Chapter 99

Carlo looked at the blinking red lights with interest . Alex’s plan was pretty obvious, he must’ve called his new friends, and asked them to head towards four different directions . Such a basic plan and with this time limit, might’ve proven effective if his opponent wasn’t Carlo .

Yet Carlo who was suppose to be smiling, because of the simplicity of Alex’s move, was actually looking at the screen very seriously . In this whole room, nay in this world, there was no one who knew Alexander better than he . So when he saw Alex use such a childish plan, he knew something was up .

The four trackers he placed on Alex’s group, couldn’t be removed, so that means, the two Amamamis weren’t together, since he placed a tracker on each . Was Alex plan to separate the two, as to make it harder for Carlo to capture them?

’No there must be something more to this . . . Yet what is it? There’s this irritating feeling in the back of my head, that I just can’t get rid off . . . What’s the play here Alex? What is it that you plan to achieve with this childish tactic?’ Thinking on how his very own son, was trying to outwit him, made Carlo smile in glee .

His son, who has never disobeyed an order, who has always done things for the sake of strength, was changing and it was happening right before his very eyes . Carlo was getting excited his plan of bringing Alex back home, might actually have a breakthrough . He might actually gain true blue grandchildren sometime in the near future .

’Wait! No, let’s not get ahead of ourselves Carlo . I just need to wait patiently, that Rachel girl or even that Kain girl, it doesn’t matter who, I just hope they can get together already . Okay getting too far ahead, I need to concentrate in this bet first . Why the hell is my mind wandering . . . Wait what’s that?’

Carlo who was daydreaming, finally noticed Alex’s suspicious movement . Of the four trackers, one was heading towards the mansion . He was heading towards Carlo . This must be the real play, but what does it mean? Carlo was getting a bit excited in witnessing what Alex had planned, he then looked at his watch there was only six minutes left before he truly begins to try and capture them .

"Keep me informed of their exact locations . Also send out three teams to do recon on each of the trackers location, of course aside from the one that’s coming here . It should be a six person team, make sure each team consists of B and A ranks . Also if you spot Lyner, do not engage no matter what, and inform me immediately . " After informing the butler in charge of surveillance, Carlo headed outside to greet the person with the tracker on him .

Once Carlo got outside he was surprised to see who it was that came directly to him . It was actually Alex . Carlo couldn’t understand this move of Alex, but he still retained his cool looking demeanor, even though he was thoroughly confused .

"Oh Alex what are you doing here? What about the bet, are you here to forfeit?" While Carlo was saying this, he had a sudden thought, Alex was alone? Without waiting for Alex to answer, Carlo checked the car he came in, there was no one there .

Carlo then contacted the head butler . "Do a thorough sweep of the mansion . Leave no room unchecked, look into the ventilation, checked the underground passageways . Make sure to inspect every corner of the mansion . "

After giving his command, Carlo looked at Alex whose stoic expression never changes .

’Even after I gave that order, Alex as usual has the perfect poker face . Not even a twitch, does that mean I was wrong and no one is in the mansion? Usually even a tiny bit of a reaction could be a clue, but as per usual Alex is not giving me any . ’

It was at that moment, both Alex and Carlo’s alarms started to ring . It signified that Carlo can start to chase the targets . Carlo was about to move out, but Alex spoke before he could do so .

"Dad where is Lilitth?" Hearing that it was a question about his adorable daughter, Carlo felt he was obligated to answer .

"She’s at her friend Niki’s house . She will be sleeping there this evening . " Once he was done answering Carlo wanted to head out, but was once again stopped by what Alex said .

"Don’t you want to know, why I came here? If you like I could tell you . " Carlo looked at Alex’s ever stoic expression, and started to think about what Alex said .

’Wait a minute! He is obviously trying to delay me . ’

Carlo didn’t bother to answer Alex, and continued to head towards the garage . Alex followed him, obviously going to try and delay him, is what Carlo thought .

Carlo picked the fastest car he owned . As he was readying himself, and was about ready to leave, Alex once again spoke stopping him .

"I’ll tell this to you now, Seiji Amamami is here in this mansion . I secretly brought him here, and now he is hiding right under your nose . " Carlo who heard what Alex said, tried to discern if what Alex was saying was true based on his expression, but same as before it proved pointless in the face of Alex who was ever stoic .

"Also I’m not really Alex, I’m just someone who dressed up as him, and I’m currently wearing a very sophisticated mask that looks exactly like Alex’s face . " This was once again delivered with Alex’s signature indifferent tone of voice .

Carlo didn’t even bother to respond anymore, and quickly left the garage, lest Alex say something distracting again .

As Carlo headed to the nearest tracker, he kept on thinking about what Alex said . He just couldn’t get it out of his system . What Alex did was obviously a delaying tactic, but what if it wasn’t just that, and he was actually telling the truth .

This was the second time, Carlo felt that the situation wasn’t under his control . The first time was when he lost his leg .

’Am I truly getting that old? I’m just forty four, I’m not that old yet . Still just to be sure . ’ Carlo informed the head butler to keep an eye on Alex .

"It doesn’t matter what you plan Alex . This year’s annual bet will end with my victory, same as usual . " Carlo who had won five years in a row, was confident that he would win this year as well .

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