Chapter 217

In Lu Chengqing's opinion, seeking clemency through intermediaries represented the utmost sincerity from the Lu family of Fanyang. After all, Su Li's reputation was currently at its peak. If the Tang Dynasty were a game, he had already accomplished nearly all the attainable achievements. Now, only when all the five surnames and seven influential families humbled themselves before him would he truly view it as a complete victory. Lu Chengqing personally bestowed this reputation upon Su Li, hoping he would not persist in pursuing further actions and let the matter rest. However, he had still misjudged Su Li.

Inside the main hall of the princess's residence,

“Did Lu's family send you to request mercy?” Su Li looked calmly at Su Dingfang before him. Under his gaze, Su Dingfang's expression became slightly uneasy. Although they hadn't seen each other for years, their bond remained strong. During Su Li's seclusion, Su Dingfang had been a frequent visitor to the princess's residence. Aside from Changle and Su Che, he was the person Su Li cared about most in the Tang Dynasty.

Su Dingfang often visited, discussing military strategy and martial arts but never discussing political matters. Yet this time, his dear friend had personally come to request a favor, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of embarrassment.

“Lu's ​​family asking me to seek mercy is essentially an acknowledgment of defeat… They are an ancient, prestigious clan, after all. It’s wiser to resolve this enmity rather than deepen it…” Su Dingfang hesitated, wearing a troubled expression as he spoke. His visit this time wasn't solely based on their friendship. The main reason was genuine concern for Su Li.

In the Tang Dynasty, who didn't know that the Five Clans and Seven Influential Families were colossal entities with an unimaginable heritage? Su Li's insistence on acting against them could provide a temporary advantage, but harboring deep-seated enmity wouldn't be beneficial. Su Li might not fear the consequences himself, but everyone eventually met their end, and he had to consider the future of his descendants. No one could surpass those influential families in terms of a lasting legacy. If the line of Prince Yongle were to decline while the Five Clans and Seven Influential Families remained strong, wouldn't they seek revenge? This was almost an inevitable outcome.

“Big brother, this is the first time you've asked something of me, and by rights, I should agree. However, this matter is truly not feasible!” Su Li smiled, but there was a chilling undertone to his smile in Su Dingfang's eyes.

“As for those influential families taking advantage of me, I don't mind. But they exploit the common people and disregard human life. If I turn a blind eye, the land of the Central Plains will inevitably suffer, and my warning isn't a baseless alarm! Anyone who undermines my laws will face consequences, and no one will be spared!” Su Dingfang's expression was complex as he let out a sigh. During his three years in the Western Regions, he had achieved remarkable military feats and was now promoted to Grand General, a true high-ranking figure in the military.

Being one of the closest people to Su Li and having been separated from him since childhood, Su Dingfang naturally cared deeply for Su Li. Yet, he still hadn't completely understood his younger brother. Su Li seemed indifferent and non-competitive about everything, but when he took something seriously, he became a force that could leave any opponent hopeless. People often said that Su Li was a celestial being descended from the heavens, a claim that Su Dingfang scoffed at. After all, this was the younger brother he had been close to since childhood – how could he not know?

However, Su Dingfang was starting to understand a bit at this moment. Perhaps this brother he thought he knew so well was like a celestial being. This kind of individual acted solely based on their own feelings, without considering other factors. Because, in this world, there might truly be nothing worth their consideration.

After Su Dingfang left, another group arrived with tribute letters at the princess's residence. Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, Li Jing, Zhangsun Wuji… Each was a prominent figure in the court, all coming in a rush. Even Wei Zheng, known for his straightforwardness, had sent a tribute letter through a messenger.

However, Su Li politely declined. Since he decided to take action, he did not intend to show mercy. It was too naive for the powerful clans to think that Su Li would spare them by sacrificing a part of their power and abandoning certain schemes. Su Li didn't plan to follow the thread of the factories in his investigation. Those influential families wouldn't have left loose ends that could be easily traced. But didn't mean that Su Li was powerless against them.

“You say the factories aren't yours, and I can pretend not to know. But don't forget, I hold the authority to oversee the world! Lately, I've taken an interest in investigating corruption. Does anyone have any objections?”

Just as everyone thought this matter would conclude with the influential families bowing in submission, Su Li took another step. He issued a second decree, ordering a comprehensive probe into corruption among court officers and the utilization of local land resources.

As this decree was announced, it stirred up a commotion in the court! This time, it wasn't only the Five Clans and Seven Influential Families but even prominent figures in the court who grew uneasy. They were all skilled political operators and wielding power was a necessity for them. When conducting affairs, it was inevitable to occasionally be less than cautious.

Even someone as upright as Wei Zheng couldn't guarantee that he and his family members were entirely free of corruption. In these times, there was a saying among officials, “Illuminate the family's reputation. Glorify the ancestors!” The idea was that when one person became successful, even their relatives sought benefits in their name.

This practice was commonplace, and people across the Tang Dynasty accepted it. However, now that Su Li suddenly wanted to investigate these matters, who could withstand such scrutiny?

The courier stations in Changan became unusually busy. High-ranking court officers sent letters back home, instructing their family members to check if they had engaged in any violent activities. They needed to immediately rectify their actions and cover their tracks if they had. If Su Li discovered anything, no one could save them.

Meanwhile, many individuals approached Li Er with messages, claiming that Su Li was creating chaos. Li Er found this situation so absurd that he couldn't help but laugh. To be honest, Li Er did have some confidence in his officers. After all, the Tang Dynasty was still relatively young, and the corruption from previous dynasties hadn't taken a firm hold.

While instances of land consolidation and local oppression might exist, they probably wouldn't be too severe. However, because Su Li intended to conduct a thorough investigation, these officers immediately panicked. This disappointed Li Er and left him somewhat irritated.

Could it be that the Tang Dynasty, established just a few decades ago, truly harbored so many hidden issues? Frustrated, Li Er uttered three words, “Let him investigate.”

Li Er had confidence in his officers, but those officers didn't seem to have much confidence in themselves. They felt that their actions weren't excessive, and even in the face of the rigorous examiners known for their strict evaluations, they believed they could manage. However, they were dealing with Su Li, a formidable figure this time! Even the most upright officers started to worry that they might not withstand the investigation.

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