Chapter 100

As carlo was nearing the first target, he had a sudden realization . The Alex who was talking to him was still wearing the long coat, he also spoke to him at a certain distance . Was that Alex actually telling the truth? Was he really a fake? Was Seiji Amamami really in the mansion?

Carlo couldn’t head back, since he was already near one of the trackers . So instead he contacted the head butler .

"Simon, I want you to casually ask Alex to give you his coat, afterwards I want you to see if there is any difference in Alex’s physical appearance . See if he’s too short, or too tall, if he is bulkier than usual, just report to me if there is anything different about him . "

"Roger that . " After hearing the head butler’s response Carlo hanged up, and proceeded to the area where the tracker’s signal was .

Carlo then arrived in an abandoned building, he then met with the recon team who was designated to follow this specific signal .

"So who is it? Is it one of the Amamamis?" Carlo asked the team leader of this recon team .

"Sir, we couldn’t confirm who it was . They were all wearing a long coat, sunglasses and caps . Also the three here had hidden themselves inside the building . " The team leader reported .

"I have no time for this, smoke them out . " Carlo gave the team leader an order, in which the team leader responded by equipping his men with 38mm anti-riot guns .

The recon team then proceeded to fire Tear Gas Solution into the building . After a few minutes, the three people who were inside got out, while crying out .

Their sunglasses were gone, and it was revealed that this group consisted of Kei, and two of the Amamamis bodyguards .

"Why did you do that?!" Kei cried loudly at Carlo . He had no idea what was happening, he simply followed Alex’s instructions, to come to this place alongside these two people, while wearing some kind of disguise .

He wasn’t expecting he would be bombarded by tear gas . He knew Alex’s father was after them, but that’s all he knew . He really wasn’t expecting Alex’s father to use something like tear gas .

Carlo approached Kei, "I’m sorry about this, don’t worry kid I will compensate you for this, but first let’s clean you up . " Carlo then ordered the recon team to give first aid to Kei . The recon team who were ready for such an order had already started to flush Kei’s eyes with sterile saline .

"Once again, I’m sorry about this . If you need anything just ask my men . I will tell Alex to give whatever you want as compensation later, but for now I’m in hurry . " After saying what he wanted Carlo then proceeded to go to the next location .

While driving he was contacted by the head butler . "Sir, I have done as you instructed . There seems to be nothing different with the young master’s physical appearance . His height and even weight are exactly the same as his past records . "

"Wait a minute, you got to weigh him?"

"Yes sir, the moment I ask for the young master’s coat, he suddenly asked me if this was the request of the master . I of course didn’t respond to that, and the young master didn’t wait for a response, he simply proceeded to take the coat off, and said that if I want I could even weigh him and measure his height . "

When Carlo heard the head butler’s report, he had this irritating feeling like he was the one who was dancing in the palm of Alex’s hands . It was always him who did this to his opponents, but now he was in the receiving end, and it was done by his son no less, Carlo felt both proud and vexed .

"Okay then, continue to keep an eye on him, also inform me if he does anything unusual . "

"Roger that . "

. . .

A few minutes after the call with the head butler, Carlo received another call from Recon team C . "Sir! Emergency Lyner is-" The team leader of Recon team C wasn’t even able to finish his sentence before the call was cut off .

Tsk, Carlo clicked his tongue, he then changed the direction he was going towards, and headed to Recon team C’s location instead . He guessed that Lyner must’ve done this to force him to go his location, this meant that it was the final tracker that had the Amamamis, but even with this information he needed to go to Recon team C, or Lyner might actually kill them .

He had heard from Alex how unpredictable Lyner was . So Carlo didn’t want to risk the lives of his men, just to kill the irritating Amamamis .

. . .

The area where Lyner was spotted was in Alex’s school, in the club room of the Mercenary Club . Carlo checked the time, It was now exactly 19:28 just a few more hours and Alex would win . Yet Carlo had no choice but to do this .

Carlo knocked on the door, but there was no response . Seeing that he was losing time, Carlo entered the room without waiting for a response .

Upon entry he didn’t step forward, since he immediately noticed that the whole room was filled with something similar to piano wires, but much thinner . The only reason Carlo noticed the wires immediately was because there was a tiny bit of blood in one of the wires .

Carlo then saw Recon Team C tied up in the other end of the room . It seem like only one of them sustained a minor injury and he was already bandaged . Carlo then tried to look for Lyner, he then remembered the report Alex gave him about Lyner, and as expected he was sleeping soundly on the bed .

"Sir Lyner, sorry for disturbing your sleep, but may I have my men back? . . . I’m going to assume that your silence means that your answer is a yes . " Carlo who was holding his whip like sword in his right hand, carefully cut the wires .

He then slowly approached his men, and wanted to try and free them, but the moment he got close enough, he felt an immense pressure behind him . Carlo ducked and rolled backwards, he then looked at where he felt the pressure from .

As expected the immense pressure was from Lyner who was now awake sitting on his bed . He looked at Carlo with a vicious smile plastered on his face .

"As expected from the father of that child . You really are as good as they say . " Lyner then threw a red blazer at Carlo .

When Carlo caught the blazer he noticed the tracker he had placed, this must be Alex’s blazer .

"When those kids came and begged me to help them I wanted to refuse, but since I am kinda the adviser of the their club, and the request was simple enough, I reluctantly accepted . Take Alexander’s blazer and keep it by my side . It was a simple request, which I could do while I slept . Who knew that doing this will actually summon forth the famed Messenger of Death . I don’t know what you and your son are doing, and frankly I don’t care . . . But if it means I can play with the very famous Messenger of Death, then this request wasn’t so bad after all . "

Lyner’s eyes squinted a bit, as his fighting spirit rose . Lyner the merc who wanted to find the ultimate battle, was getting extremely excited .

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