Thirty minutes later, the grand hall of the imperial palace was teeming with courtiers. Each courtier wore a rosy complexion in past court sessions, but today was different. Many of the present courtiers had allied with Li Er during his ascent to power, creating a relatively relaxed atmosphere. However, their expressions were now worn, as if they had endured sleepless nights and exhausting labor.

Li Er glanced at them and summoned an internal court messenger. “Any absentees today?” Li Er inquired knowingly. The internal court messenger consulted a small notebook and began listing the courtiers who had requested leave. As expected, apart from two or three genuinely elderly and unwell individuals, the rest on sick leave hailed from the five surnames and seven clans. Li Er felt even more relieved. This was the power of Su Li’s deterrence!

If it were anyone else, even someone like Zhangsun Wuji, daring to confront the five surnames and seven clans wouldn’t have resulted in such a quiet court session. Those from these aristocratic families wouldn’t be taking sick leave. They would come to the grand hall, even if they were half-dead, just to challenge Zhangsun Wuji. They understood the pros and cons, always aware of their place. They weren’t afraid of making enemies. When facing influential courtiers like Zhangsun Wuji, they would become fierce adversaries, ready to attack.

Even if Emperor Li Er himself clashed with them, they had ways to tarnish his reputation. However, no one could have foreseen that Su Li would be taking action against them. A sardonic smile played at the corners of Li Er’s mouth. It had been four years. Perhaps some had forgotten how Su Li had earned his noble title. The five surnames and seven clans had encountered Su Li’s blade at an unfortunate time, and they could only blame their own misfortune.

Li Er observed the courtiers from his elevated position, noting their tired appearances. The factories of these aristocratic families hadn’t complied with Su Li’s decree either. Though they weren’t as audacious as the clans, they had still violated the law to some extent. Some of the hundreds arrested the previous night must have been their associates.

Li Er couldn’t help but sigh, feeling an odd sense of relief. “They only remember their interests when they’re thriving, not when they’re facing consequences… Thankfully, I realized this early.”

Meanwhile, in Lu Chengqing’s residence in Wannian County, members of the five surnames and seven clans gathered once more to discuss their course of action after the major incident.

“Everyone, let’s discuss how to handle this after such a significant event,” Lu Chengqing proposed as he surveyed his colleagues. These individuals, who had once been full of vigor, now wore ashen faces, looking as if they had suffered great losses.

Those who had risen to positions of power within the aristocratic families weren’t fools. What Lu Chengqing could think of, they could too. Thus, he was certain they were equally perplexed about dealing with Su Li.

“He’s incredibly ruthless… He dared to kill!” Lu Chengqing mumbled to himself, visibly shocked by the news. His younger relative, Lu Qiqing, expressed his anger, “Are we, a thousand-year-old prestigious clan, afraid of a prince with no roots?” His words hung in the air, but no one responded. Afraid? They had believed they weren’t afraid, yet Su Li’s willingness to kill had revealed their true fear. This time, Su Li had targeted their stewards. Who knew if the next time, the blade might fall on their leaders? Claiming they weren’t afraid was self-deception. “We aren’t afraid of him, but it’s not worth engaging in a life-and-death struggle with Su Li just for mere interests,” Lu Chengqing sighed.

The others quickly found this proposal agreeable and nodded in unison. A Zheng clan representative of Xingyang said, “Given Su Li’s current determination to eliminate threats, it’s wise for us to take a step back for now.”

Members of the Cui clan of Boling concurred, “Indeed, those factories aren’t directly registered under our households. We can easily create some distance.”

“In this current situation, minimizing losses and securing survival is the right course of action. Even if Su Li is formidable, can he trace the connection to our households and shut them down?”

They engaged in discussions and soon settled on a plan. These factories were indeed not officially registered under their names. At their level, many things were understood but left unsaid. As long as they remained silent, could Su Li genuinely continue targeting them?

Even though the beheaded steward bore the surname Lu, they had previously reclassified him as an ordinary citizen under the Fanyang Lu clan. Legally, this person had no affiliation with the Fanyang Lu clan. Could Su Li forcefully link their Lu clan just because Lu Yang and his descendants had worked for them in the past? Such an accusation would be baseless, and if Su Li dared to pursue it, it might work against him.

These aristocrats were indeed wise. Despite their tough talk, their actions were cautious. Nevertheless, they felt no embarrassment about it. This skill had been passed down through generations. Having no shame was preferable to losing one’s life. Survival was a more practical goal.

Soon, the attendees left the room, leaving Lu Chengqing and Lu Chengtai behind to discuss further matters.

“I heard you had a close friend in Luoyang who had a good relationship with Su Dingfang,” Lu Chengqing mentioned casually.

Lu Chengtai nodded and inquired, “Big brother, are you considering asking Su Dingfang to mediate with Su Li?”

Lu Chengqing sighed and replied, “Su Li is formidable. We can’t predict his next move while trying to minimize our losses and survive. It’s prudent to find someone to communicate with him and seek reconciliation.”

As he spoke, the sense of defeat on Lu Chengqing’s face became more apparent. Despite claiming that losing face wasn’t a major concern, human emotions were delicate. As the head of a prestigious family, enduring repeated humiliations by Su Li without a means of retaliation was challenging. Who could truly find peace in such a situation?

Pleading for mercy through intermediaries might feel like offering their own faces for Su Li to step on, essentially announcing their surrender. But Lu Chengqing felt compelled to do it. He was certain that other aristocratic families would also send intermediaries to negotiate with Su Li once they returned home.

Despite the discomfort they all felt, their minds were clear. As aristocrats, they didn’t need to vie for short-lived victories. When confronted with challenges they couldn’t overcome, they had a strategy – the “wait it out” approach. If they could outlast the troublemaker, they would eventually prevail. After all, who could live for centuries? This strategy had been tried and tested for centuries and had never failed. This time would be no exception.

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