Chapter 76

Alex steeling himself, used RELEASE and attacked the loli, using his gun . With the effects of RELEASE Alex’s kinetic vision had gotten far better, and he was now able to see Lilitth’s movements much more clearly . Alex then tried to shoot Lilitth’s legs but she was easily able to dodge .

’Tsk, it seems like long range attacks wont work, same as when I fought Lyner . Fighting people with reaction speeds this fast, really is a problem, they wont be hit by weapons that are linear in nature . ’

Alex discarded his gun, since he knew that it would just weigh him down . He then proceeded to ready himself for a close range fight . Alex held two military grade knives on both hands . Lilitth continued her assault, even while using RELEASE Alex could barely fight properly .

Even though he already convinced himself that he needed to kill the girl, some part of Alex was hesitating . Alex continued to be passive as he blocked the attacks of the loli .

"Hahaha! So that’s it?! That’s all the ’Silent Flash’ is capable of? I didn’t really need you after all, I-" The electronic voice was cut off, because Alex had found the hidden speaker and camera in the room, and threw one of his knives at it .

Though Alex was a bit irritated by the voice, he had to admit, being this hesitant will cost him, not only his life, but the life of Eva as well . Alex gritted his teeth, and started attacking, this time he was serious .

Lillith might have the advantage in terms of pure physical abilities, but the way she attacks was simple and direct . This kind of movements make her no different from a wild animal, there was simply no technique displayed . She’s relying too much on her super human strength to attack, making her attack pattern easy to predict .

Alex finally getting used to her movements was able to dodge, and with no more hesitation he tried to pierce her heart using his knife, but the moment his knife made contact with her skin, the knife shattered . It did not just break, the knife actually shattered .

Alex backed off, surprised by how hard her skin was . Lilitth unperturbed by the knife attack simply kept on attacking Alex, unrelenting to her assault . Seeing how hard Lilitth’s skin was, Alex came to the conclusion that the weapons he had on hand wasn’t going to do anything to the loli .

’So in the end, my preparations weren’t enough . If I brought ’that’ this battle would have been easier . No use thinking of what ifs, I’m no longer that little weakling that couldn’t do anything . This body of mine is my greatest weapon . ’ Alex began attacking the girl with his bare hands, using them like they were swords .

This was the ultimate technique his sword instructor thought him . Anything could be a sword, and the ultimate path of a swordsman was to become one with the sword, his sword instructor took that in the most literal sense . He trained Alex’s body to be tough enough to become the sword itself, now coupled with instructor Dan’s RELEASE, Alex was using his best moves in close range .

. . .

Lilitth had been in a dark place for a very long time, and when she opened her eyes for the very first time, she saw the world of light . In this world she learned that she had no parents, but she had many siblings . When she learned she had siblings, she wanted to meet them . Yet when she asked the adults around her, if she can meet her siblings . The answer they gave her made her realize what kind of place she had in this world .

The adults told her that all her siblings are dead, and she was nothing more than a weapon . She needed not to think about such things, and only needed to follow orders, to the best of her capabilities .

Though Lilitth, looked like a little girl, her way of thinking wan’t that of a little girl . The innocence of youth was still there, but the logic of an adult was also present . Lilitth questioned why she needed to follow their orders, and she started attacking them trying to escape from the facility, but then without her noticing the room started to fill with some sort of gas, and she was parlayed, but only for a moment, the antibodies inside of her was not like normal humans and worked at a frightening pace to remove the paralysis .

The researchers knowing this, did something to her . Lilitth started to forget, and once again she was place back into the dark place .

The second time she woke, the same results happened .

The third time she woke, she was now facing someone, and her body wasn’t moving, she couldn’t control it . She then heard an unfamiliar voice, saying she needed to kill the enemy . When she heard the order, her body moved without her consent, she then started attacking the man in front of her .

She didn’t want to do this, but no matter how she struggled she couldn’t control her body . She wanted to scream for help, but stopped herself from doing so . Even though she was sure she couldn’t scream even if she wanted to, even if she was able to ask for help, no one will come to help her .

Why would anyone come to help, a weapon like her? She wasn’t even truly human, she was simply a tool . Knowing these facts, Lilitth suddenly felt empty .

She then noticed that the man in front of her seems to be hesitating, his subtle movements didn’t go unnoticed by Lillith who had superior senses . She noticed the delay of his attacks . . . Why? Why is he hesitating?

Lilitth couldn’t understand why the man in front of her was hesitating in killing her . She was attacking without reason, and so fiercely . Right now as she couldn’t control her body, she wouldn’t hesitate to kill the man in front of her . Yet even in such as situation he hesitates .

This situation was not something she could comprehend, surely this man knows she was not normal . Surely he knows that Lilitth was simply a weapon . Then why does it look like he was the one getting hurt every time he attacks?

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