embroidery skills. She must remember Luo Ge's kindness.

The cloth Gu Jinchen bought was quite a lot, it was a simple grayish blue that could be used by both men and women. There was still plenty left after cutting out what Luo Ge needed.

It just so happened that they could make some for the two little ones, their clothes used to be made by Sister-In-Law Wang who knew their measurements.

So Luo Ge asked Sister-In-Law Wang to help cut them out, and she could slowly make them at home later.

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