Chapter 158

Alex was feeling relieved as he was able to get there in time to stop the blade of the enemy from taking Rachel’s life . He looked at the surrounding people and they seem to have a lot of people on their side . Still it wasn’t a problem for him to deal with this much .

Alex calmed himself first before looking at Rachel . He saw that Rachel had been wounded all over, but not as much as Niel .

While Alex was looking at Rachel’s wounds, the man who was about to stab Rachel got a bit angry that he was being treated like he was a nobody . It was obvious that Alex didn’t treat him as a threat, that’s why he was showing his unguarded back to him . So without hesitation the man attacked Alex from behind, but before he could get close enough he felt a piercing pain on his chest .

He looked at where the pain was coming from, and he saw an unusual looking sword stabbing at his heart . The man was shocked as his life slowly faded away . The other people who saw the way Alex killed the man were stunned . Most of them weren’t even able to see how Alex moved to make the kill .

Alex who had just killed a man, blocked the view from Rachel . He then picked Rachel up and asked . "Rachel are you alright?"

Rachel who heard Alex’s stupid question smiled . "Do I look okay to you?"

"Don’t worry I’m here now, and I will protect you . " Alex with a calm voice reassured her that everything will be alright .

"I know, you will . You, my knight in shining armor . " Rachel reached out her hand to touch Alex’s face . As she was about to reach him, a bullet had pierced her head .

Alex who saw what happened was stunned . His mind couldn’t process what he just saw . He was confused as he now held the lifeless body of Rachel . Kumiko who saw her daughter get shot in the head screamed in anger and grief .

"Rachel!" The three brothers shouted their sister’s name as well . Alex who was still holding Rachel’s body heard Kumiko and the others screaming Rachel’s name . Feeling all the warmth disappearing from Rachel’s body . Alex started to palpitate, he couldn’t understand what just happened there right in front of him, as he held her in his arms, as he told her he would protect her, she died! Rachel died!

’No this isn’t happening! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! Didn’t you promise me that my story will be a happy one if you where there! No! No! NO!!! This can’t be happening to me again! This must be a joke! This isn’t happening! This isn’t real!’ Alex’s sanity was slowly disappearing .

Alex then gently carried Rachel’s body and placed it on the side . It was also at that point that Kumiko and her three sons have finally arrived beside Rachel . Kumiko hugged the body of her dead daughter and cried her heart out . The three brothers knelt on the floor as all the blood drained from their faces when they saw Rachel’s lifeless body .

"Kumiko please take care of Rachel . I will finish this in a flash, and once I’m done will bring Rachel to a hospital . "

"Alex Rachel is already . . . "

"NO! SHE IS NOT! . . . Don’t worry just stay there and wait for me . " Alex then used RELEASE at full power . Alex readied his sword, and moved . The road were Alex was stepping on started to crack and in a sudden burst of movement a loud boom happened . Alex suddenly disappeared from sight, and after two seconds Alex reappeared three hundred meters away from his initial spot .

All the enemies Alex passed by suddenly burst into piles of sliced flesh . Their blood rained all over the street . The other enemies on the roof weren’t even able to react before Alex moved again and once more bursting bodies could be seen .

Now the only one left was the man who had shot Rachel . He wanted to flee from the monster, but he just couldn’t . The fear had gripped his very soul . At this moment his legs were shaking badly, as they slowly gave in and he fell on his butt .

When he felt the dread of hopelessness overcome him, Alex suddenly appeared before the man, and cut off his fingers . As he saw his fingers detached from his hands, the man screamed in pain . He looked at Alex with utmost fear . The next thing Alex cut were his legs, next were his two arms . Then finally Alex used his right hand and pierced through the man’s chest clenching his heart, and squeezing it from the inside .

When he was done with the man who shot Rachel, Alex stopped using RELEASE and slowly walked towards Rachel’s side . This was the first time Alex had used RELEASE beyond one hundred percent, and it was taking an extreme toll in his body . The pain was so much, that Alex actually fainted twice as he was walking . His body was slowly dying as he continued onwards to Rachel’s side .

When Alex got to Rachel’s side, he could no longer see properly and some of his bodily functions had stopped working . He wasn’t even able to see Kumiko who was hugging Rachel, nor Joseph, Roland, or Gabby . All he could see at this point was Rachel .

Alex was now crawling his way to Rachel’s side . Kumiko and the others who saw Alex current state felt even more pain . The boy who her/their daughter/sister loved was now in this kind of state . The four of them started to cry even harder, as they saw the boy who knew Rachel for such a short amount of time, was actually suffering so much more than them .

Alex who was finally able to sit right beside Rachel, was now breathing heavily . He took hold of Rachel’s cold lifeless hand and spoke .

"It’s alright now Rachel, all the bad guys are gone . They wont hurt you anymore . . . Hey . . . why aren’t you talking? Are . . . you . . . mad that I . . . was . . . . too slow in . . . . coming to . . . your rescue?" Alex was now having a difficult time speaking, but he still continued talking .

"Okay . . . I was . . . wrong . . . so why . . . don’t . . . you . . . hit me . . . Rache-" Alex was unable to finish what he wanted to say as his consciousness and his life was fading away .

. . .

Alex felt his body was extremely light . When he opened his eyes, he was in his usual school uniform, as his body was going upwards towards the clouds, there midway before he reached the clouds . He saw someone waiting for him .

It was a familiar looking girl ,wearing that familiar looking school uniform . She was a beautiful girl with long black hair, that was tied in two messy low pigtails . She had a fringe just above her blue eyes, her body was fair and slim . She smiled a bright smile at Alex .

"You idiot why did you follow so quickly?" Alex smiled at the girl as he answered .

"Well I did say I will protect you . So of course I need to follow you wherever you go . "

Rachel shrugged her shoulders and smiled even wider . "At least you aren’t throwing me this time around . "

"Well I got to learn sometime, somehow . "

Hearing his answer Rachel giggled as she held out her hand and Alex took it . There the two then began their journey towards eternity together .

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