Chapter 75

Alex used the ID card for the iron door where Eva was held hostage, but it didn’t work . "Can you open the door, where Eva is held captive?" Alex asked, but the maid assigned in communications, was confused by the question .

"Young Master, the door is already unlocked . "

Alex was confused by what the maid said, he placed his hand on the handle, and indeed it was open . He then noticed a faint odor, coming from beyond the door, it was an incapacitating agent . The smell was pretty weak, it would seem that the gas has already disappeared from the room .

Alex quickly entered the room . Once he got inside the room, he saw Eva sleeping on the floor . This scene was truly different from what he saw on the monitor . Alex was about to pick Eva up when, he heard the door locking from the outside .

"Hey what happened? . . . Respond . Can anybody hear me?" Alex was trying to communicate with the maids but was unable to . Alex sighed, ’so it truly was a trap, good thing, I checked the area before heading in here . ’

"Hello Alexander Samarita . " The electronic voice once again echoed in the room . Alex wasn’t surprised, since he had a feeling that something like this would happen .

"You’re as stoic as they say . Not even surprised that you have been trapped? . . . No, well that’s a bit boring . " The electronic voice seem disappointed by Alex’s lack of reaction .

Five minutes passed and none of them talked . "WHAT THE HELL! Aren’t you going to ask anything? Like who I am, why did I lure you here or trapped you? . . . Nothing . . . Really? Not even a, curse you kinda deal? No . . . Fine then, go act cool and all that, in the afterlife!" The electronic voice, got tired by the lack of a proper reaction, even a proper talk was denied . So it decided to blow them up .

What about his subordinates one might ask, he didn’t care . All the mercs guarding the factory, where mercs hailing from the Southern Union, and from the Granado Empire . It didn’t care what happens to those who aren’t Berdonian .

What about the gang members then, they’re Berdonian right? No the person behind the electronic voice doesn’t care about the lives of thugs, them dying for their country is the best they can do for Berdonia .

"You know, I was going to tease your father about saving you, then he would race here, and once he got here, BOOM! You’ll be dead, and he was too late . That was my original plan, but since you’re just irritating me, I just want to blow you up NOW!" The person behind the electronic voice clicked something on its end .

It was watching from a camera with a bird’s eye view of the factory . Excited to see the fireworks, but a few seconds passed and nothing happened . The person behind the electronic voice tried to press the button again, but the explosion never happened .

"No matter how many times you press that button, nothing will happen . " Alex finally talked back, after checking Eva’s current state .

Hearing what Alex said, the electronic voice asked . "What did you do?"

"I disabled all the bombs inside the building, as well as those you placed outside . . . Did you really plan to kill even your own subordinates?" Alex asked the question he wanted to ask, ever since he found the bombs .

"As expected of true blue Berdonian! Such intelligence, such skill, too bad you and your father decided to not help your very own country . Such a shame . . . "

"You haven’t answered my question . " Alex didn’t care about being praised by a lunatic, he just wanted to know what the person behind the electronic voice felt, about trying to kill his subordinates .

"Your question? . . . Oh, killing my subordinates right? No, what I’m killing are Southern Union scum, and Grando Empire dogs . Those things aren’t my subordinates, there just pawns in my little game against you . " When Alex heard the answer, he felt bad for the mercs working for this person . Even though they were the worse kind of mercs, they still didn’t deserve this kind of employer .

"Are you done with your questioning? . . . Well since you didn’t die by the explosion I planned . I guess a more painful death is in order . . . Here let me show you something Alexander . " Alex could here something moving within the room .

Alex shielded Eva, since he didn’t know where the attack will come from, he decide to cover Eva using his whole body .

It was then that one of the walls opened, and beyond the opened walls Alex saw a girl . A little girl, that looked like she was around eight or nine years old was in a tube . Alex couldn’t understand what he was seeing, why would his enemy show him this girl?

"Alex meet Lilitth, the perfect artificial human, or she was suppose to be . She is the closest thing that this factory has made that was usable . She was born smarter, stronger, and more adaptable than the current human race . She was suppose to be the first in a long line of super soldiers, but the project turned out to be a failure . We couldn’t accelerate her growth, since that seems to cause damage to her brain . So we needed to wait for her to grow up! Not only did we wait, for years, we waited in vain . Once she was at a proper age to be used, we tried to train her, but with her high intelligence she questioned our motives, and wouldn’t follow orders . "

"So we needed to wipe out her memories, and retrain her . Still that didn’t work and the same problem happened again . So then we used an experimental object, we haven’t given it a name yet, but let’s call it a mind control chip, since it works with the same principles . So now she follows every order, but guess what, simply following and not improving had made her obsolete . I couldn’t find any use for her, until now that is . "

The tube holding the girl opened, and the little girl who just awoke looked at Alex, her eyes shown nothing but blackness, it was like Alex’s in the past .

"Lilitth kill the enemy!" Once the command was given Lilitth moved from her spot . Alex could barely follow her movements, but he was still able to block and redirect the punch the little girl released . Yet that punch from a little girl that looked like she weighed less than thirty kilograms was able to push Alex a meter back, even though he blocked and redirected the strike .

Alex looked at the little girl called Lillith, and in his heart he asked for forgiveness, since Alex knew that the girl was simply being controlled . . . But it was either her or them, Alex had no choice but to fight seriously and kill the loli .

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